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  • What Do You Think Of This Girl's Name?

    -- Emilia Freya --

    This is just for list purposes - I'm not expecting or anything like that. Normally not a fan of double 'a' endings but there's something about this combination that I personally find quite striking. Please rate and leave a small comment. Spelling of Emilia is staying as I pronounce it slightly different to Amelia (which is just as lovely mind) and it's just the spelling I prefer.

    All opinions are welcome but please keep them tasteful.

    Thank you,



    11 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago
  • What do you think of this girl's name?

    -- Niamh Arabella --

    Just a combination I came up with while answering another question and was just wandering what your thoughts on it were (rate and comment would be appreciated please). All opinions are welcome but please keep them tasteful.

    BQ -- Any middle name suggestions for the name Emilia (eh MIH lee uh)? I tend to go for classic, feminine, traditional and slightly vintage sounding names.

    Thank you,



    9 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago
  • Which Middle Name For Bethany?

    - Bethany Alice

    - Bethany Florence

    - Bethany Freya

    Please choose ONE and explain why you've gone for that combination. All opinions are welcome but please keep them tasteful and I'd appreciate no more suggestions.

    Thank you muchly,



    17 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Thoughts On These Boy Names?

    -- Aaron Matthias

    -- Joshua Levi

    -- Vincent Ezra

    -- Christopher Jude

    -- Jonah Malachi

    Rates and comments would be greatly appreciated. All opinions are welcome but please keep them tasteful.



    7 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • First Name Suggestions For The Middle Name Wren?

    I really love the girl's name Wren, though I see it working better as a middle name than a first. However, I'm struggling to pair it up with the right first name. I quite like the sound of Natalie Wren or Cecelia Wren, but other suggestions would be appreciated as I'm not totally sure.

    I'd appreciate names which are traditional, timeless, feminine and vintage sounding, with perhaps a quirky or whimsical undertone. All suggestions are welcome and thoughts on Cecelia Wren and Natalie Wren would be great too.

    Thank you muchly,



    8 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Nickname Suggestions For Madeleine?

    I have had Madeleine Ivy on my list as my #2 for ages now, but I'm still not set with a nickname (which would only be used 99% of the name as it is). However, I don't like Maddie (which is the most obvious) and whilst I've had Lena as a potential for some time, it just doesn't really appeal to me all that.

    With that in mind, I was just hoping for some nickname suggestions for Madeleine that are perhaps not common/obvious or perhaps a mixture of the combination Madeleine Ivy itself. Please note that I'm not pregnant and that this purely for name list purposes.

    Thank you muchly,



    6 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • What Are Your Top 5 Girl Names?

    Just curious as to see what everyone's Top 5 is looking like at the moment. Mine are:

    - Isobel Clara

    - Madeleine Ivy

    - Lydia Iris

    - Aria Violet

    - Emilia Seren

    BQ: What do you think of mine?



    31 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Thoughts On These Names?

    I've been revamping my lists recently and these are a couple of combinations I've been playing around with. I was just hoping for some insightful comments on the names below and what you personally thought of them.

    - Girls -

    Enya Katherine

    Elisabeth Anna

    Phoebe Elena

    - Boys -

    Aaron Matthias

    Oliver Jacob

    Vincent Jude

    Elijah Matthew

    All opinions are welcome but please keep them tasteful.



    6 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Thoughts On These Boy Names?

    I've been doing a revamp on my names list recently and I was just hoping to get a few thoughts on these combinations that I've been playing around with. A couple of these names have me "stepping out of my comfort zone" as it were, and actually going for names I actually quite love but haven't been brave enough to add to my Top 20 before - however, they're not too out there, just a tad different from my normal style.

    Rates and detailed comments on each name would be really appreciated as I find those sort of answers really helpful.

    -- James Dorian

    -- Benjamin Casper

    -- Judah Nathaniel

    -- Gabriel Isaac

    -- Roan Alexander

    -- Dean William

    -- Vincent Thomas

    -- Evander Blaise

    -- Noah Sebastian

    -- Jensen Rupert

    -- Christopher Axel

    -- Isaiah James

    BQ: If you saw the name Elia what gender would you assume it was for? What do you think of it (perhaps based on that decision)?

    BQ2: What do you think of the name Phoebe Elena? Or does Elena Phoebe work better?

    All opinions are welcome but please keep them tasteful.

    Thank you muchly,



    5 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Thoughts On These Girl Names?

    -- Penelope Anna

    -- Elia Katherine

    -- Emilia Seren

    -- Leonie Charlotte

    -- Hermione Florence

    -- Luna Roisin (row SHEEN)

    -- Eva Lillian

    -- Caroline Daphne

    -- Lucy Matilda

    I've just been playing with combinations recently as I'm in the middle of revamping my lists. I just wanted some thoughts on the following combinations before I add them to my Top 20. Please rate and comment as I find these answers really beneficial. All opinions are welcome but please keep them tasteful.

    Thank you muchly,



    9 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Which Way Round Does This Girl's Name Flow Better?

    -- Lillian Eva OR Eva Lillian

    Opinions on the name are also welcome, but please keep them tasteful.

    Thank you muchly,



    17 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Thoughts On My Top 10 Boy Names?

    Haven't done this in a while and since I've been moving names about recently, feedback on my Top 10 would be appreciated. Rates and comments are great and insightful, so if you could leave a small one then that would be lovely. Oh and the little * indicates combinations that honour family and friends.

    1. Lucas Andrew*

    2. Benjamin Samuel*

    3. Zachary Charles*

    4. Ethan Daniel

    5. James Alexander*

    6. Theo Sebastian*

    7. Matthew Isaac

    8. Nathaniel Joseph

    9. Oscar Timothy*

    10. Joshua Aaron

    All opinions are welcome but please keep them tasteful.



    6 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Thoughts On The Name Aubrey For A Boy?

    This is one name that's kind of snuck up on me in recent weeks. I never used to actually like it, but there is something about this name that has really started to appeal to me - though I can see it as a middle name contender more than a first. Anyway, that aside, I was just wondering what you're thoughts were on this name etc. I know some will probably say it's a girl's name (or may prefer it for a girl) but I personally think it's too masculine sounding and lacks femininity to be considered suitable for a girl.

    All opinions are welcome but please keep them tasteful.

    BQ: Which combination do you like best with Aubrey as a middle name from the following? Please rate and leave a small comment.

    - Benjamin Aubrey

    - Christopher Aubrey

    - Dominic Aubrey

    - Nicholas Aubrey

    - Oliver Aubrey

    - Reuben Aubrey

    Thank you muchly,



    14 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Thoughts On These Boy Names?

    -- Benjamin Samuel

    -- Ethan Daniel

    -- Reuben Isaac

    All opinions are welcome but please keep them tasteful. Rates and comments are really appreciated as they help give me insight etc.

    Thank you muchly,


    13 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Which Pronunciation Of This Girl's Name Do You Prefer?

    -- Arya --

    Pronunciation 1: Ah ree uh

    Pronunciation 2: Ah ya

    Until quite recently, I thought that Arya/Aria were the same name, just with a variant in spelling. However, I came across the name Arya the other day to actually find it as being of a different origin and meaning to the very similar Aria, and alongside it a different pronunciation. Though I currently have Aria Violet on my list, I've actually begun to lean towards Arya Violet more, though I'm aware of the similarities between the two names may cause concern when saying the name.

    Anyway that aside, out of the two which do you prefer/which pronunciation would you be more inclined to say on sight? Thoughts on the name Arya would be greatly appreciated as well.

    BQ -- Aria Violet OR Arya Violet?

    Thank you muchly,



    6 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Thoughts On This Girl's Name?

    -- Isobel Clara* --

    Isobel has been my #1 girl's name for ages, but I've never truly found a middle name for it that I'm completely happy with. Recently, however, this combination has been appealing to me quite a lot and it has taken the #1 slot. I was just curious as to what you thought of it and all opinions are welcome, just please keep them tasteful.

    *Clara also honours family. It is a variant of the name Clarice and honours my Grandma, who recently passed away.

    Thank you muchly,



    10 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Thoughts On My ,Top 5 Girl Names?

    1. Isobel Seren

    2. Madeleine Ivy

    3. Emilia Clarice

    4. Aria Violet

    5. Lydia Iris

    Comments on each name would be greatly appreciated as I find them insightful. All opinions are welcome but please keep them classy.

    Thank you muchly,



    12 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Thoughts On This Boy's Name Combination?

    -- William Asa --

    Asa is a new found love of mine, but I see it as a middle name contender than that of a first name, and whilst playing around with combinations this is one that really struck me. I was just wondering what your thoughts on this combination were. All opinions are welcome but please don't be rude.

    BQ -- Do you have any first name suggestions for the middle name Asa?

    Thank you muchly,



    4 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Middle Name Suggestions For Clara?

    I tend to go for feminine, classy, vintage and yet slightly quirky sounding names. I would appreciate NO unisex names please, and nothing trendy either.

    Thank you muchly,



    13 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Would You Ever Stop Your Child Becoming Friend's With Someone Based On Their Name?

    I was watching a TV program earlier in which one interview was about how one woman doesn't allow her child to befriend someone based on their name and how they personally feel about it. There was a lot of anger over this matter, but there did appear to be various feedback. For example this woman wouldn't allow her children to befriend someone who was called Tyler or Charmaine because, apparently, the names send off a negative reflection of the child, even though she hasn't met them.

    Now, I'm not pregnant and nor am I planning to have a child anytime soon, but I was actually shocked by this woman's attitude. Whilst I may not like certain names, I personally wouldn't stop my child from associating with them. A name doesn't make the child, and I think it's wrong for someone to assume that just because their name is something like Chardonnay (for example), that immediately means that they're not the sort of person who you should want befriending your child. Firstly because it's not up to them what their name was and secondly because it's shallow of the parent. There's wanting the best for your child, naturally, but I also feel that there is something controlling about this.

    That being said, what are your personal thoughts on this? I'm curious to know.

    Thank you muchly,



    16 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago