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  • question about pregnancy!!???!!?

    i am 7 wks 3 days with my second child. what i am wondering in in sept i am going to work a job where we follow these bike riders around washington for a week and feed them and provide hot showers. its called Ride Around Washington [RAW] i have done it for a few years but what im wondering is if this is safe... we work anywhere from 14-18 hr days so only get about 4 or 5 hrs of sleep and i will be on my feet all day besides taking breaks and breakfast lunch and dinner. sometimes if there is time they give us a 2 hr break after lunch. it is a catering company that does events and natural disasters so we set up and break down everything outside, we have mobile kitchens and showers. we are outside the whole time besides when we sleep which is in a mobie bunk house. i have already told them i cannot lift heavy stuff and they said thats what the boys are for. so im only wondering if it will be ok that im on my feet that long and not getting that much sleep. it is only a week long even so i will be home after and can rest all i want cuz im a stay at home mom on exception to these seasonal jobs

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • questions about clicker training for doberman?

    when we first got our dog he was 8 months. the previous owners gave us a clicker and showed that he would come to it when it was pressed. he still does if i take it out of the drawer and use it but i was wondering... how are they used, do i only click it if he does something right or do i click it when i want him to do something? i want to take him on walks but PULLS the whole time. i have a baby in a stroller too so its hard but i want to try and teach him but dont really know how to start. he is 2 yrs old now

    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • i need facebook peoples help?

    please vote for my little girl on fb. All you have to do is go to this link and LIKE her picture!!!! we would love to get professional pics of her!!!! thanks so much

    1 AnswerFacebook9 years ago
  • Vote for my little girl on facebook?

    All you have to do is go to this link and LIKE her picture!!!! we would love to get professional pics of her!!!! thanks so much

    1 AnswerFacebook9 years ago
  • question about illegal immagrants?

    i was wondering if someone was to even call ICE or whoever and tell them a tip about someone being here illegally would they even do anything? what all do you have to know about the a first name, last name and what city they live in enough???

    3 AnswersImmigration9 years ago
  • whats the best workout video?

    i had a baby in 2010 i dont need to lose weight i just need to get toned. i cant go to the gym so thats outta the question and the only work out thing i have is a tredmill which i plan on using everyday hopefully. but i was wondering what workout dvd should i get? is there anyone out there that has had kids and then got back to a tight tummy after a workout video? also how long should i be on the tredmill? i never work out so what should i start out at?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • i need help couponing!!!?

    i want to start couponing! i get the sunday paper but there is only a few coupons in it that i would use and i go to but the only food groceries i would use is the milk and cheese. how is everyone saving so much? where are they getting all the good coupons? i go to other sites but it just makes me download stuff and put my number in and they call me over and over. please help?

    5 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • HELP!!!! question about humidifier & pneumonia?

    my 15 month old has a cold...its just a runny nose so far no cough. but i put baby vicks on her chest last night and tonight to help her sleep better and i put the humidifier in her room. can she get pneumonia from it if its cold in her room? our house is set to 73 but for some reason its colder then that in the rooms...its not super cold but its chilly when i go in there

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • question about wisdom teeth? please help!!!?

    ok so my wisdom teeth are still under the skin, im 22 and my dentist said i need them out. i have straight teeth and they dont bother me AT ALL. ive heard that even if they are still under the skin you still need to get them out because they will rot? is that true? what happens if i dont get them out? or is it fine to keep them in if they dont bother me or come up, cuz if they dont come up they cant get cavities?

    1 AnswerDental9 years ago
  • which is healthier of these 3?

    Butter, margarine, or i cant believe its not butter... and healthier as in for your body! not which one has more calories and all that...

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • can someone give me some healthy meal plans?

    can someone give me some healthy meal plans for breakfast lunch and dinner...also healthy things to snack on...obviously i know veggies:]

    if i eat anything for breakfast it would be like a banana or breakfast hot pocket.

    for lunch have either a frozen burrito or sandwich on white bread. what type of wheat bread is the healthy one?

    i cook dinner every night but i dont think its that healthy. i have all the food groups every night but i make for example..

    oven baked bbq chicken, broccoli with butter and salt and mashed potatoes,


    pork chops covered in frosted flakes and fried in butter or oil with green beans and white rice,

    pot roast which is mushrooms carrots potatoes and onions.


    steak baked potato and corn etc... i put butter and salt on all of my veggies i need to start eating healthy because im only 22! thanks!

    10 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • any ideas for work lunches for my husband?

    so i need some ideas for lunches for my husband. he works for coca cola as a driver so he doesnt really have a lunch break, fridge, or microwave. he just has a lunchbox and we have a lil ice pack for it. what i have been giving him is either a pb&j or a turkey sandwich with chips a granola bar baby carrots some type of fruit and a water. i dont like packing the same thing all the time. he is not a health freak so he is not going to want hummus or anything like that. im sure he would eat a salad but the lunchbox isnt really big enough for a tubaware for salad. what are some good ideas on different lunches? thanks

    10 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • homemade christmas gift for the family?

    i want to make my whole family something homemade for christmas. i wanted to paint signs like the live laugh love ones but to fit their personality but my sister is doing that. what else can i do? also this is for people that are all 40 and older. thanks

    4 AnswersChristmas10 years ago
  • what are these little bumps on my finger!!!!!!!?

    ok so the other day i noticed i woke up and had this little bump on my finger, its the same color as my skin, it kinda hurt if i pushed on it and its about the size of a pen point. then the next day i noticed there was another one so i thought great i think i have plantar warts or something! cuz if i look real close it kinda looks like there is a lil black dot in the middle of a few but not super noticable like in the pictures of plantar warts online. now there is about 6 little bumps in a cluster and they have been itching the last few days. i have only had them on my finger about maybe 4-5 days and they already multiplied that fast. anybody know what they are?

    5 AnswersSkin Conditions10 years ago
  • why is my doberman doing this?

    he has been liking the inside of his paw like crazy! we looked in it and we cant see anything in there but it is all red? but i cant tell if its red because he keeps licking it or there is something there that we cant see?

    8 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • lower belly fat??? help?

    ok so i weigh about 120 and im 5'4" i had a baby in sept 2010 im back to my normal size besides i still have that little pooch in my lower stomach! how can i get ride of it. i know exercise but what kind. and if its not normal crunches please explain. i also have a tredmill but how long should i walk/jog on it a day? what kind of exercises should i do? in detail! thanks

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • Please help i think i just saw a hobo spider in my house! and i have a baby!!!!?

    i know that i need to call someone to come an spray our house but i was wondering if there was a spray or bomb that you can buy from walmart or somewhere that you can use in your house and is safe for babies and pets

    6 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)10 years ago
  • how long will recovery be after surgery?

    my husband needs to get surgery on his pinky because he fractured or tore his tendon. how log is recovery usually? has anyone had to do this?

    2 AnswersOther - Health10 years ago