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My F150 truck is acting weird?
About a week ago my ford f150 started shaking back and forth..not a vibrating..its almost like someone is holding the truck and roughly shaking it in short quick shakes. It does this when you go from a stop and start off again and also when you hit about 50mph. I just had all the fluids checked and topped off, not sure if that matters. Also whats weird is it stops doing this when its in over drive..It is a automatic and has no issues switching gears. Could this have something to do with the fuel intake? Its a 2000 ford and has oh, 130,000 miles on it..somewhere in there.
7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years agoHow do I care for swan eggs? Urgent?
We have a pair of swans that live in our back yard, we live on a river, and they started making a nest about a month ago and a week after that mama layed eggs. Our new neighbors have small pets and kids and the swans apparently attacked them and I dont know who did what but the swans are gone. Its been about 3 hours and I brought the eggs inside and have them under a heat lamp and its reading 101 degrees on them. I dont know what to really do though for them, Im not usually someone to disturb nature but I have been waiting for them to hatch and with the parents gone I know they wont...any help?
1 AnswerBirds8 years agoshutting off water bill before due date?
We live in austin texas and for the past several months our water company has been shutting our water off days before the due date for the bill. They then refuse to have any managers or supervisors call us abck till way after the due date and then try charges us several hundred dollars for fee's for them to have to come out and turn it back on and it seems as if they are double billing us. I calculated it and we should only owe them about 80$ a month and we have no bills that were never paid to them but every month they are saying we owe close to 200$ for fee's that they do not explain when we call them. Can they turn the water off before the due date and charge us for all the extra fee's?
1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden8 years agoFiancé is married to his phone.?
My fiancé is always on his phone, constantly on fishing forums and talking to his friends, one guy he speaks to every second of everyday (and I know for a fact it's a guy). We had an arguement about it the other day because he answered a call while I was in the middle of asking him what this weekends plans were and when he got off his phone his answer was "I don't know why you get so mad, your here hen I get off the phone". I seriously want to break it. He knows I hate it and I'm not trying to be overly controlling, trust me he has a very very long leash. I just want him to be here again, he can be home physically but he won't get off his phone ever. He even puts it in a water proof case to shower with it. Someone has already told me to make rules about no phones at this time anf no phones while we eat and he just laughs and says yeah right that I'm not his mom. Can someone help me please
4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years agoHow can I keep my fiance off his phone!?
When we met back in fiance hated phones, hated when I was on mine around him and would hide it from me.
Now he has a smart phone and is ALWAYS on it. He will be on it from start to finish during a movie, if we are out to dinner he will be on it and will answer phone calls in the middle of dinner. He is never ever off it and its really annoying. I will ask him to do something or watch the baby and he wont hear me at all because he is so tuned into his phone.
He gets so pissed when I ask him to get off it and pay attention to the movie or the dinner we are having and he typically wont talk to me after that or wont get off it. I get that people have stuff to do but he is ALWAYS texting friends, talking to the same guy at least 3 times a day over the phone and non stop over text, or on a fishing forum..if it was work it would be one thing but its not anything that should be more important than me and his son.
Any advice? He knows it bothers me and he said he really does not care, that he has limited time to talk to some of these people due to their jobs and he isnt going to ignore them for an hour.
4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years agohow to be sick with a toddler?
me and my fiance are sick with a horrible virus, our 15 month old has some loose stools but has not been sick like we have been. Its so misserable and we dont know how to take care of him while we are sick, and not get him sick. We have no family within 2 hours f us which really sucks :/. anyone have any advice?
2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting8 years agowhats wrong with this dog?
I have been fostering dogs (mostly GSP's) for over 5 years now, I have 3 great danes of my own and decided I wanted to foster them as well. We got our first male and new little about him upon picking him up. He is 1 year old and in other wise good condition. He was kept in a crate at the shelter for about 2 weeks because he was afraid of the other dogs. We brought him home and after him finally getting used to everything we decided to bathe him...Oh my lord...I dont know what we did wrong there but all hell broke loose. having 6 dogs in my house typically I am well aware that they shed..but this was insane! especially for a great dane.
He full on clogged my bath drain before I could even wet his whole body, I have spent 3 days brushing him and I can fill up a dyson vacuum canister from bottom to top after only 10 minutes of brushing him. I have never had this issue before, I have had dogs with really bad coats that have had hair loss but it was nothing a few baths and some brushing wouldnt fix, im really over whelmed with this. Even though I have alot of dogs Im a bit of a neat freak and you can tell what furniture in my house he has touched due to there being handfulls of hair in spots where he bumped up against a table or couch.
I just dont know what could be causing him to have so much hairloss all of a sudden? anyone know a way to fix this? he is on a very good grain free salmon food by merrick i believe. Im just beside myself on how to fix it, I took him to a groomer today to get brushed out and they brushed him for an hour and said that they cant really do anything more. He was looked at by a vet right before we picked him up and has no real skin issues....i just dont understand it?
2 AnswersDogs8 years agoHow can I report someone for this?
My fiancé lost his phone at a store today. The pants he had on had shallow pockets and we figured it fell out. We checked on craigslist and sure enough there was an idiot who posted an ad about finding his same phone, we asked for pics and it has the same crack in it from our sons teeth. My fiancé is going to "meet" with him tomorrow to get the phone but I was wondering if there was anyway to get the kid introuble for trying to sell a phone that did not belong to him.
3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years agowhy am I nauseated after working out?
Im a young female who had a baby about a year ago and after seeing what I now look like in a bathing suit I decided its time I work out..I have never really worked out before, I ran some cross country in high school and showed steers and pigs so I got enough of a work out from all that. I used to be 5'5 and 116lbs, i was pretty fit. Now im 5'5 and 135lbs...I figured I would go onto youtube and find a few routines for the problem areas I had and they were all simple and didnt seem that bad. I figured I would start low (15-30 reps). Mainly I want to target my stomach, butt and thigh area..well after working out for only 5 minutes I started to feel terrible..I finished the workout and could barely stand my legs were shaking so bad and I felt so nauseated. I have no known health conditions and other than being 20lbs over weight im pretty healthy. Am I just over doing it for now or should I just ignore it and work through it?
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years agoWhy do I bleed so much?
I have a 7 day period and knew I bled alot but never really measured it till I started using the diva cup. for the whole 7 days I measured over 800 grams me this does not seem normal at all but I cant find anything to compare it to on the web. is it normal or should I be concerned about it? I do get really anemic but my dr was never concerned about the levels
2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years agoIs it normal for a girl to bleed this much?
People Iam soooo sorry for asking this..but the only person I can ask (my dr) does not believe I bleed this much... Anyways, so my whole life I have had heavy periods, I sent my fiance out to get me tampons and he asked why I needed the biggest size ( I use the super plus) I told him it was because they lasted the longest. Anyways he was reading the back and was shocked that they held 17 grams. What shocked him even more was that I have to change them about every 2 hours (sometimes less) because they will leak all over if I go any longer. So he feels as if this amount is not normal but after 10 years almost Im used to it so Im not really sure whats an ok amount and whats not. So does anyone know if bleeding over 17 grams in 2 hours is a cause for concern or is it just a typical heavy period?
1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years agoWhy is my period this late?
Me and my fiancé do have unprotected sex. He does not "go" in me but I'm well aware of the fact that it can still get me pregnant but I know that the chances are slimmer. Were not really trying to get pregnant but we are not really trying to prevent it either. My period is now 9 days late, to my knowing I have had no spotting and I don't really have any stand out symptoms. Is there anything else that can cause my period to be this late? I have no medical issues (just went to the dr 2 weeks ago actually) and my last period was only a day late. I thought it could be stressed but I really have not even been stressed at all these past few months. Anyone know what the issue may be?
3 AnswersPregnancy8 years agohow can I solve this issue without going over board?
My fiance is not the worlds best person..his biggest fault is he is a flirt. Basically when we met he was talking to me and hooking up with another girl as well, she left him and I never know about this till a year into us being together. I didnt really care till I found him trying to meet up with her one day to "hang out" he says..sorry but I found it odd that his old hook up would drive over an hour just to hang out and the fact that he straight up told her not to say anything to me was not good either. So basically my issue is I really want to trust him, we have been together a really long time, longer than most people are married..but hes such a flirt and a liar. My biggest issue is his phone and his facebook, I dont snoop, he does not do it to me so I dont do it to him. But I know he talks to his ex's or his old hookups because stuff is mentioned on facebook and they always act giddy and constantly like eachothers posts..I mean constantly..he could say hes clipping his nails and at least one of his fling things would like it..would it be wrong of me to ask him to delete them? I just dont see what they possible have to talk about and its never appropriate at all. Theres no sex talk to my knowing but they talk about missing eachother and songs that remind them of eachother and it just pisses me off.
2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years agoDoes anyone know where to buy this piece?
We were given the graco hexagon pack and play, its the sport one. I can not find it on their website so that leads me to believe they dont make it anymore.It came with no base piece, does anyone know where to or how I would go about getting any base piece for it?
1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting8 years agohealthy snacks for a 14 month old boy?
My son does not have an issue all..and since he is only 14 months old and already is 31 inches tall and weighing 29lbs, I know he is growing just fine. He is not in daycare and stays with me all day. But now that daddy is working from home we are ALWAYS out. Going to parks, going fishing, we are really never home except to let him nap if we are close by or if we have house work to do. So lately he has been getting alot of animal crackers, goldfish and "eat out" food (not fast food but im sure not any better). Does anyone have any healthy homemade (or store bought for on the go) snacks or even quick meal ideas that can be pre made and stored. I have found a few but they are one meal recipes and with the amount he eats I like to be able to have more than one serving.
3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years agoHow to go about getting a new boat title?
My fiance has had a boat that his dad gave him waaaayyy back when..his mother ( nicely put) is a ***** and insisted that the title be put in not only my fiance's name but also his stepdads..and he is now dead. His mother refuses to give us the title and keeps sending us copies she makes. We are wanting to buy a brand new boat so how would we go about getting another title or a copy of the original ones thats valid, so we can sell the boat we have? And without having to deal with her because she truely is a lost cause and even stole my truck once or trust me just "asking" her again wont help.
5 AnswersBoats & Boating8 years agoGenital wart spreading question?
My first question is, can someone randomly get a outbreak of genital warts after years of being with one person who was never infected to begin with? And if those 2 people have had sex, but the female has continued having clear pap smears and exams, does that mean she's not going to get them?
1 AnswerSTDs8 years agoquestions on potty training boys?
My main question deals with the little urinals that hook onto a toilet side, has anyone used them and how did it work out for potty training? I have seen some that are green and seem so simple to use but my whole family keeps lecturing me on how I need to use a regular toilet and make my son sit...well sorry but from past experience I know that them sitting means that you wind up cleaning up alot of pee that they manage to shoot out of the toilet. also how do you know when to begin potty training? again my family pushed me into trying to potty train my son at 10 months and he just did not understand it at all. he is 14 months now but still is the typical "slow" boy and does not talk or really understand how do I know when or how to begin potty training? his dr said wait till he is 2 but that sounds way to late for me.
4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years agoWeird rash on toddler?
My sons pediatrician keeps saying my son has a heatrash and that's her only answer, the other pediatrician said she didn't know exactly but that it was a rash..well duh..I can't keep taking off work for appointments that tell me nothing but his rash worries me. It started a few weeks ago in a couple small clusters on his elbows. The dr said he would be fine and now almost 3 weeks and 6 dr trips later it's all over his body, except his head. They are very tiny bumps that have almost no color, unless you feel him or are super close you can't even see them. They are almost like tiny tiny pimples but are not white. They also seem dry at the tips as they are rough. He has not had a fever to my knowledge, eats like a horse, and they don't seem to itch him. I don't know if a 14 month old can itch or not but he isn't bothered by them. We live in Austin Texas, not sure if our area matters. Does anyone know what this could be? He's also not in daycare but we did bring in a foster dog who was treated for fleas..but since they are all over I'm not sure if they could be fleas. Or doe anyone know what I could put on him that will help?
1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler8 years ago