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Lv 32,493 points

It's that man again!

Favorite Answers14%
  • Why do people do this?

    On TV antiques shows, someone will come in with , say, a snuffbox.

    The expert asks why they are selling it, and they give the ridiculous answer "I'm downsizing!"

    How small a house are they moving into that there is no room for something that measures 4x2x1 inches?

    24 AnswersSenior Citizens9 years ago
  • Seniors. Has your annual income?

    increased by 25% this year?

    The salaries of Britain's bosses have.

    It seems the recession is very selective across the social spectrum doesn't it.

    11 AnswersSenior Citizens9 years ago
  • Seniors. Do any of you ever recall?

    some of the TV advertising jingles from days gone by?

    The ones that keep popping up in my mind are:

    Castella. The king size cigar for the price of a pint! (Then 1/6d)

    Hands that do dishes can be soft as your face...

    Bom bom bom bom - Esso Blue.

    Put a tiger in your tank.

    You're never alone with a Strand.

    Ticka ticka Timex. (And the watch strapped to an outboard motor propeller immersed in a tank of water)

    And of course

    And all because the lady loves Milk Tray.

    How about you lot? Any favourites?

    17 AnswersSenior Citizens9 years ago
  • Why are so many of you obsessed with zombies?

    Do you really believe everything you see on the TV?

    Are are you simply stupid?

    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore9 years ago
  • Seniors. What do you think of the Italian?

    scientists jailed for 6 years for failing to predict the severity of an earthquake?

    If they had applied the same reasoning about Vesuvius in 79 AD some poor sod would have really have had a hard time.

    How could a scientist possibly be held criminally responsible for something like that? Earthquake prediction is not an exact science, and forecasting the precisie severity of one is damn nigh impossible?

    I should think many Italian seismologists will tonight be seriously considering an immediate career change.

    6 AnswersSenior Citizens9 years ago
  • Are you still there and waiting?


    You malignant little turd.

    1 AnswerSenior Citizens9 years ago
  • Seniors. Did any of you hear about?

    that case a week or so ago, when Police Tazered a blind man because they mistook his white cane for a Samurai sword?

    I am reminded of the case in London a few years back when Police shot dead a man who was carrying home a table-leg, after having it repaired in a local carpenter's shop. The thought it was a shotgun.

    Ye Gods! Are our Police paranoid or what?

    It would appear that it is the coppers who require the white sticks.

    Or is it now a shoot first and attempt to justify it afterwards then cover it up policy?

    I also notice that the case of that brutal copper who pushed an innocent pedestrian to the ground and killing him, has been quietly dropped from the news, and wept under the media carpet.

    And don't start on about the two coppers shot the other week. They still have no excuse to open fire on, or Tzer innocent members of the public whenever the fancy takes them.

    5 AnswersSenior Citizens9 years ago
  • Seniors. Are you in favour of an?

    independant Scotland?

    Since 1606, Scotland has been a part of the United Kingdom.

    Now however, it seems the Scottish Parliament will be voting in the not-too-far distant future, not on devolution as such, but full blown independence. It would mean that Scotland would become a separate member of the EU. It would employ and maintain its own Armed Forces, and control its own budget, subsidised by North Sea Oil and Gas revenues.

    The ramifications are enormous, not only from the viewpoint of national identity, but will also effect not only the Union Flag, but all aspects of Sovereignty.

    I dont know whether I like the idea or not..

    It will certainly be the biggest shake up of our Kingdom for 300 years.

    How do you feel?

    10 AnswersSenior Citizens9 years ago
  • Seniors. How proud are you to be British, and dare you say so?

    Not trolls, Leave me alone for once to ask an honest question. Not Americans or Australians with a chip on their shoulders and and axe to grind. Nor immigrants whining about how hard they are done by.

    I am talking about people of my generation. English people, who knew the hardship of the post-war years.

    People that have known real hardship. People that have gone through at least one world war. People that have seen their country reduced to that of a third world nation.

    How do YOU feel about the direction in which we are being taken?

    For myself, I despair.

    Chidren growing up ignorant of our history. Children gowing up to consider the elderly as a burden?

    Chidren gowing up to believe that takiing by force is easier than working?

    I am sure this question will be deleted.. Some small minded cretins might consider it racist, or sexist, or elitist or Imperialist or anti-humanist, or anything-ist. And I'm sure the yahoo moderators, in their infinitely, small-minded wisdom, will delete this.

    But the question remains.

    Are you happy with our once glorious country today

    16 AnswersSenior Citizens9 years ago
  • Seniors. Can anyone help me with this?

    I remember when I was a child in the 50's, a construction system you could buy. This was before Leggo.

    It consisted of various sizes and shapes of green plastic base with hundreds of tiny holes in. Into these holes went thin steel rods in the shape of the outline of the building you wanted. Then flat plastic brick sections (white and brown as I remember) with corresponding holes were slid onto the rods to produce the first course of brickwork.

    Windows and doors (which actually opened) could be added wherever required. Thus an entire house could be constructed including all internal walls. The roof was then finished using flat red plastic panels, which were imprinted to resemble tiles. Even different chimneys and pots could be added.

    I haven't seen one since about 1958, and wondered if any of you remember such a thing, and, more importantly, what it was called..

    I'm damned if I can remember the name of it.

    10 AnswersSenior Citizens9 years ago
  • Seniors. What do you think?

    about the continuing revelations regarding the late Jimmy Savile?

    Like others of my age, he was a part of the established culture we all knew. I even met him whilst I was a patient in Stoke Mandeville hospital, Aylesbury.

    I can't help wondering how many other celebrities, protected by their wealth, fame, and influential friends, are not quite as we believe they are?

    7 AnswersSenior Citizens9 years ago
  • Inevitable I suppose?

    Today, I saw my first Christmas ad on TV.

    October 11th!

    Is this a new record?

    6 AnswersSenior Citizens9 years ago
  • Seniors. How many of you like Haggis?

    Prompted by an earlier question about today being International Porridge Day (I've heard everything now!) I just wondered how many of you like the other national dish of Scotland?

    Personally I love the stuff.

    Also being a player of the mighty bagpipes, I wish I had 50p for every Haggis I have piped in to a dinner.

    (I will now sit back and wait for the inevitable Haggis jokes to clog up my inbox!)

    6 AnswersSenior Citizens9 years ago
  • Seniors. A party political broadcast?

    has just commenced on Beeb 2.

    Why is it that every time I see Cameron's smug face on the TV I am gripped by an overwhelming urge to hit it?

    (Read and answer quickly. This question will disappear in about 7 minutes!)

    10 AnswersSenior Citizens9 years ago
  • Seniors. How many of you remember?

    a 1960's film called 'Grand Prix' starring James Garner and Yves Montand?

    It was a brilliant, cutting edge film, exciting, tragic and with memorable camera-work. The theme music, by the great Maurice Jarre is superbly atmospheric.

    Yet it has never, to my knowledge, appeared on TV. It would make a terrific Sunday afternoon movie.

    Why do they keep repeating so much rubbish when there are great films like this just gathering dust in some dark corner?

    8 AnswersSenior Citizens9 years ago
  • What is the problem with ITV2?

    I am very limited as to the number of channels available to be. I do not have satellite or cable, just a freeview box. I cannot afford to upgrade, and so depend on very few channels for my viewing.

    For the past 12 weeks ITV2 has been restricting its late movie menu to 2 film series only. It goes like this:











    and so it goes on.

    And on, and on, and on.

    Have they no access to any other movies AT ALL?

    It's like bloody groundhog day every time I look at ITV2's evening movies schedule.

    1 AnswerDrama9 years ago
  • Seniors. Is it worth asking?

    any questions at all on this bloody site?

    Come on you bastard!

    Now report this one.

    That'll make about 15 in 5 days.

    5 AnswersSenior Citizens9 years ago
  • Seniors. Be warned. Watch you questions?

    Our little reporting troll is having a hyperactive day.

    1 AnswerSenior Citizens9 years ago
  • Seniors.Be warned folks.?

    Our favourite little troll is at it again.

    1 AnswerSenior Citizens9 years ago
  • Fellow seniors Are you getting scared?

    I have just watched a TV programme about the Mayan people, and their prediction that the world will end at midnight on 21st Dec, 2012.

    What precautions are you taking?

    Burrowing out deep bunkers, stockpiling food and bows and arrows? Investing in post-apocalyptic survival kits and thermal underwear?

    Personally, I can't take any prediction seriously that was made by a civilisation that didn't even have the intelligence to invent the wheel.

    However, I am making a token gesture towards my impending doom.

    I haven't bothered buying a diary for next year.

    And I suppose it will save me the expense of buying a Christmas turkey.

    24 AnswersSenior Citizens9 years ago