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  • Bossier Parish Jury Duty Compensation?

    I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction of LA state laws on compensation for Jury Duty? We're military and I can't find anything on if I'll get a paid day from my employer or not. I know that the court pays $25.00 per day plus mileage... but I make that in about 2 hours of work!

    I'm just wondering if anyone knows whether or not according to state law, that there is a minimum amount or amount of days that your employer must pay.

    I can't find any information and I've e-mailed HR and have yet to hear anything back.

    Thanks for any and all help in advance! :-)

    2 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • CA Income Tax Refund Status?

    I'm just curious... I logged in yesterday and it stated refunds were coming in the next 25 days or so and to check back, so I logged onto it today and it said it was accepted yesterday and should day about 10 days to receive our refund....

    So, my question is... Is it REALLY coming? We're leaving on a cruise on 3/21 (which would be the 10th day) and I am wondering if I should hope to see it while we're gone. :-) I wouldn't mind the extra money while we're out and about in this world. Any one know?

    Of course, I wont make my omlet until the eggs are in my basket, I am just curious is it is telling me it accepted and will be here.... IF that is actually true. ;-)

    1 AnswerUnited States1 decade ago
  • Nature's Recipe Terrier Dog Food question?

    I have been browsing at the different options for dog food and while we currently do Bil-Jac from PetsMart, I saw Nature's Recipe Terrier Dog Food and I was wondering if anyone has tried it out for their Terrier??

    I have a Rat Terrier and she is roughly 7-8 pounds, she is very active and playful, and I was wondering if this would be better for her... of course, I would like to know anyone else's reaction to this brand before I buy it. :-) I appreciate any answers!


    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Yuck - Dog Mess that ISN'T from MY dog...?!?

    Ok, so this may seem like a rant, but I just have to put it out there... I got up early and hit the gym... its dark out... and I stepped in something on the corner of my front lawn.... And, the worst part is, my dogs go in the back yard and it gets picked up, by either myself or my husband.... So... I know I didn't let my pups out front first of all, and second, I pick up after my pups....

    I just don't get it. It isn't hard to clean up after ones pet, right? I mean, for five bucks, I got one of those cute holders for the bags to use that attaches to my leash AND for another five bucks, I got a zillion scented bags....

    So, my question is... why is it hard for some owners to actually be a responsible owner??

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • CA Refund Being Delayed?

    Anyone know how long the refund will be delayed for CA? We filed last month and then on the first of Feb., we found out they were going to hold off on issuing refunds due to their budget deficit.

    The thing that irritates me is that CA wont let us take out ZERO taxes, but because my husband is military and has to pay them, we just get them back at tax time. And now we can't because they are holding off... somethings just aren't fair.

    3 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Making our plans for our cruise in March... Need help?

    Ok, so my parents surprised us earlier this year with a cruise that they are taking us on, and I am trying to get things we need. We're going in March on a Caribbean cruise and I was wondering where I could find water shoes for us and the kids? My Mom said one of the beaches is rocky and you need something like them if you want to enjoy it. :-)

    Anyone know of any stores that may sell them between now and then? I don't want to spend $50.00 a pair when we get there. LOL Thanks!

    6 AnswersCruise Travel1 decade ago
  • Good Samaritan Gets Sued?

    Anyone else see the news from CA court ruling that the good samaritan that pulled the woman out of her car is getting sued? If I thought my co-workers car was going o catch fire.... you bet I would try to pull him or her out.... Of course, knowing now that my family may loose all because I tried to help someone out, is going to make me think twice about helping more than just dialing 911....

    Can anyone else believe it? I guess you really can sue anyone for anything.... Its really sad.... Do you think we should have iron clad laws to help out the good samaritan? I think we should!

    16 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • 2008 Income Tax/Stimulus Package Question?

    Knowing that the year is coming to a close... I was wondering how my taxes will be effected thanks to the stimulus package? My husband and I, with our two children (so we got back $1800.00)... I was wondering if it was going to be taken off of my refund that we normally get? I'm just wanting to make sure before we start to budget that money into a few things for this next year.... I'm not spending the money yet, but when we get our refund, we use it for major wants of the year (like we got a new washer and dryer with this past refund, etc.) I'm just wanting to get an idea of if I get my full refund or will it be minus the $1800.00 we got....


    7 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • What would be a good Quiche recipe for Christmas morning?

    I'm looking for one made more for breakfast, but just not sure what to use. Any recipes would be fantastic! I tried the over night french toast last year, so this year I'm looking for something like this, since it would be totally different.

    Thanks for your help in advance! :-)

    12 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What does forgiveness mean to you?

    I've noticed that my answers that include that I could forgive my husband if he cheated, but I would divorce him... are getting me a ton of thumbs down.

    Now, I for one am entitled to my own opinion, but forgiveness doesn't mean we stay together... forgiveness is choosing to let go of the hurt it caused... And for me, I couldn't be a wife to a man who didn't respect me enough to divorce me first....

    So, what is forgiveness to you? On things like adultery and such?

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Anyone else out there feel broken?

    I hit my last wall last night with my husband... he's been at the same old crap each time, so my wounds never seem to heal. Has anyone been through something like this and recovered? I feel as though I have not only been kicked while being down, but now also spit on. (Not literally of course, but emotionally)

    My husband has had a problem with porn, and refuses to be with me. Its not the porn I have any issue with... its being refused so he can go have that. I bought BOB (Battery Operated Boyfriend) thinking it might get him to come to bed rather than watch porn, and all I get now is how mad he is because he thinks I use it all the time... So, hes mad and me and used porn to get "even" and I'm now beyond hurt because hes still refusing me.

    I hit the gym, I get ready for my day, I take care of my family and our home, I go to work and I'm working on trying to become a better wife, thinking it was because of me that these things are happening. I've been shown that I'm not important to him, or in his life. I told him porn won and I've given up. I feel like a broken woman. Is there anything I can do?

    I don't want a divorce, because the crazy thing is even after all the crap and the hurt, I do still love him. I'm just wondering if there is anything I can do to help me out of this valley in my life.

    All answers are greatly appreciated...

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Anyone else getting a kick out of this afternoons answers??

    I am just ROFLMFAO at some of these questions... and to be honest some of the answers! I was just wondering if anyone else was enjoying their afternoon here on YA... and where are you while on YA. I'm at work trying to make the time pass by so I can pick up my kids and hear all about my daughters day at school! (She started kindergarten Monday)

    Also... Val... If I failed to do it earlier... I love you sweetie... now... can we still be Yahoo Buddies?! LOL

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Ever ponder like this??

    Ever think about getting the chance of going through your computer just to slap someone that wrote something and your first thought was, "OMG... You've got to be kidding me!!!"??

    I know I have... one that tops my list today is the child that got married THREE Months ago and is wanting to separate from her husband because he doesn't surprise her with flowers... And here is the kicker... He NEVER has done it before!!!

    I wish that was my biggest problem in my marriage! I mean woe is me.. my husband wont buy me flowers. I wonder if she thought he shows his love in non-materialist ways....

    So, anyone else ever felt this way??? LOL

    I know I'm probably going to get reported or something.... BUT I just had to say something!

    17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • feel like you're roomies?

    Anyone out there feel like you and your spouse are more like room mates rather than husband and wife?

    My husband and I were home for lunch, he refused to sit near me and when he left... it was nothing, no "have a good afternoon", no kiss... no hug.... nada....

    Just wondering if anyone else out there feels the same and how they handle it or how it can be resolved?

    Personally, I try to be romantic and I get that I'm bugging him... then I try to kiss him or something and i get "stop trying to rape me".... I just don't get it... anyone out there with some insight??

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Husband - lying and hiding porn?

    Ok, this is not one of those rants about how he shouldn't watch porn. I for one have no problem with him watching it. It is the lying and refusing me part of it. What is wrong with a wife who is open minded about anything in (or even out) of the bedroom, has a high sex drive&has to beg for it? And when it all comes down to it, still only gets its 1-2 times a month, when we used to have it like 3-4 times DAILY. I mean, the wife overly wants to please her hubby, so does things like keeps the house clean, takes care of the kids, job pays the same if not more after overtime&is a freak in the bedroom? Anyone have any light as to why he doesn't want me? I try to look good too, you know hair, make up, cute clothes etc. I even get to the gym almost daily to stay looking good. I have talked to him about it,&he keeps telling me its him not me. He is insecure and when I ask about what, he says he doesn't have any trust, but here is the kicker,there is nothing I'm doing to have trust issues. HELP!

    38 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Pros and Cons?

    What would be the Pros of moving in together?

    I am married and can't really see why people would move in together? I mean if you're in love, and want a life together... why not make the commitment and get married?

    I see a million questions in here about moving in together... Is it no longer "why buy the milk if you can get the cow for free"?

    Now, don't get me wrong... to each their own. I was just wondering why people would move in, find out it doesn't work then get screwed over in the end...

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Evaporated Milk and Mac&Cheese?

    I have a ton of cans of evaperated milk sitting in my cabinet... And, I was wondering. I use a homemade recipy for mac&cheese. Would it be similar to use evaporated milk instead of milk? Would it be creamier? Or would it be just a waste?

    Also, anyone have any good ideas to use evaportated milk? I use it for pudding, but I just don't seem to make it often enough. Please help! Thanks!!

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Friendship Bread question?

    Ok, so I made my first batch that my best friend gave to me, last night. I'm handing out my extras today and was wondering if anyone had some good mix in ideas for my next batch in ten days? The cinnamon was great, but I think it may get old after a few times of doing it. Anyone done anything different? Like added or replaced? I am looking for a few different ideas so as to not bore my family. :-) Thanks, and have a blessed day!

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Questions on child support on YA?

    Anyone else get a little sick of the questions about how people seem to have to pay too much? I know I do! I mean they state that these custodial parents shouldn't get the measly little bit of money they get... Come on, like that is going to really help with bills and make the custodial parent rich or something?! I mean seriously. If they were to take a look on how much it is to raise a child, why is it that $400.00 is OVERLY much?! Any one else feel that sometimes it isn't enough to even cover the needs of the child? Let alone wants?

    Anyone have any thoughts on this?

    For me, I would say that what the court orders should be the minimum ordered... And some how, most non-custodial parents seem to think that is enough. Period. What about birthdays? Holidays? Or those just becuase? I mean my kids get clothes year round, birthday gifts, little extra wants if they do good in their schooling, etc.

    So, I ask... Is the minimum REALLY enough?

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Why is it that people often use different views for different sex's?

    Ok, so I've been in here reading and answering a lot of questions and was wondering why the views are different (or so it seems, I don't want to lump any group together)? I mean when we see that the guy has cheated he is usually crucified for betraying his wife. Then we read about the woman who cheated and a lot of the responses are things like you poor woman, what has he done to you to make you cheat??? (Now I know some answers crucify her too, I am just seeing the majority here) I don't get it. Anyone else feel this way or see this? I see it this way, and just my opinion here, but if you cheat, be it husband or wife, why would that not make you the horrible one? I mean why not pony up some guts, divorce if you're that unhappy, then move forward with your life. Why is it that lives have to be destroyed, and then divorce.

    Just my thoughts here people, it just seems to me that women get off and men are judged so hard.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago