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Really Good Forbidden Love Story Movies?
I really like forbidden romance movies. Here are a few I have seen. Moulin Rouge, Titanic, Brokeback Mountain, etc...... Or I also like movies like Australia and Nights In Rodanthe. I am not into cheezy comedy romance or like youve got mail type stuff.
2 AnswersMovies9 years agoReally Good Comedies?
I am looking to rent a movie on the ps3 store. Looking for some good comedies. Movies I like to give you an idea. Airplane, Three Amigos, Wedding crashers, your highness, the hot chick, turner and hooch, pineapple express, paul, etc....
5 AnswersMovies9 years agoReally Good Scary Movies?
Ok so I have seen alot of horror movies so I am trying to see if there are some good ones I haven't seen. I prefer something that is from the 90s or 2000s to current time. Nothing much earlier. I love movies that make you on the edge of your seat and make you jump. Or just have good story line. Here are a few horror movies I like to give you an idea what I am looking for.
The chucky series
the messengers
dog soldiers
don't be afraid of the dark
trick r treat
Here are a few I don't like
paranormal activity
troll hunter
3 AnswersMovies9 years agoBIG FACEBOOK ISSUE WITH LOGIN?
Ok so I have an issue that I am trying to resolve I don't know what is wrong. Anyways so I got a new phone and tried to log in to facebook on that new phone but I was only partially sure about my password as I kinda forgot it. So it didn't login so I went to reset my password. I don't have access to the email that is on my facebook log in so I told it an alternate email. I got the reset link on my email I used it and put in a new password. It said come login in again in 24 hours. ok so I did that and still it won't let me login what is wrong?? I tried this twice with no avail I can't get into my account and I think I put in the right password in the very beginning and it wouldn't let me login. I don't know what is wrong or if anyone can help. I just want into my account and need help!!! TY
1 AnswerFacebook9 years agoWhere to Trade In phone for cash or gift card?
I am getting a new phone and I want to sell my old one to a place for either cash or giftcard not to an indvidual person. I have the charger, original box, instructions and phone. The phone does everything it is suppose but has some wear. It is a verizon phone droid x what place will give me the most for my phone. I just want to use the money to get accessories for my new phone.
4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years agoWhat is a good dog food that will make dog poop less?
Our chinese crested poops alot and it smells really bad. Does anyone have any food suggestions? He is currently on natural balance alpha puppy (he is 5 months old) and it is grain free but it didn't seem to help. If anyone has any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.
13 AnswersDogs9 years agoLooking For Good WW2 Movies?
Need some movie suggestions. Looking for good world war two movies. Looking for movies with war action and not just the war being the time period or back drop. Looking for movies like Empire of the sun, letters to iwo jima etc..... It can be about the japan side, america's side. Not really looking for any nazi germany movies right now.
7 AnswersMovies9 years agoHow big will puppies get?
I am bottlefeeding two puppies that were found. They are 1-2 weeks old one weighs two pounds the other a pound and a half. Does anyone have a guess how big they will be full grown. I am thinking over 80 lbs. Any ideas
6 AnswersDogs9 years agoKindle Fire vs. Ipad 2?
I have been comparing the kindle fire and the ipad 2 and I can't decide which is better. This is what I need for it to do so please help me make a decision.
I am buying a tablet because I prefer touch screen and I am going to take some online college courses on my tablet/ipad.
I need wifi not 3g and I don't need to hook up to other devices like an iphone or anything.
I planning on doing some apps but as far as space I don't need alot 16g at the most.
I want to stream movies too and want a good pictures no freezing.
I don't care how heavy, don't care if it doesn't have usb ports or anything I don't need it. I just want easy to use all the internet to do my classes. Doesn't freeze much or at all and good touch screen. So which do you think is better for me to get? The kindle fire has a small screen but it is way less in price yet the ipad is really cool.
4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years agoGood Shampoos For Chinese Crested Powderpuff?
I am getting a chinese crested powderpuff puppy on Saturday and I was wondering if there are any good shampoos that you can buy at Petsmart or Petco for his hair. I need detangling/conditioning spray, shampoo, and conditioner. But if you only have a recommendation for one thing that's fine. If you don't know what I am talking about(breed) then here is a pic.
7 AnswersDogs9 years agoNames For Chinese Crested?
I am getting a chinese crested the powder puff puppy soon. It is a male cream/blondish color. I wanted some unique name suggestions. I am open to pretty much anything not really interested in chinese names tho.
5 AnswersDogs9 years agoComputer Reading Cds but not dvds?
My computers cd/dvd rom drive is reading cds but not dvds. My uncle fixed the drive because it wasn't working at all. But now its doing regular cds but not dvds or dvd/cd disc games. It won't even show that is in the drive so if anyone has any ideas thank you.
3 AnswersDesktops9 years agoFlowers Of War Release Date?
I live in Houston,Tx and I really want to see The flowers of war as I am a big Christian Bale fan. Is it going to be playing at any Houston or nearby area theaters in the near future or anything?
1 AnswerMovies9 years agoPs3 games with animal companions?
Im looking for games like oblivion and fallout 3 where you have an animal companion whether it be a horse or dog or any kind of animal. PS3 only
1 AnswerPlayStation9 years agoBest Dog For My Situation?
So my mom is looking for a dog to have at her house. She has a medium to large backyard completely fenced 6-7 foot tall fence. The dog will be indoors but it will get a chance to run and play in the backyard and some walks. She wants a large dog but not necessarily great dane size. She is willing to take it to the groomers or whatever it needs. It must be good with children because she does special need baby foster care and my aunt does toddler age and they come over sometimes. All the children know to respect the dogs and not to climb on them or get in their face so not really an issue. The dog will be the only pet although we have dogs that might come over sometimes but no cats or caged animals. Not looking for high energy but moderate to calmer is ok. She wants a companion but a dog that will bark or alert her when a stranger is at the door or something like that.
Ok I know this specific stuff but dog does not have to follow all these mainly the children friendly and protection is most important. Not really interested in mutts
Breeds that she can't have or doesn't want:
German Shepherd
Doberman Pinscher
Chow Chow
14 AnswersDogs10 years agoTablets or E-Readers that do netflix?
Hi i was wondering if there are any e-readers or tablets that do books and netflix. I know the kindle fire just came out but i am looking for others thanks.
1 AnswerAdd-ons10 years agoLooking For Chucky T-shirt?
So I am looking for a chucky t-shirt for halloween. I am a girl but I don't care if it looks like a guy shirt its for halloween so who cares. I don't want a costume just a shirt and I am trying to find some good websites that have them. I don't want chucky to be gangster or cartoonish. Just normal chucky look either with scars or without. Thanks
Halloween10 years agoGood scar movies on netflix instant?
I have a ps3 with Netflix looking for some good horror. Seen a bunch of horror movies but need some good ones that are on Netflix. I don't like movies like paranormal activity didn't scare me or like saw just a bunch of torture and nothing else.
1 AnswerMovies1 decade agoMovies with good animatronics?
Looking for some movies with good animatronics ( skin covered robots)
Movies I've seen that had good animatronics
The chucky series
Jurassic park series
5 AnswersMovies1 decade agoHorror Movie Suggestions?
I love horror movies and I am always on the lookout for another good one. If you have any suggestions that would be great.
Horror movies I like:
Child's play aka chucky series
The messengers
Trick r treat
The shining
Evil dead
100 feet
Things I don't like:
Subtitle foreign films unless really good
Movies like saw I don't find them scary just gross
Not big into b movie horror either
3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago