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I'm a Native American/Japanese Transgendered Female, technically I'm male but live my life as a female. I'm 16 and Live in California, I'm a bit of a computer and gaming nerd! I love audio & computer hardware, I have a huge collection of gaming laptops! (2009-present) Some laptops I own currently (and sell! Since many are for benchmarking and not personal use) HP Envy 17 (Sexy Mackbookinspired look, the best HD screen i've seen) Toshiba Qosmio X770 (bang for your buck, only the lack of a 1080 resolution hinders its chances) Asus Republic of Gamers G74SX, MSI G Series, Samsung Series 7, Dell XPS X17, Batallion 101, Alienware MX18 (I think Dell is over priced with poor quality control and support, but I admit this SLI equipped machine is a powerhouse without much opposition), Clevo P270WM (except for this beast of a laptop that borders on impractical. I wouldn't call it a laptop anymore.) Scary/Nerdy me ->

  • Can anyone suggest a receiver 400$ or less with preamp and LFE outputs?

    Just wondering if anyone can help me find a suitable receiver that meets the requirements I need?

    I need a receiver capable of 2.1 stereo to use with two amplifiers (LFE/Subwoofer out + front channel L/R. I can link both amplifiers to pass along the output signal from the amplifier connected to the receivers preamp outs if it doesnt have a dedicated LFE/sub out, but if possible i'd like to be able to control the volume and low pass filter via the reciever instead.

    I do not need a 5.1/7.1 HT receiver, but if it is in my price range and offers the features need then that's fine. I just don't want to spend money on features and hardware I don't need, as I have two amplifiers I intend to use, but they are 2 channel stereo & bridged mono for my floor standing speakers and passive subwoofer, and I don't want to buy a multichannel HT amp or additional speakers. my main purpose is connecting my iPod, iPad & laptop to a receiver to listen to music with, and being able to connect multiple sources to one component (a receiver)

    My amplifier has no volume controls, only gain controls which aren't suited for that purpose, and it does not have any means of changing volume levels with a remote or such. So I need a receiver that has a volume controllable preamp out so I can adjust the volume and eq/balance etc. and control it via remote with the receiver.

    A dedicated preamp without a receiver is just out of my price range, so even though I do not require a receiver with a built in amplifier, it is a lot less expensive to just buy a model with an integrated amplifier. So RMS power rating is not important to me as long as It meets my needs.

    I do not have a lot of money to spend, so I'm wondering if there are any stereo or HT recievers I can afford for 400$ or less that offers the features I need?

    5 AnswersHome Theater9 years ago
  • Speaker Re foaming question?

    My expertise lies in computer software/hardware, and so I admit I know little about speakers aside from how they work.

    I was cleaning out my garage and found a pair of speakers my brother had owned back in 1998-2003? I believe.

    The manufacturer and model is Infinity SM 225. I have no idea if I should throw them away or if their is any resale value (as long as cost doesn't exceed what I'd put into them, I don't expect much just if I can make a dollar off something I will.)

    The cabinets are pretty clean, I can't see any tearing or scratches really.

    They work (I connected them to a 70 watt 8 ohm receiver I have just to test. I know enough about proper resistance at least as they are rated at 4-8 ohms.

    Can't say the quality was great because my receiver isn't much but the woofers/mids/tweeters worked as far as I could tell without any issues I could hear.

    The problem I do see however is, that due to their age I am guessing, is that the foam surrounds on the woofers are beginning to deteriorate. I have heard of people getting speaker surrounds re foamed or DIY.

    My questions would be:

    Is it worth re foaming theses speakers?

    Is it something I could do myself?

    Are the speakers worth selling at all?

    If not, how do you properly dispose of equipment like this?

    Just thought I'd ask as they take up space and I need to get rid of them, but If I can make a few dollars while cleaning then I don't mind.

    There are also two Infinity PS-12 Cabinets, which I'm assuming are powered sub woofers, though I didn't see if they worked or not as I don't have a proper LFC on my receiver anyways. But again, the issue is the surrounds are deteriorating.

    I have no clue about the speakers or the manufacturer so any help or advice would be nice.

    3 AnswersHome Theater9 years ago
  • Any suggestions for a protein supplement without whey/egg/caseinate?

    Like the title says, but a little more background.

    I am a vegan and I think I am getting a proper amount of protein in my diet on average, but I'd like to use a supplement to provide the rest when I don't get enough from the foods i eat. I feel healthy, and I don't really have any problems or signs of protein deficiency that I have read about, but I would still like to have more protein in my diet to be safe, I know how many grams I should be intaking per day based on my body weight though, to avoid the opposite problem of too much.

    I am also lactose intolerant, so I do not consume any dairy products which would be a good source of protein so my choices as a vegan can't include those items. I also don't eat eggs.

    I have been told that protein supplements (like powders and such) can include caseinate, which does not contain much lactose, however some people still have problems with it, as well as whey based protein supplements. As a vegan i also want to avoid egg based supplements.

    Any ideas on a good protein supplement or the best foods for me to get enough daily protein in my diet?

    I generally focus on soy, whole grains and alot of nuts and seeds, but being unable to eat dairy really limits my choices, and I am worried if I am getting enough protein without being able to eat dairy products.

    I can and do take lactose pills but, they are expensive and I can't really rely on them on a day to day basis because of that, So I don't get to have dairy products often. I usually just have a bowl of ice cream or a shake occasionally when I satisfy my sweet tooth.

    10 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • My dad concerned over what I wear?

    I'm sorry if this question seems silly or somewhat awkward, but I am concerned and appreciate real answers to my problem.

    First of all, my dad and me get along great for the most part, he has always been my biggest supporter and even at a young age he allowed me to express and openly live in the manner my gender identity does. I was allowed to dress as a female (with counseling, both family and personal) and he would always remain a loving dad regardless of how hard I know it must have been.

    Anyways, skip ahead to me as a 16 year old Transgendered male, living as a female for practically as long as I can remember.

    Me and my dad have been watching news lately and its been a hot topic lately, and he sometimes expresses concern about me going to college and the fact I am TG, I would be technically considered gay as I am attracted to men. He worries about the usual things, but also about my safety with men and discrimination against gays/lesbians/transgendered people.

    That is fine and I really do see where he is coming from, but it also is affecting our relationship because he has been bringing up how I dress as being inappropriate, and I admit I am stubborn too, because I have always been accepted and it feels like he doesn't support me fully now.

    Maybe I am overreacting but, it is how it makes me feel, and we have been arguing about it and I don't want to give in, and he doesn't either. I don't want to fight though, and I want to compromise and get back to having my dad as my encouragement and my strength in life.

    I have always worn female underwear, panties just feel comfortable and normal to me to wear as I have always worn them without issue. My dad has been expressing his discomfort and I guess, disapproval of me wearing certain styles, primarily more skimpy or sexy kinds.

    He has no problems with me wearing dresses, or female clothing as long as it is tasteful and not overly revealing for someone my age. So I think sometimes it is hypocritical and my issue is, I think that it is my business what I wear and my dad should respect that, but I do live under his rules still and I respect them, just I am confused what is the right thing to do?

    Should I keep dressing how I feel comfortable with and my business not his with something personal like my undergarments? or should I stop wearing what he says I shouldn't be wearing and respect my fathers wishes at least as long as I live under his roof? As for people who ask, how he knows what I wear, there wont be any weird answers, he doesn't go through my clothes and I don't parade around in my underwear around him, just we live together obviously and when you live with a parent its not that big of a stretch to understand he has seen my laundry, knows my taste in fashion, and taken me shopping often enough to know what I wear without actually seeing me in them.

    It sounds like a stupid little issue, and it really is, I just don't know what others would think or do in the same situation? Cause I really just want to stop this whole silly argument and get along with my dad again without us always getting upset over this constantly. I feel he is overreacting because he is just concerned about me being safe with men I suppose, I don't think what I wear as overly sexual, I like how I look and the way I look in certain underwear, but it is nothing more than that. I really like these styles but I am willing to change if I am the one that is being out of line here, I just am confused right now.

    Who is right here?

  • My dog had a seizure tonight?

    My dog (a husky/german shepherd mix male about 6 years old) had a seizure earlier tonight, well I am not 100% sure but the symptoms fit. He drooled a lot, had spasms and couldn't walk for around 10 minutes. I noticed he was acting this way and it scared me cause I couldn't do anything aside from sit on the floor with his head in my lap and calm him till it stopped.

    It all lasted for maybe 20 minutes (not the seizure but his behavior beginning to be normal, the seizure itself seemed to last only a minute) and he couldn't walk so I told him to just lay down with me for awhile. After around 20 minutes he seemed to be able to stand and walk a little shaky at first but soon he was back to normal as far as I could tell.

    He ran around the yard and I fed him, but am keeping an eye on him still.

    I was home alone so I couldn't take him to the vet myself, I did call afterwards but my vet apparently doesn't do housecalls or offer emergency after hours service. I did talk to him briefly, but I was upset so I didn't really think to ask all I wanted. He gave me some general information and such and I hung up after we were finished, he did tell me before I hung up to bring him in first thing in the morning, so I made an appointment, So please don't post asking me why I don't take him in right away, I can't cause there is no other vet in the area.

    So I will take him to the vet in the morning (well me and my dad anyways) but I just want to ask anyone that is familiar with seizures in dogs if this sounds like one? and what could I expect the vet to prescribe or suggest in treatment typically? I know there is no simple treatment and different kinds of seizures and causes, I'd just like to know more I guess.

    I just worry because he is not that old yet and he really means alot to me, he sleeps on the end of my bed and I have pretty much taken care of him since he was a puppy so I love my dog! It would ease my worrying if I had a clue what to expect tomorrow is all.

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago