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  • Where can I purchase a curved headjoint for my Emerson EF1 flute? It only came with a straight piece.?

    Can I just buy one of the separates sold on amazon or ebay? Does it have to be the same brand?

    2 AnswersClassical7 years ago
  • When does it get better?

    My husband walked out on his family 2 months ago, after a fight about him going to the bar and getting drunk. Some background, he drinks about 4-5days per week, we have had a hard time the past 5 years, I am now 9 months pregnant with our fourth child. Back when we fought it was mostly over the fact that although I was working full-time, pregnant, and homeschooled our 3 children all under the age of 10, he still felt entitled to go out with what little money he made. He has never contributed in a significant manner to our household, just work occasionally around the yard. After he left he told me that he didn't want to leave but he couldn't stand to be treated this way anymore. He was

    Complaining about me telling him to get off his *ss and do something with his life. He is the worlds biggest procrastinator and very self centered. So even as I know these things, and I figure me and our children are probably better off without him. I just can't seem to let go. I am so depressed, I cry almost everyday, am just miserable. So my question is... When will it get better? When will I stop feeling completely worthless and rejected? When will I want to smile again? I am so afraid that this will all forever mark the birth of this last baby... And it makes me so sad to think that I will not be able to find the joy I had when my other three were born. It's just all too much sometimes...

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Am I overreacting or is this as insane as it feels?

    My husband and I have been married for over 10 years. Have three beautiful children together and a fourth on the way (only a month away)! We've had our share of problems before but always been able to work things out. Five years ago I purchased a house with the help of my father, who supplied the downpayment. It was put in my name because I have very good credit and had just started a decent paying job. At that same time my husband decided he was "worth" more than he was making and quit his job. Since then he has worked sporadically but hasn't stayed working mostly because he doesn't want to pay the child-care. Which is the only bill he has payed since we moved here. He refused to help with anything else, saying I should pay since I make more and he didn't want to move here anyway. We decided over a year ago that we should try to move since we have grown out of the small two bedroom house we are currently in. Then as I started the cleaning out, and touch ups that are required, he suddenly decides that he doesn't want to move anymore. So he has been undoing work that I have done, made a mess in the yard with wood for this coming winter. Even though we hadn't planned to be here this winter. Then on top of that, after using his phone to talk to our oldest sons friends mother, I saw texts between him and a young girl who he likes to babysit for us. These texts were actually making fun of me! Laughing about how "they" need to make sure the house isn't a mess when I get home from work and such. He even texted her to tell her I wasn't upset about her teaching our youngest a bad word! Which I was however. But he wanted to make her "feel better". I know I am feeling more vulnerable than usual with being 8 months pregnant and with everything else now happening... I just want to cry. It feels like my world has turned upside down just when I needed it to be secure. Now he tells me that this is my fault because I get too stressed about money, and he can't handle all the stress anymore. That I should take the kids and move into a rental, since I want to move and he can pay me rent for the house I own. I don't want to do this since I know him, and there are a lot of good reasons he has awful credit. Plus he is working as a landscaper and will certainly not be working come winter. Additionally I was hoping to buy another house, once I sold this one.

    Am I overreacting or is he really being a complete moron? Can he really stop me from moving, even if it's in the best interest of our children? He says I can't sell the house without his permission. How can that be? When everything is in my name, not his. When it is evident that he has not supported his family in many years, even when he was working he kept all of his pay and spent it going out with the guys and buying beer. Can he really do this to me and our children?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Can my husband stop me from selling my house if its in my name?

    We married over 10 years ago, 3 years ago I purchased a house, in my name only. Using none of his money, which I can prove. The title is in my name only, the mortgage is in my name only. We have 3 kids and I am currently 8 months pregnant. Our home is only 2 bedrooms and our children need more room. I want to sell for a bigger home. He has recently decided that a family is too much stress for him, but he wants me to move out with the children. He has decided he would like to pay me rent, rather than sell. But I need to sell the house so that I can buy another. How do I make him leave? I have paid all mortgage payments, and all household bills as he has chosen to do nothing until the last few months when hate has been working as a landscaper. He has never paid for anything. What rights do I have?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • What is involved in dewinterizing a boat?

    We want to test start a i/o motor that has been winterized. Can we test start motor on trailer without draining the coolent? Can we just use the earmuffs? It is a I/o 350.

    3 AnswersBoats & Boating10 years ago
  • How does a well maintained 78' searay cuddy 24ft compare with a 78' 25ft wellcraft nova cuddy?

    Sea ray has 500hrs on engine/ professionally maintained newer interior, winterized, and dry stored. Used last season $2500

    Wellcraft 300hrs on engine/ left outside uncovered, not professionally winterized. Used 3 seasons ago. $2000

    3 AnswersBoats & Boating10 years ago
  • Can I tow a 25ft wellcraft nova cuddy with my Jeep grand Cherokee straight 6 4.0 4wd class 3 hitch?

    What should I be worried about? Is it too much? Stability? I don't know what the trailer weights yet, but boat is listed at 5000lbs.

    3 AnswersJeep10 years ago
  • Can I tow a 25ft wellcraft nova cuddy cabin twin 350's inboard?

    With my Jeep grand Cherokee straight 6 4.0 4wd with a class 3 hitch? Not interested in going long distances or steep inclines... Dealer lists boat at 5000lbs, and I don't know about the trailer. Worried about stability?

    8 AnswersBoats & Boating10 years ago
  • Can I tow a 25ft wellcraft cuddy cabin ?

    With my Jeep grand Cherokee straight 6 4.0 4wd with a class 3 hitch? Not interested in going long distances or steep inclines...

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation10 years ago
  • What should I do, stay or go?

    I've been married for 10 years to my high school sweetheart, and we've been together for about 17 years total. Three kids too. For the past 4-5 years we havnt gotten along. We disagree on a lot of really important things that neither one of us can reconcile giving up on. Additionally he recently told me that he doesn't find me attractive anymore because he doesn't like who I am. Basically said while he is still attracted physically sometimes, he doesnt he doesn't like me as a person. He also has gotten into the habit of disappearing for a few days whenever we get into an argument.

    Even through all this, he still says he loves me and wants to stay, that he doesn't want a divorce. I don't either, but at times I just feel like: what's the point anymore. It's so depressing spending my life with someone who by all intensive purposes hates you, but every once in a while shows you that he loves you. Like I can never get to the point that I am willing to walk away because he does and says just enough to keep me. But I really feel like it's tapering away, like I am slowly becoming a cold uncaring person to him. Mostly because anything I show or expose to him later gets ridiculed and belittled.

    Will this ever get any better? Will it get worse? Should I leave? Stay and wait it out? How do I prevent myself from becoming completly embittered towards him?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What can I do to feel better...?

    My husband of ten years never wants to have sex, when we do I am the one that has to make it happen. He swears that he is still attracted to me. But he NEVER comes on to me, ever. I've asked him why and he just says he doesn't think about it except durring the middle of the day. Now we have three kids, all young and homeschooled so there is never time for that durring the day. He says he just tired at the end of the day.

    I just feel rejected and deprived. I guess I must have a very high sex drive and would totally go for it just about anytime anywhere. And this just sucks! I am not too much into serviceing myself but I do. I have talked with him so many times about this, and he always says the same things... I need more, NOW. I don't want to cheat, but if this keeps up...

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Guys: what would you like your wife to do most...?

    Specifically as you can be, what would be the best things your wife could do, behave like, or let you do... "In bed"?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Text affair or my own fault?

    My husband had an affair about 5 years ago that he purchased a secret phone to contact her with so that I wouldn't find out. Eventually I discovered it, he left it in his pants, found it in the laundry.

    So he has been acting really weird lately and I decided to test him. I bought a prepaid cell phone and sent him texts of my own from a secret admirer. He's responded with interest and has even tried to meet up. He has been lying about what he is doing, I know because he's been texting me instead of what he says he's doing.

    Should I leave him, confront him and try to work things out, or have I been unfair to test him this way.

    17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Not my husbands type...?

    I am not my husbands type, and never was. Why did he choose to marry me, and why does he stay?

    For as long as I have known my H he has only looked at a particular type of women... Fairly tall, perfect body, big boobs, "classically" beautiful, "done up" women. You know the Cindy Crawford type. I am the exact opposite and always have been. Always a bit on the heavy side of normal (size 8-12 respectively), "cute", long hair, big boobs, but not at all the classic beauty. But I like the way I look, and am not interested in changing myself for him or anyone for that matter.

    So my question is, should I be worried? Does it matter that he isn't attracted to me?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I tested positive for HPV about 9 or 10 years ago...?

    Nothing happened, no warts nothing. My most recent test, as well as all the others I have had, was negative for HPV. I also recently had a really awful yeast infection, now that it has resolved (about two months ago) I noticed some small blister looking/skin tags around my vaginal opening (well 2 anyway). I never noticed them before, and my doctor didn't say anything about them when I saw her a month ago (they were there then). I forgot to ask her... Can you get genital warts even though your pap smears are negative for HPV?

    3 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago