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Lv 32,264 points

Bago & Baby Boy Tom

Favorite Answers36%
  • Baby's head is down at 33 weeks - will it move again?

    hey ladies,

    Just been to the hospital and I was told the baby's head is down, and the doctor didn't seem to think that he would move again, as he is a good size. Just wondering if your baby moved again after 33 weeks? or is it likely to stay where it is!?

    Hope you are all doing great!!!

    Lots of love, and thanks girls!!!!! xxxxx

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • does anyone know of a poem for father's day that's suitable from our unborn child?

    hey all,

    Hope you are all keeping well....

    I am just wondering if any of you know of a nice poem that I could send Darren (as he is away for the next couple of months!) for Father's day from Tom (our unborn Son!)

    If you do - could you forward it on to me......?!?!

    thanks so much - lots of love

    Bago xxxxx

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Is anyone else feeling down like this?

    Hey Lovely Ladies,

    How are we all??

    I am sorry to ask this question, as I genuinely feel so lucky to be 31 weeks pregnant with my little son, but I have to get this off my chest.

    I have been so healthy, positive, and genuinely looking forward to the thoughts of becoming a first time Mum. As many of you know - my husband won't be here for the birth, he is working abroad on tour and will be gone from Monday morning until August the 18th or so, (so depending if I go over my EDD will determine if he is here or not!) and then he will be back for 2 weeks and gone again for 2 months. I have been and still am feeling quite strong about doing this on my own (with the great help of my Mum and Sister and great inlaws etc!).

    This morning was the start of my ante natal classes and to be honest they freaked me out!!! The Midwife was going on about how soon the baby will be here, (all of us were over 30 weeks pregnant!) and I know she is right - as I probably only have about 8 weeks left! It kind of hit me like a bullet. I knew I was expecting a baby, but now I feel panicked! I don't feel ready! I feel teary and emotional! I worry weather I am actually going to be able to cope with being a Mum....will I be a good mum?!?! Where as up to yesterday, I felt ready to be a Mum, ready to meet my son Tom, ready to do this on my own (for the 3 of us!).

    As hard as it is on me, I can't imagine how hard it is going to be for my dear hubbie who is probably going to be away, but we have decided as a couple and family that this is the best option (mainly financial and security etc!)

    Please help - please tell me that I am not losing my it normal to get down days?!? is it normal at 31 weeks to feel panicked!?!?

    Thank you all so much for responding - sorry for the extra long question!!!!!!!

    Tons of luck to you all!!! x

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Wondering if you can help me with this - it's for a friend?

    Hey Ladies,

    One of my dearest friends is 7 weeks pregnant, after trying for about 6months or so.

    The other day she got sharp stabbing pains in her left shoulder, so she rang the hospital and they told her to come into the emergency room. She went in, and they did a vaginal scan on her and couldn't find anything at first, but then they found the yolk sak, but told her that she would have to come back in a week to confim if there is a heart beat. They wouldn't be confident enough to say they could find one!

    So, she has another scan booked for today in a hospital that specialises in early scans etc.

    I am just wondering what you think? is it unlikely that they can't find a heartbeat if there is one there?

    I really hope that she isn't going to have a miscarraige or a chemical she wants this so much. But what do you think her chances are?!

    thanks so much - I think I am meeting her for lunch today before she goes in, and I just want to be able to offer sound advice!?

    Thanks - and good luck to you all! xxxxx

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is there anything I can do for swollen feet?

    Hey Ladies,

    I am 30+ 3days pregnant, and I have TERRIBLE swollen feet! I have never suffered from swollen feet,ankles, legs - nothing. It's quite warm here the past few days, and it's so shoes are comfortable on me. I can't actually believe it is sunshing in Dublin, Ireland!!!!! Shock Horror!!!!!

    Is there anything I can do/take for this!?!? I know it's probably due to the extra weight and heat, but anything at all!??!?!!?

    xxx hope you are all doing well !!!!!!

    20 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Can someone tell me what this pain is?

    hey ladies,

    Hope you are all keeping well.....I am wondering if someone out there can help me!

    I am 29 weeks pregnant on Tuesday coming, and I had a hospital appointment yesterday. The doctor did a quick scan, checked the fluid etc, and all fine.

    But today I have had sharp stabbing pains in my nether my felangee!!!! lol! except they are not funny! I have had 3 this morning, and they make me absolutely jump!!! it's like a knife! I thought my waters were going to burst!

    This is my first baby - and to be honest I don't know what to I have no idea what the pain is! it's not very frequent, but it's happened 3 times this morning from about 9am!

    Can someone shed some light on this horrible pain?!!?

    thanks girls.......would be lost without you all!!!! xxxxxxxxx

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Has anyone experienced this?

    Hey Ladies,

    I hope you are all doing great....

    I am just wondering if any of you experience this.....I am 26 weeks and 1day pregnant, and my stomach gets really really hard for maybe 20/30mins every couple of hours or so. It gets so hard that I feel like it is going to burst, so it's really uncomfortable!

    I went to my ante natal class and the midwife told me it was Braxton Hicks and that it's my body's way of getting ready for labor. She assured me it's nothing to worry about. But now my stomach has remained hard for the past 2 days.

    I am just wondering if this is a sign that I will go early!?!? or am I completety wrong?!?!

    Thanks girls!!!!! xxxxx

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Guess what I found out yesterday?

    I had the 22 week scan yesterday, and everything is perfect - thank God!!! It was just brilliant!!! We found out that we are having a little baby BOY!!!! and we are going to call him Tom!!! It was an amazing experience, there were more tears from mammy and daddy (I am sure the sonographer thought we were nuts!!!)

    Thank you all for your best wishes and I wish you all the very best in return!!!

    I better ask a question......ok, I will do better..........I will ask two questions..........

    To my TTC buddies........Name one positive thing that has come out of your TTC journey so far??

    To my pregnant buddies..........Do you think you are carrying a boy or a girl? and if you have already found out, were you right?

    Because I was soooooooooooooo wrong! I was convinced it was a shocked, but absolutely over the moon!!!!

    Good luck to you all - you are all so great!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxx

    14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What do you think girls?

    hey Girls,

    this is just for fun!!! I am having my scan tomorrow which tells me the sex of our baby.....I think it's a boy - Darren thinks its a "baby" - he has no idea if it's a boy/girl....

    What do you think it will be??!

    I will let you all know as soon as I do!!!! hope you are doing great!!!!!

    lots of love to you all! x

    21 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I am 22weeks pregnant, can you tell me how many months I am?

    Hey there y'all!

    Hope you are all doing great!!! Nobody told me how confusing this ol'pregnancy thing is....

    I am 22weeks pregnant and I was wondering if you could tell me how many months I am. Some websites tell me I am in month 5 then others tell me I am in month 6!

    I hate this "you are pregnant for 10months" thing, as it's untrue... I know you are pregnant for 40weeks, but we all know that every month doesn't just have 4 weeks!

    So can you help me out?!?!

    bago (confused!!!)

    tons of baby dust to you all, and magic dust to all my TTC buddies!!! xxxxxx

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • When is the correct time to buy baby stuff?

    Hey There....

    As some of you know I am over 18 weeks pregnant. I am having a scan on Thursday, and heart the heartbeat last week.

    Over the weekend I was out with my Mother in Law and we just happened to end up in Mothercare where we were looking at prams/cots etc. We were both so excited.

    I know it's too early now to buy them, but when can we buy stuff? I know some people think it's bad luck to buy stuff before the baby is born, but when is the correct time?

    Thanks to everyone - hope everyone is going well......lots of love! xxxx

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I am 17.4 weeks pregnant and think I felt my baby move...could it be?

    hey there y'all,

    I will be 18 weeks pregnant next Tuesday, and today I felt something in my stomach, on 3 separate times.

    The best way to describe it is strong butterly feeling, but also like worms in my belly!!! (so lol!) it's not like a kicking feeling nor a popping feeling!!!

    I am just wondering is this my baby moving?!?!

    xxx thanks......I am a first time Mommy, so I really don't know for sure what it is!?!??

    I am so excited...........hope you are all doing ok!


    24 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How much weight have you gained?

    I am 4months pregnant, 16.5 weeks pregnant and I have gained 5lbs. I am just wondering if that sounds normal - too much or too little?

    How much have you gained!?

    Best of luck to those TTC, and continued luck to those pregnant!!!!!

    xxxx lots of love!!!!

    15 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • what would you do in this situation?

    Hey Girls....

    I need honest answers here, as I am completely confused....but here we go.....

    My husband works for a music company / band and has been posted to go on tour with them for four months. He is due to go out in mid June to mid August then he will be home for 10 days then off again for another 2 months. As many of you know I am due to give birth around the 11th August. This is our first child.

    The money that he will be getting for this tour is amazing, it will basically mean that I will never have to work again - and it will put us in a very strong position financially. Considering we are in a recession, my head is saying Go, but my heart is saying No....

    The chances are that I will probably have our baby while he is away, so he will miss that. So my emotions are taking over and kind of ruling my head at the moment. My husband feels absolutely gutted that he might miss the birth, but he is doing this for our future as a family and to make sure that our baby has everything he/she needs.

    I am so upset - I cry at least once a day, then the next minute I feel so strong. I have an Amazing family who said they will all be there behind me, agree that the timing of it is wrong, but My Mum has already told me that she will be there with me giving birth if my husband can't make it!

    Of Course my Hubby is so upset at the thoughts of missing such an important time in both our lives.

    What do you think we/he should do!?!? xxx thank you for all your answers!!

    I was also not too sure what section to put this in!

    x thanks to you all xxxxxx

    21 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Anyone else find it difficult with maternity clothes?

    Morning Ladies...

    Hope you all had a great weekend.......

    I am 14 weeks pregnant and feeling very uncomfortable in my own clothes at the moment, getting very I decided to go out shopping for bigger/maternity clothes.....something a little more comfortable..

    So to cut a long story short......i am not big enough for maternity clothes yet, but too big for my regular size....i tried going up a size, but then they were too big around my bum & hips....... so I just feel fed up - I feel more fat than pregnant.....

    Please don't get me wrong, I am dying to have a proper pregnant bump.....a bump that people think "she's pregnant" instead of a bump that people say "she looks like she has eaten too many pies!!!" lol!!!!

    Anyway, please tell me I am not the only one.........

    lots of love to everyone - and sending that all important Baby dust to my TTC contacts xxxxxxx

    22 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Had my 12 weeks scan today!!?!?

    Morning all,

    I had my 12 week scan today, and I got the all clear. The baby looked like as if he was swimming...arms and legs waving around the place....he kept bouncing off the walls of my was just terrific to see!

    I didn't see or hear the heart beat, but the woman doing the scan said the heart beat was perfect! Did you either hear/see the heart beat at 12 weeks?

    I was expecting to hear it...but not disappointed as I saw it moving around like crazy!!!

    Hope you are all doing ok - all my contacts especially, and one or two of you need a special hug - so here it is!!! (((((((((HUG)))))))))))))

    xxxxxxx thanks ladies.........xxxx

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Everyone is so quiet - is everyone ok?

    Hey everyone........all my contacts especially in TTC and pregnancy....everyone is so quiet!!! nobody is posting questions....(me included!!!)

    I know this whole TTC journey is so bloody difficult.......but just to remind you all that I am here for you!!! and I am ALWAYS hoping for you all that you get your little Angels sooner rather than later!!!!! xxxxxxxx

    hope you are all ok!!!!!!! (lola honey, you are especially quiet.....not that you were the loudest or anything.......but you were always around somewhere!!!!! )

    10 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Need help telling employer that I am pregnant please help!!! ?

    Hey Girls,

    How are you all doing today!?!?

    Ok I am 11 weeks pregnant and I am having my 12 week scan next week, so I am not going to tell them until I get the all clear...


    things have been a bit unsure in our company - people have been let go and given notice etc....and thankfully I have been ok each time. But I work mainly with Men in a Male industry (motor) and all my bosses are I am planking it telling them that I am pregnant....

    has anyone got any ideas?!?!?! I wish I could pay someone to do it for me!!! and before I get inundated with offers......i would only be willing to pay around a fiver or so!!!! lol!!!!!!!!!

    anyway, if any of you have any ideas, I would greatly appreciate them!!!

    Thanks in advance!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxx

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • At home sick today girls....but really worried about you know the answer?

    Morning all,

    There is this horrible vomiting bug going around, and you all know at this stage that I am 10weeks pregnant. Well I was up ALL night last night vomiting....couldn't even keep water down.....

    This morning, I fainted AGAIN (due to low blood pressure in early pregnancy) and I have not vomited in about 3hours.

    My question is this........I am really worried that this bug can damage my baby....can any of you help with this....

    I have called my GP and waiting on her to call me back, but is there anything I can take to settle my stomach and get rid of the queasiness??!

    Thanks all of you - hopefully will be back in flying form tomorrow!!!!!!!

    love to you all!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxx

    21 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Low Blood Pressure in pregnancy - has this happened to you?

    Hey all you lovely ladies,

    I am just wondering if this happened/happens to anyone.!?!??!

    I have fainted twice in the last I went to my doctor this morning after it happened again, and she told me my blood pressure is low, and it's quite normal but to keep my sugar levels up.....she assured me it's nothing to worry about....

    Has this happened to anyone? and apart from drinking fruit juices etc, how else do I keep my sugar levels up? xxxx

    As usual, tons of luck to ladies ttc xxxxxx

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago