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Ovarian pain and other symptoms?
I know I need to see a doctor but I can not afford to. I know they will need to run tests. Self pay is out of the question. I may have to go to the ER but if I knew what was going on I could better make that decision. I had insurance, but you know, Obamacare ended that...
*I have pain on my right side pretty bad. Sometimes on my left side. Also, itching that feels like it is coming from inside the skin. I think it is ovarian pain.
*I thought all though I had no symptoms of a yeast infection, it could be the cause and did an overnight treatment. The next morning I had a lot of burning and irritation, which I had no vaginal irritation before.
*I feel nauseated at times and my stomach feels bloated.
*No fever. No unusual discharge. I've taken multiple pregnancy tests to rule out tubal pregnancy- all negative. I'm married and had the same sex partner for the past 13 years. I really don't think he would cheat on me.
Any ideas what this could be?
2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years agoAdequate punishment for a 9 yr. old who spent school fund-raiser money on toys?
A $50 box of candy bars went to a collection of "beyblades" after he convinced his friends mom to take him to the store, he even gave her gas money and a gallon of milk for her trouble. He is in BIG trouble and a few smacks on the behind aint gonna cut it for this one. Any suggestions?
9 AnswersParenting9 years agoWhat is the cutest thing your kids have ever said?
Did you know that you can't drink and drive because when you lift the cup up to your mouth it gets in your line of vision?
3 AnswersParenting9 years agoMy toddler just turned 3 and is extremely intelligent?
She knows her ABC's, she can sing them, identify them, identify the sound, write some of them. She can spell her name, write it, she can write about 10 letters total. She knows some short words. She can count to 20, knows all her shapes, knows all her colors, and knows a lot of songs. The girl is sitting in the back seat knowing every word to a country song. I don't know if she is smarter than other kids. I think most kids have potential to be where she is. She was 6 wks premature and supposed to be born April 1st. It trips me out that we are walking in the house at night she looks at the moon and tells me it's a crescent like a banana. Where did she learn this? The glass on the front door is an octagon, who taught her that? I work 60 hours a week, she's with grandma not daycare, and I'm a full-time student. I'm starting to think maybe I should put her in headstart, she took the test and is on a kindergarten level already. However, I don't want to wear her out with school and her be bored by the time she gets to 2nd grade.
10 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years agoWhat is the name of the metal coolant pipe on a 2004 Dodge Stratus that goes from the engine to the heater?
It's not one of the 3 rubber hoses. My car ran hot and out of water because this has a hole in it. I didn't let it run hot though. I seen it getting up there and pulled over it was dry. When I put water in it I was flexing the radiator hose to bleed out some air and I saw the water squirting from the metal pipe. The hole is right where it runs underneath the reservoir. I'm not sure what it's called to look for the part and see how much it will cost and how hard it would be to fix it myself, which I am going to have to do. I kind of rigged it up with a piece of a heater hose and 3 metal clamps but that's not going to hold it's under pressure so the makeshift patch is leaking and I'm filling it up constantly. I wouldn't be driving it but I have to work. Thanks for your help in advance!
1 AnswerDodge9 years agoWhat is this bald spot on my 2 1/2yr old's scalp?
If it aint one thing it's another. My mother took her to dance last night and she gave her a bath and her hair was in a pony when I got her, but my Mom didnt notice it. On top of that she fell at dance and has a goose egg on her forehead, and a huge bruise and scrape on her cheek. I didn't notice it when I got her ready this morning, I brushed her hair, she was fighting but I would've seen a quarter sized bald spot in my daughters head. More like a 50 cent piece even, the hair is falling out. It looks all dandruffy and infected. Any ideas? I'm sure if I take her out people will suspect child abuse, my poor baby!
3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years agoFinding small baby sized ballet and tap shoes?
The smallest I could find is size 10. My sister goes to dance, she's a senior now and teaches the younger kids. My Mom babysits my baby, a 2.5 yr old who normally sits on the bench and watches the young 4-5 yr olds dance, but she can no longer just watch. She gets up and dances with the so she might as well practice with them. They do tap, ballet, jazz, and baton. I need gymnastic shoes, ballet shoes, and tap shoes. Their feet normally grow really fast but she is still in a size 5??? Does anyone know where to get them? Specifically the ballet and tap because they help you dance more?
3 AnswersDancing10 years agoAre these symptoms related to low potassium or is it something else too?
I first got diagnosed with hypokalemia when I went into early labor with my daughter. My levels were 2.4 but I managed with just the pills and OJ since I also had severe pregnancy induced hypertension. My doctor called it pre-eclampsia without the protein in the urine. I also had symptoms, that I didn't know were symptoms since age 13. After my daughter was born, when I went to sleep, I woke up and couldn't move my arms or legs. (Hypokalemic periodic paralysis) It lasted for about 12 hours. Now I know I have some hypokalemia symptoms. If I lay on my arm it cramps up rather quickly when circulation gets cut off, as with my legs. When I lay down from a long day, I have a weakness come over me. I also wonder do I have low blood sugar after eating, it's like 106-109 I think that's normal but I always feel sick after eating a big meal. This is what keeps me from eating sweets or starches a lot. It makes me feel so bad like I ate some McDonald's tonight after having a long island iced tea and never ever again. For one thing the alcohol is awful. I can't drink, it makes me feel sick and then to top it off with frenchfries and white bread, I spent a good 2 hours just laying on the couch feeling like crap. Gatorade always helps, so I wonder if this has something to do also with the low potassium. If I have one reeses cup and a half a dr pepper, I shouldn't feel like I'm going to pass out. I'm 27. I weigh maybe 120-125 and I am just tired of feeling sick all the time. I have a good job and my energy level is definetely interfering with my work.
2 AnswersOther - General Health Care10 years agoIn my dream I am awake but I can't move or speak?
This is a reoccuring dream. I dream that I wake up and I can't move. I can still feel everything. I'm stuck. I've kind of trained myself to remember that this is a dream and wake up, but it's not always easy.
2 AnswersDream Interpretation10 years agoMy daughter has a hard goose egg on her head?
She grabbed the handle on the tea pitcher and the plate I had on top of it for cover fell and broke right over the top of her head. It's actually a larger wide one and one hard goose egg in the middle, they formed instantly. I know kids get bumps and goose eggs but what should I look out for. I was making her cuppy for bedtime but I'm letting her watch tv now. She seems ok, it hasn't been but 15 minutes though.
2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years agoWhat age does a baby start learning shapes, numbers, abcs and colors?
I kind of feel like my daugher is advanced, well, I'm sure we all think that about our precious little angels but she is 2 yrs and 4 months old. She was 6 weeks premature but all caught up now. She can sing her abc's, for the most part, she skips a few and with her numbers she's pretty good on 1-5, and she gets to 10 but skips a number or 2 but she can count to 5 on one hand and understands that many. She knows her shapes, well circle, triangle, square, rectangle, and for good measure I always draw a pawprint she always says "look mommy a clue" she knows some of her colors mostly blue pink purple red and green. She knows how to spell her name, probably out of repitition K-A-T-I-E, would you think she is advanced? My son didn't do all that she does at her age. He didn't care to, too busy climbing things, and she likes to sit and talk and will listen to a book all the way through.
10 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years agoCan you retrieve deleted texts from a blackberry curve 8530?
I tried searching for the persons name and the only text I got wasn't what I needed. It just says Hello Heather;):) and I really would like to know what's been going on... not that I already don't... but if there is proof to be shown the divorce decree will read adultry and not no darn irreconcilable differences!
3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoWhat kind of plant was this?
I was at this lady's house visiting for work and she had a cool plant it was tannish gray and had little tanish gray flower looking things, but it was almost like the flower was part of the branch it was all the same color and texture. I asked her she said someone gave it to her and she had it for years & never knew the name of it. It was in a container, I just thought it was cool and wanting to know the name of it... any ideas?
1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade agoSerious harrassment from a neighbor?
This old dude is on my last nerve. He has called the cops on us every week, at least once a week for the past few months and I am SICK of it. I am going to sue him. I don't just want to press charges at this point I'm about owning his home and kicking him out. There is nothing illegal about kids playing basketball, having a radio on outside, or kids accidentally stepping foot in the driveway. He threaten to back over our kids next time one steps in his driveway. Do the cops care? No. They continuously come out here, with a patty wagon to lock us up for letting our kids ride bikes up and down the street. He hasn't been charged not once. My other neighbor has to check her mail on his side of the street. She's black which he hates that she lives right across the street from him. Every single day she checks her mail the cops come out! You'd think they would charge him, but they haven't. I guess his hatred for us came from my husband and the guy next door sticking up for her. Her little dog gets out she'll get him right away and every time, he calls animal control on a little poodle that don't even bark. I guess it must be stressful for him living next to people with kids who play outside and dads who stick around and play basketball with their sons in the street. It's just too much to have good kids who aren't leaving our street, constantly under supervision. I hate to think what other people in this neighborhood think about us because the cops are constantly being called down here! Where do I start from here? The cops haven't cared so far even when he threatened our kids!
6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoI think my daughter ate some raw beef? What now?
When I was putting away groceries she was rummaging through the bags, and before I knew it she had already popped open ground beef and looked to be playing with it so I immediately washed her hands with hot water and antibacterial hand soap, then gave her a bath head to toe with the soap just for good measure. Today she has diarreah so I'm thinking she might have tasted or ate some (ewe). She doesn't have fever or appear to be in pain. I might be over-reacting, but I wish I knew whether she ate some or if it's just a virus. She hasn't puked any and no fever. I can't take off work tomorrow but my babysitter is family and will gladly take her to an appt. Would the doctor be able to prescribe anything for food poison or is all I can do to keep her hydrated and let it run its course?
7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoWhy do childish cartoons hypnotize 2 yr olds?
My daughter has 0 attention span but I turn on Blue's Clues and it's like baby crack. The child will sit there through the whole TV show when I can't even get her to stay still for a diaper change! LoL Anyone else notice this?
11 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoI started logging my son's glucose?
So I'd gotten some high readings and called the drs, they asked me to start making a log of everything he eats and glucose levels. It's hard to do at school so our routine is going to be first thing in the morning. Right when coming home from school before snacking and 2 hrs after dinner. The morning reading was great today! Yesterdays was 118 today's was 100. After school it was 124. He was eager to check it (to him it's kind of interesting and Thank God he doesn't mind needles) so about 30 minutes after dinner it was 328. (Hands squeaky clean) We had hamburger helper, corn and green beans, he didn't eat his corn. He had a snack a good hour before dinner of some lance crackers. I checked twice on that one and they were both right around the same level. 2 hrs later it was 180. Mind you we have just started logging his glucose levels. Isn't the 328 a very high number? I'm supposed to log for a few weeks and make an appt. I've noticed some differences with him in the past year. Weight gain (he used to be skinny, now he's husky), he's always saying his throat hurts asking for drinks, his eyes have been red lately and he says they burn... I don't know if that has any relation to it? I don't know a lot about what I should be thinking about these numbers. They really freak me out to be honest. It was completely by accident him wanting his diabetic great grandmother to test his blood that we found some high levels and she gave me one of her monitors to keep track of it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
7 AnswersDiabetes1 decade agoMy son wanted his glucose tested just for kicks and got a high reading?
My grandma gave me a monitor. It wasn't needed she just gave it to me and my 8 yr old son wanted me to test him so I did. It read 209. So I squeezed more blood, checked again and it read 356, so we pricked a different finger and that reading was 239. He had enough at that point but as you can imagine I am horrified right now. I feel like if it was above 300 he'd be sick. I'm sure that was because I had to squeeze and squeeze to get enough blood for that reading. So it must be between 209 and 239 which is bad at his age. I plan on making him an appointment in the morning right away so that his doctor can address this. As for what he ate we've had a cooler of sodas there for our get-together and I'm sure he had 2 or 3. He ate 1 tootsie roll. For dinner we ate baby back ribs (he had about 5) and some mac n cheese. He didn't eat the beans rolls or corn like most of the kids he isn't picky just filled up on ribs and that's it! So, I figure I'll definetely get an appt by the end of the week considering the circumstances. Until then I'd like to monitor him a little. When should I test his blood sugars to make a log? What should I expect to happen at the drs? I know I'm jumping to conclusions after 1 reading, but it is high especially for an 8 yr old.
9 AnswersDiabetes1 decade agoLower back pain and pain in both legs?
I woke up this morning and I do not know why but I was in a lot of pain trying to urinate. I've been in pain all day with my lower back and my thighs. I really am reaching my threshold where I'm about to say go to the hospital so I can get something for pain. I am kinda scared that it could be my kidneys, so I haven't taken tylenol and I can't take aspirin so I've been semi-managing with ibuprofen. I wonder if it's because I had some wine last night, but 2 glasses shouldn't put me in pain like this. I was telling myself I just slept wrong but the pain is in my thigh muscles and what seems like should be my kidneys so I don't know how worried I should be. I do know that I am in A LOT of pain.
2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago