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  • what is a good meal to serve at a family reunion. for about 20 people?

    We will be in the mountains in Colorado, and our family needs to prepare a meal for about 20 people. Anything helps thanks!

    6 AnswersEntertaining8 years ago
  • My mom thinks that I have put her on the 'back burner'?

    I am a freshman in college and I still live at home. I do spend most of my time over at my boyfriends, when I am not at school, or work, or doing homework and other things. I am taking 17 hours and my work load is really heavy. How can I make my mom understand that it isnt her, and I havent abandoned her, but I am just trying to live my life.

    2 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • What is something i can do for my boyfriend, so he knows how much I appreciate him?

    I love my boyfriend and he does so much for me that i want to give him something back that will make him extremely happy. Im thinking about a gift that will say 'hey i love you and your sooo amazing'. he is a film major and is really into cameras.

    Any ideas will help!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What are some of the best ways to detox?

    hey guys im trying to find a good way to clean out my system, and help get rid of my constipation. thanks for all the help!

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • want to loose belly fat!!?

    hey im looking for some tips, diets, and exercise advice on loosing belly fat. please help?


    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • what could this mean...?

    alright so the other night my bfs friend blew smoke in my face and he got really upset. and then a few days later another one did it... just to piss him off. If a guy blows smoke in my face what does it mean, besides just being rude.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • blowing smoke in my face...?

    alright so the other night my bfs friend blew smoke in my face and he got really upset. and then a few days later another one did it... just to piss him off. If a guy blows smoke in my face what does it mean, besides just being rude.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Stomach and side hurt...?

    OK for the past couple of days my right side, a little in the back underneath my rib cage has had a pain in it. My stomach is a little bloated, and i have some pains on my sides. It feels like i am constipated, but i have been going reguarly. And i have also been blowing my nose a lot, and have a lot of mucus in my throat. What could be wrong, because im kind of worried. And im 16

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • My side, and stomach hurt....?

    OK for the past couple of days my right side, a little in the back underneath my rib cage has had a pain in it. My stomach is a little bloated, and i have some pains on my sides. It feels like i am constipated, but i have been going reguarly. And i have also been blowing my nose a lot, and have a lot of mucus in my throat. What could be wrong, because im kind of worried. And im 16

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Thinking about getting a navel piercing...?

    Ok im 16 and i really want to get my navel pierced. But the last time i got my ear pierced (tragus) my mom said it had to be the last, cause she thinks im going to regret them later when i have a "career". So how should i convince her to let me get my belly button pierced? And i guess i can wait until im 18....but i really don't want to lol.

    12 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • 4 point navel piercing...?

    Hey everyone i was just thinking about getting a belly button piercing, and i didn't want just the average one, so im thinking about a 4 point piercing. I was just wondering how much they will cost, and if they will pierce it in one setting. If anyone has one it would be great to hear some feed back, about the piercing in general.

    Thanks :)

    Here is a pic of one, if you didn't know what it is. haha sorry if the link doesn't work.

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Should i just text him.....?

    Ok i really want to talk to this guy, and i never text him because im afraid he will think i am annoying. So i always wait for him to text me, or message me first. Should i just go ahead and talk to him first?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what can i do to tone my legs?

    Ok i just joined a gym, and i wanted to know maybe some machines i could use, that will specifically help me tone my legs. and also some exercises i can do at home.


    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Argg what to me...?

    Ok well i am 16, and my bf and i broke up about a month ago. He broke up with me saying that he still really cares about his ex, whom he had dated for 5 months. Anyway so we just started to talk, and we have hung out and did some 'stuff'. And when we hang out, its like we never broke up, we cuddle and watch tv like nothing ever happened. but earlier he acted like he wanted to hangout, but then he just never texted me back.... and idk if i should even talk to him, because i might just get attached again, and he will find a gf of course when i do.

    Please just give me some advice, in what i should do. : )


    12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Would you be able to smell it?

    Say if i was in my house, and i wanted to smoke. would you be able to smell it if i was upstairs with the window open and the door closed? and how long would the smell linger? say i would smoke pot

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Adam Smith vs. Mary Wollstonecraft.?

    we are doing a debate in modern world history, and i am on the Wollstonecraft side. the major topic is who contributed the most to Enlightenment. So i need some good points about Mary and some good ones against Adam Smith.

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • roles of gods in Iliad and Odyssey?

    ok i am doing a 10th grade term paper and i just need a few ideas for compare and contrast the roles of the gods in books The Iliad and The Odyssey.


    2 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Arrrg how to convince her?

    ok i have 6 ear piercings, my lobes double pierced, my left tragus, and my right cartlige. but anyway i want more ear piercings, but my mom doesnt want me to get them, because she says i will regret them when i am older, even tho i could just take the earrings out. i either want a industrial or just a regular cartlige piercing. how do i convince her to let me get it. oh and i am 16

    Thanks guys!!!

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Should i be offended? or just get over it? lol?

    Alright i am 16 and my brother is 12. We are about the same height tho. When we go out in public people always ask us if we are twins, because we do look alot alike. but i just get offended because i am older and they tell me i dont look older lol. Should i get worked up about it, or just not care?

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Why does it seem like this?

    Okay i am a mix between Caucasian and African American, and i am pretty lighted skinned. and i don't know if i am being paranoid Lol, but it just seems like darker black girls don't like me. Say in the halls at school they give me dirty looks, and they never talk to me, just dirty looks, and i have never done anything to them. And i don't dress "black" or "ghetto" i wear American Eagle and Abercrombie, sometimes i just feel like i don't belong.. Why are they like that you think?

    8 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago