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Lv 31,117 points

Lady Dynamite

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  • Not Invited Out..? Any Advice? (Thanks)?

    I've always been a loud and sociable person but never in school. Last year, my freshman year, I got to become friends with a new group of friends who are the 'IT' girls, if you know what I mean. I was intimidated by them so I was quiet, I'm still rather quiet.

    But I was close friends with one of the girls who said she considered me a close friend. The first time I went over to her house, I indicated it. The next weekend she invited me over and her best friend, let's say her names Jane. So we hang out, just the three of us and have a good time. That was the last time she asked me to hang out. I mean, we do hang out when I ask her, she gets excited and tells me to come over asap. And in group outings were together but she never asked me individually, which sucks since she's the person I'm least intimidated by.

    Anyway, so I last month I told her I feel left out from the group and **** and she starts inviting me out everyday on the weekend after I told her. Then that's it. Today, I told her to come over if she wasn't doing anything and she said she'll cause she planned on going out with her mom and doing nothing. I reminded her to "see" three times. She didn't call me or anything but her friend, Jane, posted a Snapchat of them going out. Just her and Jane and her little sister and her friends... I don't get it. What did I do wrong?

    SHe even said she deleted her snapshot but I discovered she made a new one but didn't add me, probably doesn't want me to know, for no goodreason

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • B&A: Is it better to write a historical fiction novel or alternative middle ages world novel?

    Which is easier to write? Why?

    Which is more enjoyable to write? Why?

    What would you prefer to read? Why?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • B&A: You as a character?

    Okay, so I've been studying the kidsI go to school with. I see how all of them are, popular, quite, funny. I've been asking myself why the popular kids are so popular, and then I realized. The popular kids are people I'd love to have as characters with goals, personality, etc. It made me think if I was a character in a book I wouldn't like myself according to intentions, personality, and stuff like that.

    What about you? Would you like yourself if you were a book character? Who from your personal life would you like if he/she was a character? Why?

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Why is John Green famous?

    I haven't read one of his books but I could tell he is a popular author (not Youtube vlogger). Why? He write realistic fiction, like many others. Usually it's fantasy and mystery writers who get all the attention and fans. So what makes his work stand out from all the other realistic fiction novels for those who read his books?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • B&A: Would a book with no MC be distasteful?

    For the new novel I'm planning for I originally had one character in mind to be my MC. I was going to write it in 1st person but now I changed it to 3rd. The more I began thinking the more it seemed like the book shouldn't just be from that character's pov, the others have stories and dilemmas of their own that I need to tell. So it's not like 4 pov just a bunch. I don't know whether that works or if it had been done before...

    Sorry if I seem all over the place :)

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • B&A: Killing off characters?

    I read everywhere that you shouldn't kill characters just to stir emotions or providing a sequel. But then again WHY should a character get killed? What reason(s) is there? Is there some sort of checklist that you keep to yourself on deciding whether killing a specific character is necessary.

    9 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Writers/Readers: How are the troublemakers in your school like?

    I believe that in every school there is that one good looking boy who is always making trouble. How is (or was) the one in your school like? Funny? A right down jerk? What?

    (This is for my character research).


    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • What is one thing you've never understood about people?

    *This is in the B&A section because it's a sort of character experiment.

    People, whether real or fictional, act in different ways. What confuses you most about people? Why the loners don't start making friends; why people assume making friends is so hard? Why does this person sacrifice for a person that doesn't love her/him back? Why people wear their pride and do whatever as so not to loose it?

    Personally, what I don't get are people who shut people out and don't speak their feelings. Many people, and characters, do it and I just keep thinking 'why?' I speak my heart out when I'm down instead of locking things up inside me.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • B&A: State ? *ignore this, you know why, I hope*?

    Whenever I read a book or even watch a TV show they always seem to mention the State. Not a specific city, but the State. And I'm wondering what you, as a reader, prefer to be taken into. A world in a small State (ex:Maine) or a bigger one (ex:NJ or Massachusetts)

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • What's school like in the States? (Americans answer please)?

    I'm not American, nor have I visited a school in America. My novel takes place in an American high school and the image I have in my head is of the schools I see in ABC shows where cliques stay together, the jocks hate the drama kids, the popular girls are the best dressed, etc. Is it really like that?

    Do school environment differ in different states?


    9 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • B&A: Why Do you write + BQ?

    A common question, but I just figured out why I do it.

    I write simply because I want to live another life. When my life is too casual and I grow tired of my friends I make up new ones. If I want to feel popular I type a novel of a popular girl and write in first PoV. If I wish I were a boy I'd type a novel as a guy.

    So, why do you write?

    BQ: So I bet you know all those tumblr pictures with witty quotes on it, I was just wondering, is it illegal to write them down for a novel of my own? Is it considered copyrighted?

    Thanks : )

    (sorry for the bad wording, I think)

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Fitting with the populars?

    Okay so this is my freshman year but everybody knows everybody since kindergarten. I used to be popular in elementary then stopped in middle school. Before school this summer i started hanging out with one of the popular girls who came to me. Now i have to get close with her friends but i don't know how to do that. We were friends in elementary so i know i have a chance but they only talk to me when i talk to them and it makes me look lame. Im in the group but how do i make them my friends?

    (This is not so much of wanting to get popular, i just want them as my friends)

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Readers: Realistic fiction or Fantasy?

    I'm tackling a new project (novel) and I know a good writerly advice is to write what you like to write about but in this case I have two so I want to know what YOU readers likes to read about. is it:

    1) Realistic fiction - normal people going on in their everyday lives with their problems


    2)Fantasy-ish - far off places, castles, and humans with a little twitch to them (you know what I mean, wizards, Shadowhunters NOT vampires and werewolves though)

    So, yeah.


    11 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • B&A Writers: How to come up with an original term/word?

    Hey, long time no visit :p

    So, you know how most books today have their own made up words for a race or something like that? What are the best ways to create my own?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Harry Potter next generation fanfic?

    Potterheads, what part of a Next Gen fanfic would catch your attention?

    1) Rose(with Albus and Scorpius)

    2) Victoire and Teddy?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Harry Potter next generation fanfic?

    Potterheads, what part of a Next Gen fanfic would catch your attention?

    1) Rose(with Albus and Scorpius)

    2) Victoire and Teddy?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • B&A Writers: questions after your book...?

    Let's say you finished your book and had to ask whoever you gave to read one or two questions, what would you ask that you think is most important?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • B&A: Writing two novels at the same time?

    I am currently writing the first book of my series. It isn't boring me, and I DO want to finish it, but I have an idea with another stand-alone novel that is less complicated. Should I go ahead and write it? I could divide my writing time between the two.

    What would you advice?

    BQ: Are you or did you ever write more than one story at the same time? How is it going/ how did it work out for you?

    12 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • B&A Writers: How can I improve my vocabulary?

    The question is as written, but for further information:

    English is my second language and I though people in my country do speak english, the vocabulary is limited ( my teachers at school an exception). But the normal words teenagers use in America sometimes - I admit with shame- sounds like "big words" to me, if you get me.

    I don't know what to do. This is what I tried:

    1) Every time I came across a word I don't know I would look it up. It didn't exactly work because it really ruined my relaxing mood when reading so I ended up having an endless list of words that I kept procrastinating to look up and ended up never knowing their definitions. It was terrible.

    2) A word a day thing. It is my current method and is somewhat helpful, but I keep on forgetting last days word. It kind of brings me down.

    Any small tip or anything would be appreciated. Thanks.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago