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Gavin Taylor
What would be the effect of less or more neutrons having been created in Big Bang Nucleosynthesis?
Discuss how the ratios of elements produced in stars and those found in planets would change as a result. How would the development of life be affected in those cases.
1 AnswerAstronomy & Space3 years agoHow is inequality and taxes low in Switzerland?
This seems paradoxical. It should be noted that the effective inequality is a bit higher due to the need to buy healthcare insurance. I doubt those sorts of factors can really explain the low inequality and low taxes though.
2 AnswersPolitics4 years agoAre any non-associative additions used commonly in Mathematics?
I've have heard people comment that they aren't used because this would satisfy the conditions for addition in the conditions for a ring but we are fine for multiplication to be used that doesn't satisfy the conditions of a ring like non-associative multiplication for cross products and non-distributive multiplication for composition of functions.
In fact, non-associative addition does occur occasionally in real life like buy two get the lowest price item free. (6+7)+4=11 and 6+(7+4)=13 (you will probably have to separate the purchases to actually pay 11 though as shops will try and charge as much as possible) and another example is where there is a maximum amount of something that you can hold in a fridge for example 10 ice creams lets say and thus (10+1)-1=10-1=9 but 10+(1-1)=10.
1 AnswerMathematics4 years agoHow bad is swallowing Crest toothpaste?
I don t swallow that much I just don t spit out toothpaste when I brush my teeth anymore instead swallowing it all. I lose quite a bit of toothpaste as I brush my teeth though.
I do this because it seems to help prevent me from having a very dry mouth which means I have to drink before bed and that means that I have to keep getting up at night.
12 AnswersDental4 years agoAre North Korea in the right?
USA want North Korea to stop trying to develop nuclear weapons but isn't this hypocritical as they have nuclear weapons and have not got rid of them all and Trump has made it clear that he is prepared to use them.
I think that the military training exercises in South Korea are wrong and they are very much comparable to what North Korea is doing considering that USA already has nuclear weapons so there is no need for any tests. If they didn't have nuclear weapons they may well be launching tests just like North Korea.
To add to this, they have heavily sanctioned North Korea leading to a lot of suffering and poverty.
Imagine if your neighbors had guns and were fighting with each other with knifes as preparation for what they want to do with you and they had sent threatening emails and they had also teamed up to prevent you get food imports so that you were starving would you try and make a gun to defend yourself?
The true reason that USA dislikes North Korea is that it is communist and not capitalist just like they declared war on Russia and Vietnam because they were communist.
15 AnswersPolitics4 years agoWhy was Greek's high debt so bad for the Greek economy?
Other countries during WWII had much higher debt to GDP ratios without being on the verge of economic collapse. In fact, several countries spent a lot after WWII making the debt even larger.
How would Greece's financial situation been different if they had their own currency. Would they have not been able to simply create their own money in that scenario like banks do when they grant mortgages?
3 AnswersEconomics4 years agoTo what extent were the farmers to blame for Stalin's fury?
The farmers refused to work in state farms and give up their land to the Government. Also, in protest they killed their animals.
When, Russia at the time was a very poor country destroying the food needed to feed the country could be regarded as traitorous. Many people agree that traitors should be executed.
Whilst, Stalin ended up having to starve all the farmers(whether good or bad) this may have been a necessary evil to get rid of the troublesome capitalist farmers.
I would like people to include the following in their arguments:
1. What was Stalin offering with his state run farms?Did it include accommodation and food?(to what extent was what Stalin offered acceptable? and to what extent was it greedy for the farmers to refuse him?)
2. How would things have gone if the farmers had obeyed Stalin and worked hard in the state run farms?
6 AnswersHistory4 years agoWhy do rebels dislike Assad?
1 AnswerPolitics4 years agoQuantum Angular Frequency Confusion?
In deriving the Schrodinger Equation you use E=hf=(h/2pi)(2pif)=hbarw but for the Quantum Harmonic Oscillator you get E=(n+1/2)hbarw where w=sqrt(k/m).Both of these w's are generally interpreted to be angular frequencies.
1 AnswerPhysics5 years agoSchrodinger's Cat?
4 AnswersPhysics5 years agoIs it normal to feel like a cross between God and the Devil?
I mean I feel as if I have a lot of good and evil mixed in together and they both pull on each other, usually the evil stops me doing good things and the good stops me doing bad things so I generally just do normally things or is what I experience simply normally brain function to think good and bad things at different times?I feel as if you got rid of all the good I would be a really horrible person and all the bad and I would be a great person so like a mix of God and Devil.I would probably say my good side was the more dominant one like with the bad side on a leash but it usually enjoys villains in fiction and a lot of terrible fantasies.
2 AnswersPsychology6 years agoReasons for forgetting things?
3 AnswersMental Health6 years agoIs there a theorem that says you can calculate any limit by substituting the value of x into the limit?
Providing that the expression can be calculated and is thus not an indeterminate or undefined form and the function is not piecewise.
y=x^2sin(1/x) is not continuous at x=0 because 0 is not in the demain but the limit of x^2sin(1/x)=0*(1 - -1)=0 any number between 1 and -1 multiplied by 0 equals 0.So I think that substuiting the numbers in can work for more than continuous functions I don't see why it wouldn't work if the function isn't piecewise and the result doesn't equal an indeterminate or undefined.
1 AnswerMathematics6 years agoIs there a theorem that says you can calculate any limit by substituting the value of x into the limit?
Providing that the expression can be calculated and is thus not an indeterminate or undefined form and the function is not piecewise.
2 AnswersMathematics6 years agoWhen you are drunk, do you lose conscience and gain lots of desire and how does it feel?
How much conscience is there and How much desire.
4 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits6 years ago