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What's a good calorie free drink other than water?
I'm trying to lose some weight and I just get sick of drinking water all day... sometimes I like a little flavor :)
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years agoWhat kind of Career Should I do ?
I'm a 24 year old Mother of 2, and right now I work in fast food part time. I went to college to be a Medical Laboratory Technician, did that for a few months but I hated my job and the pay really sucked. So I quit, started working back in fast food :( (pretty much get paid the same and I get to spend more time with my kids, but I hate it too! I mean who wants to work in fast food forever)
I really want to go back to school next year but I have no idea what I should do.
I thought of being an LPN (nursing) because I have a bit of medical knowledge but I really don't know if it's for me or if I can do it.
I don't like office work so that's out of the question, I'm good with kids and have experience there but don't think I can deal with screaming kids all day that are not my own lol
I love art but don't that's not stable enough. Ok I'm babbling but to make a long story short, I need a career that pays decent, is flexible enough to be with my kids, and something I'll enjoy that keeps me busy. Any sugesstions?? Thanks :)
2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years agoBands like RED, We are the ocean,skillet, breaking benjamin?
Looking for music with both singing and screamo, doesnt have to be christian, but if it is I don't care
just looking for something thats not to hardcore and not too soft :)
1 AnswerRock and Pop10 years agoShould I switch from formula to milk?
My daughter is 16 months old and right now she is on nestle transition formula ( yellow can) I'm wondering if I should keep her on that for all the added nutrients or just switch her to milk. Can I give her 2% I know a lot of health care providers suggest whole milk but my daughter is a big girl ( 9.9 pounds at birth) and 25 pounds right now, is all the fat in whole milk needed for her since she is already a big girl?
3 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years agoMy 3.5 year old is chewing his hands ?
It's to the point where the skin is breaking and peeling and I'm not sure what I should do, is there something I can put on them to make him stop because he doesn't listen when I tell him to ( or he does it behind my back) could he be teething at this age or is it because his younger sister does this ( she's 10 months) any advice will help thanks.
1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoDo you think he is still cheating?
My boyfriend and I have 2 kids together one was born recently and about 3 weeks before she was born he cheated on me with a girl he works with, now I work here too but was not working there when this happened (on Mat leave) I knew her too and worked with her as well. So I ended up finding out just before I had the baby and I told him I would give him a second chance and we would move past this, He said it was a mistake and would never happen again. She ended up quiting a week after I found out as well, so now I am back there working and she came in today to get food, (it's a restaurant) and it really pissed me off, These past 5 months have been hard and I'm trying to move on and seeing her made things worse and I got really mad at him! and he didn't get why I was pissed, I have no evidence this time, but my gut is telling me that it's still going on, am I the one who should just move past this and forget about it, is it because the trust is gone that I still think it''s going on, Any advice would be helpful :)
3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoAnyone tried SlimQuick with results? If so what kind of diet and exercise plan did you use?
I started about 3 weeks ago and lost 4 lbs so far but I can't seem to lose anymore this week (I'm on the 4th week) I know it's probably going to take some time but it is so frustrating seeing no results and then it puts me down and I wanna give up. SO I'm wondering if anyone as seen results in say about 6 months? My goal is to lose around 40-45lbs by Feb but I don't think I'm going to make it. Is this a healthy realistic goal . I'm not using the slimquick plan I am using my own:
My workout plan is 5 days a week I do the 30 day shred
and 4 times a week I use my exercise bike for 30 mins
and I eat around 1300-1550 calories a day
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago3 year old son delayed speech development possibly autism?
My son just turned 3 in August and he is very smart, he know shapes, colors, alphabet, he can draw faces and enjoys doing so , His speech is okay he is a little behind and always has been since 18 months. If I ask him to say something he will
repeat after I say it but a lot of the time he as problems trying to get his words out like for instance I will ask him about the book we just read and he either forgets completely or will think and say "wee awah skating in book " a lot of the times he talks he has a gibberish word/words in front of something he says most of the time it starts with W. To get to the point, he also shakes when excited, can't sit still, plays with his food, lines up cars once in awhile, acts pretty hyper at times, doesn't listen or ignores me, sometimes put hands on ears, covers his eyes when he doesn't want to do something, he barely looks me in the eyes when I try to teach him stuff, shouts alot and will repeat something to me until I say something back. I am taking him to get checked out at the end of this month but I really want to know if this behavior is normal for a 3 year old and what I can do to help him. Do you think this is Autism??
8 AnswersPreschool1 decade agoConfused about daily calories?
I have no idea how many calories I need a day to lose weight... I have checked a few websites some say 1500 some 1200 and others say 1200 is too low and I can go into starvation mode... I currently have been eating around 1550 with some progress but now that I have upped my fitness I feel like I am always hungry. I don't want to eat more for fear of gaining the 10 pounds back that I have lost. Any helpful hints on daily calorie intake and fitness are appreciated :-) I'm 5 foot 7 and currently 180 pounds hoping to be 140 by the end of Dec/Jan Also I am doing the 30 day shred 5x a week and exercise on my stationary bike 3x a week. THANKS
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago2 and 1/2 year old boy speech problem?
My son talks a lot, which is great, but the only thing is when he tries to put sentences together his speech is very jumbled and sounds a lot like gibberish. He says about 50- 100 by themselves no problem with a little mispronunciation of course but he is only 2. Every word that has an L he says with a W like Clown is Cwown, and his sentences are like weee a wee ohhh a gloo and that how he speaks, Is this normal for his age I know he can say simple words and understands almost everything I say.
6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoI want to take my 2 year old swimming... What accessories do I need?
I don't really want him to go in the water without some sort of safety device (even though I will be right beside him) What should I use? a life jacket? a tube? or something else?
5 AnswersSwimming & Diving1 decade agoI don't understand the whole weight loss and starvation mode thing?
I have been struggling with my weight for 2 years now, since I had my son . In December I lost 16 pounds due to stress .For 2 weeks in March I lost 8 pounds from only eating 500 calories and walking everyday. I exercise a lot and now that I have been eating normal amounts of food I am not losing anymore so If "they" say if you don't eat properly and get the right amount of calories a day you go into "starvation mode" Then how come in December and March I lost that weight from barely eating and guess what? I have not gained a pound since.... I eat 1800 calories a day now and I am just staying the same no matter how much I exercise so if I go back to barely eating I will lose weight So why do people say you will go into starvation mode and not lose weight???
37 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoBright red bleeding and clots in early pregnancy accompanied by mild cramps , Has this happened to anyone? ?
I went to the ER and after 13 long hours, I was sent home with barely any information. I just found out last week that I am pregnant anywhere between 2 to 4 weeks, anyways I woke up feeling sore and I noticed when I used the washroom that I was bleeding, not too heavy, but enough to worry so that why I went to check it out they gave me 2 types of ultrasounds internal and external and they could not see anything as it is really early.. so I had a number of blood tests done and they came back ok I am pregnant and my Hcg level was at 25 which is fairly normal for this early in pregnancy by this time I am bleeding heavier and there are some clots anyways to get to the point the Doctor said it could be one of three things an ectopic pregnancy, a miscarriage or I am fine they don't really know as I said I am really early so they are having me come back on Friday to get more testing for the HCg levels and if they are normal then the baby should be okay but He said more than likely due to the bleeding that I am losing the baby... I am so scared and I don't know what to think I am hoping everything is going to be okay but I am preparing myself for the worst . Has this ever happened to anyone else and the baby survived ?? Do you think I am Miscarrying? I am looking for serious answers only this is a touchy subject for me ..... Thank you
3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoWhat actor played the best joker?
Who is the best joker ever?
Cesar Romero- Batman (TV)
Jack Nicholson- Batman (Tim Burton)
Mark Hamill- Batman: The Animated Series
Heath Ledger- The Dark Knight (2008)
6 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade agoI need help on writing a paragraph on painting or any activity ?
i need 4 supporting sentences and a concluding one on some sort of activity or hobbie .... the audience should be an interested adult and my topic should be something that I could share with my grandmother( which I dont need to, it says that in the text book)plz help thanks
1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade agoDoes Anyone know what this website or program is and where I can find it ????
I saw this commercial a long time ago, and you take a picture of any room (in your house) you want decorated and you can add things to it from the site .... you can change the color of your walls, add decor and art and completely make the room look amazing without lifting a finger I know there is stuff like this out there but you can't add the room from your own house you want decorated just wondering if anyone knows what I am talking about and where I can find it ?????
1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling1 decade agoHow do you know if you have a thyroid problem ???
Are there any symptoms?....... I am going to the doctor today ,and I was just wondering if anyone had the same problem, I'm trying to lose weight and it's just not working I have been trying for 8 months and I have only lost 2 pounds !!!!I eat healthy (no junk food what so ever) I only eat about 1200-1800 calories a day. I exercise for 60 minutes 6 days a week. Sooo I am trying my *** off to lose it... it's just not working. Has this happened to anyone? I am a mother of an 11 month old (not breastfeeding never have)and I had a c section ( i don't know if that has anything to do with it) just looking for some answers before I go to the docs
4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoPlease Help My 11 month old is driving me crazy!!!!?
I really don't know what to do ... but lately all he does is whine and cry and throw fits(there is nothing wrong with him what so ever) He used to sleep through the night now we put him down and about an hour later he is screaming at the top of his lungs, I can't get him on a schedule no matter what I do.... I feel like I'm failing as a parent
7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoPlease answer nicely I need an honest answer?
ok I am 190 pounds and I feel like S*** I'm so sick and tired of looking at my self in the mirror What can I do to lose weight by christmas, I wanna be 130 pounds I dont care if its unhealthy or healthy ohh I dont have much money for myself it all goes towards my baby soooo I cant go to the gym or anything wat is the best way to lose weight for FREE
16 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago