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Lv 2749 points

Joe Black

Favorite Answers42%
  • Does it Bother You That Larry David Urinated on Jesus?

    It bothered this fan:

    Dear Curb Your Enthusiasm Directors,

    Prior to the recent episode of Curb, with Larry pissing on the Jesus painting, I was probably one of the biggest Curb fans, as I have been since the very first episode of Season 1. I have sent countless emails and posted literally hundreds of comments all across the internet, telling other people to tune in- many of which had never heard of Curb in the early episodes.

    Even though I am not big on religion, I am absolutely disgusted, disappointed, and revolted by the decision you made for Larry to piss on the Jesus picture. If this had been a Koran or a Star of David, would Larry piss on it?

    After all these years of following Curb, and telling others how great it is, I am no longer interested in anything Larry David has to offer.

    It is a pity that Larry made his fortune off the masses of silly Christians (like the ones that worship Virgin Mary has browns and mold formation, and crying portraits), and then has the audacity to mock them with such a vulgar act as portraying the act of urinating on a picture of their icon.

    A formerly loyal fan,

    2 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • What Is The Best Strategy To Make Money w/ Penny Stocks?

    Is there a universal principle I should learn, or a strategy you know of that could help me? Any suggested resources? Any help is appreciated.

    5 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • How Do I Trade Stock Online ?

    Suggestions? I am interested in playing with "Penny Stocks".

    7 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • Is Obama is a Socialist or a Fascist?

    I am trying to figure this out. Your input?

    It seems to be some new kind of hybrid between Oligarchical Socialism that will end in two classes:

    - the privileged and

    - the masses.

    We have already begun to see the division between the two groups. The privileged are the Congress (who have recently purchased numerous private jets so they no longer have to fly among the masses, as well as had private airports built in their home-towns with tax dollars), as well as Wall Street elites and Bankers. While the country slips into a depression, Wall Street and big Banks are recording record bonuses and compensation- even as thousands of jobs are cut.

    So we are slipping into two different classes, and it is obviously by design, since the very men that created this financial crisis are the ones Obama chose to surround himself with. Even Obama's Treasury Secretary (Timothy Gheitner) is the former head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (an offshore banking cartel).

    So what does this mean? Is Obama a Socialist, a Fascist, or something else? I'm confused.

    17 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Which Promise Did Obama Keep?

    1. Close Guantanamo ?

    2. Transparency in White House ?

    3. Allow 5 days to review bills before signing them?

    4. No Lobbyists in the White House (he now has more than any other Pres.)

    5. End War in Iraq?

    6. End War in Afghanistan?

    7. Stop job losses at 9% with HUGE Stimulus Package Bill?

    8. End wiretap on US citizens?

    9. Fix the economy?

    Which promise did he keep? Because he did none of the above.

    22 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Did 30,000 Scientists Sign AGAINST Global Warming?

    I heard that more than 30,000 scientists signed a petition AGAINST the Government-backed global warming agenda.

    Are they all just a bunch of crazy morons that cannot accept the facts being fed to us by our politicians? Why are they going against the Government like this, and creating a controversy when we all know that most Government officials are usually right?

    Who should I believe: Politicians like Al Gore, or the 30,000 scientists that say it is a scam?

    Also, how can we finally crush the dissenting scientists once and for all? Perhaps discredit them, or get them sacked from their jobs?

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What Does Obama Mean By "Fundamental Change" for America?

    Some say this means the Socialist agenda.

    Others say it means "reform", but fail to give any specifics (sort of like Obama did during his campaign- avoid specifics).

    What did Obama mean, and, are we seeing this "fundamental change" presently?

    17 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What is the BEST Protein Powder?

    Overall, in your opinion, what is the best for supplementing protein in one's diet?

    I am an athlete, with no allergies. I just want extra protein to help supplement my muscle tissue, preferably without ingesting too many excess calories.

    All factors can be considered, if you want, including


    -mixability (does it dissolve in liquid easily)

    -protein content

    -nutrient density (does it have other supplements like vitamins, and is it low in calories, for the "punch" it gives?)

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Is Obama Going To Sign Away US Sovereignty in Copenhagen?

    I have heard the rumors.

    Any truth to it?

    19 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Was The Phrase "Anybody But Bush" The Biggest Mistake EVER?

    Since this idea "Anybody but Bush" led to the election of a Socialist with a superiority complex, and no actual accomplishments (except 3 different books he wrote about himself), is it possible that the phrase "Anybody But Bush" was the dumbest slogan ever?

    This was the standard used in electing Obama, so what does that say about the people that voted for him?

    21 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How Can Obama Crush All Dissent?

    Should he first wipe FOX News off the map, or should he use a different strategy?

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How Can The White House Silence All Dissent?

    What can the White House do to silence FOX News and Glenn Beck?

    White House appointee Mark Lloyd called dictator Hugo Chavez "brilliant", since he was able to silence the media in Venezuela. Obama responded by putting Mark Lloyd in charge of the FCC (the organization that controls all television and radio in America).

    Do you think this is the best approach to finally silence all dissent, and get on with the "fundamental change" we were promised?

    18 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • WOW! Is Glenn Beck Correct?

    I only recently started watching Glenn Beck because of the criticism of him.

    Lots of criticism, but I cannot find where he is wrong, except for small technical things.

    For example, when he accused Obama's "Green Czar" Van Jones of being a radical revolutionary communist, it was quickly pointed out that "Van Jones technically isn't a Czar!". MMmmmk. Thanks for that, but that was kind of besides the point. Aren't we going to touch the whole "self avowed Communist" part? Or the fact that this was a Presidential adviser?

    How about White House Communications Director Anita Dunn worshipping Chinese Dictator Mao Tse Tung (killer of 70 million people)? Should we crucify Glenn Beck for pointing this out?

    How about White House FCC Czar Mark Lloyd, who claimed that Dictator Hugo Chavez was "incredible"? Is Glenn Beck wrong for identifying a Presidential appointee who is idolizing a dictator famous for cracking down on all dissenting speech in Venezuela? This is the appointee in charge of American TV and radio now! Is this somehow not accurate or relevant?

    And then, Glenn Beck was criticizing the efforts to bring the Olympics to the USA, by demonstrating the corruption and the huge losses (billions of dollars in losses suffered by the host cities). Glenn Beck confused one Canadian city with another, but the substance of what he said was true. In fact, once he corrected the city-name, it surfaced that his quoted losses were in reality even more severe than what he had broadcasted on television.

    Is Glenn Beck generally correct? If not, where is he wrong?

    22 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is The New World Order "Real" or An Imagined Conspiracy Theory?

    I have read about a group of international bankers that basically want to dominate the world's resources through shrewd banking and the funding of political upheaval.

    From what I have read online, there are some very persuasive articles written on the subject, and the more I read about it, the more convinced I am that this is real. However, I also notice that the entire subject comes with a certain stigma attached to it, that makes it difficult to discuss with anyone.

    Of particular note, many times the "authentic" data about the New World Order (for examples names and actions of real-world bankers) is thrown around carelessly by internet theorists, and combined with accusations of what I would call "hyper competence" (that these bankers can do almost anything they want, and that they can plan everything and control everything), reducing their credibility. In other words, some of the information concerning the New World Order seems authentic, while some of the body of information just seems to be ascribing way too much power to these same criminal elements and banking gangsters.

    In my research, I have had to sift through much of the information to get to what I am starting to believe is the "real" truth. I am starting to think there is an actual group of organized criminals that have amassed great wealth, and are advancing an agenda on the world stage with a great deal of planning. I am starting to think they are NOT all powerful, and that their agenda suffers setbacks. Despite this very real "human" element, I believe they are still extremely powerful, capable of using money to influence political upheaval, media outlets, and even large "grass roots" movements, through funding. But the information out there is not clear, and it is difficult to sort through.

    Does this "New World Order" exist?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do I Have a "RIGHT" To "Free" Health Care?

    Do you feel I have a right to health care (paid for by you) or, instead, is health care a privilege?

    If you feel it is a "right", where did you get this idea- from what precedent? Which Founding Father, which religious edict, which historical doctrine establishes that all men (and women) have a right to free health care paid for by someone else?

    24 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is Glenn Beck Spreading Falsehood?

    I have seen thousands of criticisms about Glenn Beck's claims (and they are explosive claims) for weeks now.

    I never watched the show much before, but now that I have seen the criticism, I decided to watch the show for myself. As it turns out, I have yet to see anything he said that was false.

    I even did a Google search, and the only thing I found were minor technical errors, which he promptly corrected.

    For example, when he accused Obama's "Green Czar" Van Jones of being a radical revolutionary communist, it was quickly pointed out that "Van Jones technically isn't a Czar!". MMmmmk. Thanks for that, but that was kind of besides the point. Aren't we going to touch the whole "self avowed Communist" part? Or the fact that this was a Presidential adviser?

    How about White House Communications Director Anita Dunn worshipping Chinese Dictator Mao Tse Tung (killer of 70 million people)? Should we crucify Glenn Beck for pointing this out?

    How about White House FCC Czar Mark Lloyd, who claimed that Dictator Hugo Chavez was "incredible"? Is Glenn Beck wrong for identifying a Presidential appointee who is idolizing a dictator famous for cracking down on all dissenting speech in Venezuela? This is the appointee in charge of American TV and radio now! Is this somehow not accurate or relevant?

    And then, Glenn Beck was criticizing the efforts to bring the Olympics to the USA, by demonstrating the corruption and the huge losses (billions of dollars in losses suffered by the host cities). Glenn Beck confused one Canadian city with another, but the substance of what he said was true. In fact, once he corrected the city-name, it surfaced that his quoted losses were in reality even more severe than what he had broadcasted on television.

    Is Glenn Beck spreading falsehood, and if so, when did it happen?

    26 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Will Obama's Administration Seize Our Guns?

    It is already very hard to get ammunition right now, since the Obama administration has crushed the "reload / recycled" ammunition business. There is a severe shortage of supply, and it isn't being helped by the fact that people are stockpiling as much as they can get (to be fair).

    Does Obama have plans to sieze guns and ammo from law abiding citizens?

    18 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is Obama a Communist, Socialist, Marxist, or something else?

    There are lots of accusations from the right against Obama's cabinet, Czars, appointees, etc.

    My question is specifically about Obama, though. Do you believe he is a communist, a Socialist, a Marxist, a Capitalist or something else?

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is Obama a Communist, Socialist, Marxist, or something else?

    There are lots of accusations from the right against Obama's cabinet, Czars, appointees, etc.

    My question is specifically about Obama, though. Do you believe he is a communist, a Socialist, a Marxist, a Capitalist or something else?

    21 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is It "O.K." if Obama's STAFF idolize and worship Communist Leaders Like Mao and Fidel Castro?

    To be very specific with my question, Anita Dunn, White House Communications Director is quoted as saying that her hero is Mao Tse Tung, the communist leader of China, responsible for killing 70 million people.

    Here is a link to her comments:

    Van Jones, Obama's "Green Czar" is an open revolutionary Socialist, and founder of "STORM", or "Standing Together To Organize a Revolutionary Movement". Here is a link as a source:

    Additionally, numerous Democrat representatives and Congresspeople (including Diane Watson) have been quoted as saying that Fidel Castro was "a brilliant and wonderful leader".

    Do all Democrats know that Fidel Castro (with the help of Che Guevara) butchered tens of thousands, became one of the wealthiest men in all of Latin America and has not had an election in more than 50 years?

    Here is a link where Diane Watson praises the greatness of Fidel Castro and Che Guevara:

    So why are so many Democrats embracing murderous dictators? If they know about all of Obama's staff worshiping Communist principles, does that mean Communism is O.K.?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago