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  • Why has nobody got the guts anymore?

    Why has nobody got the guts anymore to ask questions about immigration with 3 million unemployed.about gay marriage,about fighting a war in some **** hole in Africa,about twats making millions while old people go hungry,while 30% of our young people(who are our future) are fed crap about education education education when we all know its fekin horseshite because they will come out with the skills of loading bloody shelves but a degree in contemporary dance or media studies.

    When is Somebody going to put an end to this horse shite?

    6 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • A question for Honda workers?

    Now that Honda have announced up to 800 redundancies at their Swindon car plant

    how many of those 800 will,in 6 months time be moaning about the "extortionate"

    levels of unemploymet benefit payed to those idle feckless folk who do not want to work.

    We are told by the great and the good that somehow unemployment is some kind of

    lifestyle choice.Redundancy dont seem like much of a choice to me!

    2 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • So who is going to jail?

    HSBC bank is going to be fined 1.9 billion dollars for money laundering on behalf of major drug cartels and terrorist organisations.

    Now somebody had to deal with these people within the bank so when are they going to be jailed?

    Or is it going to be the same old shite again one law for the plebs and another for the cockroaches.

    8 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Anybody else bought a shite O2 dongle?

    Bought an O2 dongle the other week to use in my truck.Only dongle there is bloody me!!!

    What an absolute load of crap.

    Would be better writing a bloody letter and sending it tied to a soddin sloth than trying to log on to the interweb with this piece of crap.How do these shites have the nerve to sell this garbage?

    Will be taking it back to the lovely O2 shop and telling the very pretty lady where to shove her 13 quid a month dongle.

    Never know she might get better reception with it stuck up there?She can push the contract up there as well.

    What a bloody rip off.

    3 AnswersOther - Internet9 years ago
  • How can you have 4 "cheapest"?

    Missing something here! If energy companies are being limited to just 4 tariffs and everybody is going to be put on the cheapest tariff then which one is the cheapest.Why have 4 if they are all the "cheapest"

    Will it still be that,as it is now, if you have very little money you will still pay more fore your gas and electric than somebody who has "loadsamoney" so gets it cheaper.

    But then that's the "cheapest" so will you be offered that?

    You bet your sweet asss you wont.Another fekin con by these tory twa*s

    8 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • These A**holes cannot be real can they?

    So the latest plan folks When somebody gets released from jail as they walk out the gate a "mentor" is there to guide these "lost souls" back onto the straight and narrow.This "mentor" is an ex con who has seen the light.

    He cant give any you money he cant give you anywhere to live he cant find you employment but he is there to stop you re offending.

    But the best bit is that these "mentors" will work for private companies who will get paid if re offending is seen to be reduced and will no doubt make millions from tax payers by massaging the figures.Easy way to get these figures down is to giver the "mentors" a pistol,shoot the ex con and bingo every bodies a winner.

    The government have reduced re offending,the private companies make a bloody fortune from the tax payer and the prison population is reduced.

    Only some dik tory could come up with this shite!!!What fekin planet do they live on for christ sake.

    Talk about cuckoo land .The numpties who come up with these ideas should be locked up.not in a jail,but in a bloody asylum.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • So who is going to vote today?

    So which of you people out there are going to drag their sorry asss out today to vote for some well heeled tow rag to climb aboard the gravy train and become a 100,000 pound a year leech?

    Anybody dumb enough to believe that a "police commisioner" from the "old boy "bloody network is going to cut down on police corruption,legalised murder or introduce"transparency" into the biggest "gang" out on the street?.

    11 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Something a bit strange?

    I was driving down a dark road last night with a vehicle about 30 meters behind me.The car had HID headlights but it also had LED running lights.

    When I looked in the mirror the head lights looked just like an ordinary set of headlights should but the weird thing was that the LED running lights seemed to jump up and down in the refection in my rear view mirror.I have noticed this before with the LED destination panels on the front of buses,If you catch them in your mirror they seem to jump about as well.

    Anybody got any theories?

    2 AnswersPhysics9 years ago
  • Time for old plod to have a rethink?

    Gone are the days of "blind obedience"excuse the pun.Even your oh so straight died in the wool tory is starting to question "fell down the stairs bullshite.

    This new bollox with "elected"police commissioners shows that even the morons that "run" this country can see that the populace are losing faith in the way they are policed.

    It is time that the police are called to account for their actions and if they overstep the mark they pay the price like the rest of us.

    If not they are as good as declaring war on the people,a war they will lose.

    People can only swallow so much shite then they start to gag.

    1 AnswerCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Starbucks and the tax man?

    What really piisses me about this is not starbucks screwing the tax man(best of luck to em that SOB has been screwing us all for fekin years) No what really gets my goat is that some tow rag company can make 3 BILLION a year selling crap twatachinos or whatever they call them to a bunch of prriks!!

    Its a bloody cafe,a cafe for diks with ideas above their station admittedly,but still a bloody cafe.

    eg Starbucks on a motorway services in the Midlands,Twatachino drunk in what is virtually a fekin shed 3.99 and a miserable monkey serves you yet 3 miles down the road at Hollies truck stop a cup of coffee in a fekin proper cup mind served by friendly staff no matter what time of night or day only 80 p.Not only are these monkeys screwing the tax man they are screwing all the oh so nice numpties that go in there and buy this shite.

    Like their style screwing the rich greedy dumb fekers both ways

    Almost brings back your faith in mankind dont it. Lovin it

    2 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Am I missing something here?

    Whenever a government announces a rise in national insurance contributions the ones who wail loudest are the employers because they have to pay in more same as the employee.They tell us that this causes them to lay off staff or at least not recruit as many people

    This pays for peoples state pension amongst other things

    So how come we have heard no bleating about this new scam the workplace pension scheme?

    The employee pays in but so does the employer but nothing about laying staff off or cutting down on recruitment here.

    Is this a different kind of money that just appears out of thin air or are employers so very very worried about our old age they will willingly forgo their profits without a whimper?

    4 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Who do I pass my knowledge on to?

    Hi folks I have been a heavy truck mechanic now for over 40 years.Been there heard the bull and got the T shirt.I know that they say experience counts for jack sh*t today but in reality we all know that comment is a load of bollox

    Without experience you have no real deep understanding of your subject.

    What really pissses me is that with all this shite in my head, is that(hopefully not toooo soon)it will all go to fekin waste because I have nobody to pass it on to.

    I know we got NVQs,diplomas,new "apprentiships" and all that old bollox but it means sod all unless you got some body there who has made many a f**k up in their time and learned a few lessons along the way.

    I just feel that in respect to the people who taught me at the begining that I should pass on my little bit of knowledge to a younger generation as they did in their time.

    And I know they love to slag off the "younger generation" as a load of fekless idiots but when I was 16 I was a fekless idiot as well but somebody gave a dam and taught me their skills.

    Just feel it would be such a waste to not pass on what they passed to me

    any suggestions?

    3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation9 years ago
  • And now the latest bloody scam?

    So as from today you "automatically" get enrolled in some bloody "pension" scheme that can take out up to 8% of your take home pay so you can live the life of Riley when you retire.

    Funny I thought we already had a scheme like this called national insurance where you and your employer contribute towards a state pension when you retire.So why do we need another one?

    You can of course opt out of this if you want in other words if your well off you don't need to pay it.

    And if your 22 and pay till your 68 you could get a whole 3600 a year when you retire whoopee fekin dooo but if you croak you can die in the knowledge that you bailed out a load of shysters and the money you've paid in has been pissed up the wall by another load of freeloaders.

    You even get a tax break on the money you will never get to see.

    A real fekin bargain eh!

    8 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • What would happen if China outlawed all nuclear weapons?

    Just say that China decided that all nuclear weapons are an abomination against humanity(which they are) and outlawed them world wide.

    They then decide to invade say France and the UK to enforce this law.

    Would the Chinese army be an army of liberation or an army of suppression?

    A country would never use nuclear weapons against itself so clearly they are a threat to other nations.

    So how can the west hold such high moral ground when they build these mega death machines and justify the invasion of other nations for their "human rights violations" carried out within their own borders which do not threaten their own populations,

    Countries such as Iraq,Afghanistan or Iran offer no threat to the west yet we hold multi megaton bombs over their heads and yet we try to justify their invasion to protect ourselves from attack.

    Attack from what? Curly shoes and genies in lamps?

    Are our societies so weak?

    6 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • How come you cant have the choice anymore?

    How come you can go fight in Afghanistan ,vote for some dikhead politician,drive a 5 or 6 litre sports car,get married,go to jail,get wasted on whisky,learn to fly a plane all at 18 yet you have to,under new "legislation" from next year have to be 24 to ride a motor bike that has a bit more power than a bloody dyson hoover.Who comes up with this shite and why do we put up with it.

    Why should some tool who probably once rode a moped and sh*t himself be able to decide when where and how everybody else can drive a bike over 47 bloody horse power?

    5 AnswersMotorcycles9 years ago
  • At last a job for the royals well some of them?

    After seeing the "picture" of dear old Harry walking away from a Helicopter in afghanistan in the Daily mail (are they takin the piss just look at it) and dear old Kate's puppies she could become a page 5 girl (that's a lower category page 3 girl ) and he could be a stand in for fekin action man but he would have to be taught how to act a little less wooden

    5 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Hypocrisy just aint the word?

    Load of folk on here telling me that Islam don't do "freedom" Now I don't really give a flyin f**k cos all religions are a load of bloody babble about fairy stories

    However its fekin rich for the Yanks and British to go on about bloody freedom.

    Who invaded Vietnam,Panama,Iraq,Afghanistan,Cuba,Korea,Cambodia and next on the list will be Libya,Iran or Syria.

    Where they get this crap that WE support freedom?And before you feed me the shite about "liberating" the people of these countries from "dictatorship" Look at the state we left Iraq in.

    Look at the state the yanks left Vietnam. And you can bet what state Afghanistan will be in when

    we pull out of there.

    SO before you start spouting shite about any religion being "oppressive" just have a think about the bloody legacy we have left behind.

    1 AnswerCurrent Events9 years ago
  • So whats the odds on who gets charged?

    So who do you recon will be charged with manslaughter at Hillsbourgh?

    The bloke who sells the pies

    The bloke who did too good a job welding the barriers

    The bloke who designed the stadium

    Or maybe the Sheffield fans

    Cos sure as hell it wont be no piggy and if by some million to one chace it is there is about a billion to one chance of the SOB seeing the inside of a jail cell.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • The good thing about a recession?

    When a country is in a "boom" and money sloshes about like water companies start to take on staff.

    Not staff that produce anything but pen pushers,consultants,human resources"managers" and other such free loaders.

    This in turn leads to a load of diks who know about as much as nothing running the company which starts to drag down the original profit making organisation by allowing these"executives" to implement stupid ideas that even a 5 year old could rip holes in.

    This then gets to a point where all companies go into decline and bang you got a recession on the horizon but at least in this recession its the useless tw*ts that are losing their fat as* jobs.

    Only problem is its us ordinary working class plebs that have to pay for these cretins dole cheques while they sit in their 300 grand houses bemoaning their bad fortune.

    " I mean,Rupert,all those years studying business economics at Oxford and look at me now,Hardly a silver spoon left in the conservotoire and poor Mellissa is having to drive a Ford Ugh!

    2 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • When do the "real" engineers get a mention?

    How come the only "innovators" that ever get a mention in this country are the "engineers" who design some bloody crap vacuum cleaner(dyson) or the other pillock who put a clockwork motor in the "wind up radio"?

    What about the people who design and build in the automotive,steel,construction,nuclear,air craft industries? They never get a bloody mention.

    Its no wonder that these real engineering "prodigies" bugger off abroad.

    This country would rather shower praise and money on some dik in a suit who has cut a banks losses from 5 billion to 4 and a half billion by sittin on his as* than recognise the real talent that we have in this country.We were once at the forefront of engineering excellence now we make fekin hoovers.What happened?(well we dont make hoovers we shipped production to Malaysia)

    4 AnswersEngineering9 years ago