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Lv 55,525 points

Curious Cat

Favorite Answers26%

I'm just so very curious.

  • Traveling the Americas for 3 months, advice needed?

    The destinations/sights that made my list are *drumroll* .... Hawaii, San Fancisco, Nevada(burning man & maybe Vegas), the Grand Canyon, Mexico(Cancun & Isla Holebox), Bahamas, Brazil(Rio), Argentina & Peru.

    Two weeks in Hawaii.

    A week in California

    A week @ Burning man/Nevada

    A week for the Grand Canyon & Cancun

    A week on Isla Holebox

    A week sailing the Carribean

    Two days for the Bahamas

    A month in Brazil

    The rest in Peru & Argentina

    I'm traveling with companion, we don't mind roughing it as long as we stay in a few nicer hotels here & there. We're both vegetarians & not big eaters(two meals a day, mostly fruit & the sort). We don't drink either, so we'll be missing those pricey bar tabs. We love a good party though, we're always ready when adventure calls, just two travelers looking for friends, a wild time & those more magical moments that travel throws at you.

    How much are we looking at spending overall? Any advice & tips are greatly appreciated! Thanks! ;D

    P.S I as I am typing this I am gently rocking on a hammock next to the lapping of the pristine water on Phi Phi Island in Thailand, great, cheap place to travel with chill vibes & great locals. Great destination for first time solo travelers.

    4 AnswersOther - Destinations9 years ago
  • Going to Thailand, plsease share your advice/experiences?

    So this January I've decided to try my first independent journey to a foreign country.

    Thailand's the destination I have decided on.

    I have set aside $2500 NZD(Yeah I'm from New Zealand) that's the equivalent $1,900USD for the entire 1&1/2 week endeavor. Mind you Flights from NZ to Thailand are cheaper since it's closer. So anyways I'm just looking for tips & advice

    I'm not so much for the nightlife, since you can get that just about anywhere these days, I am more attracted to Thai unique & colorful experiences, things like Elephant Riding, scuba diving with Mantas(already got my PADI open water), as well as just relaxing & just chilling out(it's been a hectic year). Also as an aspiring travel photographer I'll be looking for some good sightseeing. Lastly I love markets, so I might be doing a bit of spending on oddities & anything that looks weird or cultural enough to make my collection of eccentric oddities.

    Do you think that 2,500 is enough to cover the trip?

    How much spending money should I put aside?

    What are some things you would reccommend doing & seeing?

    How safe is independent travel? *I could probably wrangle a pickpocket into surrender if it came to that*

    Any additional details of use? I could really do with all the possible advice you can give to a first time traveller.

    NOTE: I have a currency converter open so just list any spending advice in whatever currency you count in, no problemo! ;D

    4 AnswersThailand10 years ago
  • Which sign does this song capture?

    Now I don't usually listen to this band but this one song of theirs has just awed me, I am speechless, it's so beautiful & the lyrics really awaken a side in me, I just can't explain it.

    So ahem *clears throat* Which sign do you think this song captures/describes?

    Goodnight Travel Well by the Killers

    The unknown distance to the gray beyond

    Stares back at my grieving frame

    To cast my shadow by the holy sun

    My spirit moans with a sacred pain

    And it's quiet now

    The universe is standing still

    There's nothing I can say

    There's nothing we can do now

    There's nothing I can say

    There's nothing we can do now

    And all that stands between the souls release ?

    This temporary flesh and bone

    We know that it's over now

    I feel my faded mind begin to roam

    Every time you fall

    And every time you try

    Every foolish dream

    And every compromise

    Every word you spoke

    And everything you said

    Everything you left me, rambles in my head

    There's nothing I can say

    There's nothing I can do now

    There's nothing I can say

    There's nothing I can do now

    Up above the world so high

    And everything you loved

    And every time you try

    Everybody's watching

    Everybody cry

    Stay, don't leave me

    The stars can wait for your sign

    Don't signal now

    And there's nothing I can say

    There's nothing I can do now

    There's nothing I can say

    There's nothing we can do now

    Goodnight, travel well

    Goodnight, travel well

    And there's nothing I can say

    There's nothing I can do now

    BQ: What are your thoughts on this song? Did you like it?

    5 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • What city in the world describes your personality the best?

    For me it's gotta be San Fransisco & Rio De Janeiro to a lesser extent.

    What city do you think best resembles your personality?

    & What sign is your sun, moon, venus, rising, 10th & 5th house in?

    BQ: What City do you most want to see/experience.

    BQ2: What city would you eventually like to settle down in.

    *still chasing curiosity*

    21 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • List 3 defining moments in your life, & what is your sign?

    For me it was growing up in the African wilderness.

    The first time I fell in love with the most beautiful girl in the universe.

    My first psychedelic trip.

    What signs are your sun, moon, saturn & ruling planet in?

    BQ: How has these moments changed you life/the way you see things?

    My curiosity has run amok again *chases after unrestrained curiosity*

    8 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • Describe your purrrrrfect abode?

    A little cottage by the sea? a Beverly Hills mansion? a mystical Indian palace? a shrouded temple in the Himalayas? or a jungle cave purrrrhaps?

    What astrrrrological placement is your sun, moon, venus, 2nd house & mc in?

    Get imaginative, I do sooo love long answers.

    *purrrs away contentedly*

    2 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • Desceribe your puurrrrrfect partner.?

    What is your sun moon, venus, mars, rising, mc, & 7th house placements?

    & What would his or hers be in.

    BQ - Name 7 traits your ideal partner would possess.

    P.S. I'm sooooo curious * dreamy cat voice*

    8 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • How curious are you & what is your sign?

    On a scale of 1 to Me(10), how curious are you?

    What is your sign?

    I'm so curious..

    12 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • What sense of humour does each sign possess?

    Dry, witty, campy, etc...

    Aries -

    Taurus -

    Gemini -

    Cancer -

    Leo -

    Virgo -

    Libra -

    Scorpio -

    Capricorn -

    Aquarius -

    Pisces -

    BQ - Do you laugh at your own jokes?

    BQ2 - What is your cup of humour?

    5 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • If tomorrow was your last day alive, what would you do, & your sign?

    What sort of mischief would you get up to if tomorrow was your last day on Earth?

    What is your sign?

    BQ: Will you do anything crazy on Dec 21st of 2012? (supposed to be the beginning of the end of the world)

    8 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • Do you believe in yourself, & what is your sign?

    BQ: What do you think it means to believe in yourself?

    10 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • I just realized I am actually a cat, what in my chart denotes my such feline tendencies?

    Or have been in the previous life, either way I'm pretty much like a cat.

    I keep getting complimented on my cat-like-ness. Not just in looks but also in my personality/mannerisms.

    Is this due to my Leo ascendant?

    Which Zodiac signs are the most cat like?

    As in mystical, aloof, graceful, cunning, curious, independent, playful, sincere, sly & all that?

    & which zodiac signs look most like a cat/cat-like?

    BQ: What are animal are you comparable to/do you find yourself allured to?

    5 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • What does the voice in your head sound like?

    The one you hear when you read in your head, or think to yourself?

    Do you hear your own voice when you think?

    BQ: What do you percieve a sexy voice to sound like?That is what is the sexiest voice you can think of, what does it sound like?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • I'm like a wizardly cat, need your two cents on the matter?

    Honestly, I don't really relate to my signs but if you were to tell me I was like a wizardly cat I would agree with you, even purrrr in agreement I would

    What sign combination would most likely feel like this? Or even relate? *shrugs*

    Wizards are..








    & Cats are






    Attention-seeking(I love the spotlight, yes ma'am I do)




    & Sly as f*ck

    I am like the combination of the two.

    What combination of signs would result in this mix up?

    I got my whiskers in a twist over this one..

    *continues to lick paws, purrring away over-excitedly like a baby on crack*

    3 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • I bet you can't guess her sign?

    She's got soul & an incurable curiosity. Appreciates beauty. She is a little goofy & playful, has her own sense of humour & laughs at her own jokes. Has a big heart, benevolent & a humanitarian. She is intelligent & reasonable, values fairness. Can endure almost anything, will stand up for herself & others. Believes in herself, does not follow trends. She is strong & faces her fears before they face her. She is offbeat & totally unconventional, likes to try new things. She is nostalgic or at least a longing soul. She is a little bit naughty, I don't like miss goody two shoes.

    She is capricious, embraces change. Hides her instability with her enthusiasm & creative improvise. Dreams of traveling the world, loves people, despises violence of any kind, is against harming any living organism. Likes to think of herself as a free spirit, values her space. Is independent & aloof. Loves poetry, aspires to be a writer. She is a very spiritual being, wants to be a mystic, she is extremely interested in the mystical & also a range of metaphysical & spiritual topics. She is eccentric, loves to shock & surprise people, secretly a performer. Appreciates solace & reflection. She is wilder than the wind & has more soul than the ocean.

    What sign does she sound like?

    9 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • How would each sign host a party, what do you think?

    If each sign were to host their own party how do you think they'd do it?

    Here's what I think...

    Aries would have some wild *** party that would take to the streets, the cops would show, Aries charismatically leads them into a full throttled riot. Amongst all the anarchy the Aries host evade capture with some wild *** thrill seekers to knick a cop car & burn it on a beach.

    Taurus decides that a party in the forest sounds like a great f*cking idea so get together with some boho kids, they get smashed & dance around in circles around trees in absolute bliss, long story short sh*t gets sensual as the night progresses & it all ends in an orgy under the stars.

    Gemini in the other hand decides to host two parties in one night on the same street, one is a fantasy themed dress up the other is jungle themed dress up, people turn up dressed like fairies & tigers, Gemini gets excited & starts climbing onto the rooftops of suburban houses along with the rest of the 500 wild party goers who end up becoming one massive party, who are now either are drunkenly climbing onto rooftops or pool crashing the neighbourhood pools. No one really knows what is going on, Gemini is beside himself with joy.

    Cancer hosts a lover's dance prom, cuddly couples cruise to a chic club & fill the dancefloor with a wiggly array of funky dance moves to the Grease soundtrack, someone changes the soundtrack, people get trashed along with the entire joint, Cancer escapes with a lover to watch the sunrise over the waterfront.

    Leo has creatively struck together an ingenious masquerade dance party, hired a DJ who happens to be a close friend, & some wild entertainers, a bunch of exotic strippers who seem to remember the host despite the host not remembering them, a few circus midgets for kicks & a real lion tamer with a show lion. Leo gazes on with pride across the crowd of wowed party animals. Then passes out after a few two many tequilas, waking up next to a bunch of naked strangers in a king sized bed along with a drugged lion & an unconscious midget, thinking "what the eff happened last night, where am I"?

    Virgo has hosted a rather elegant ball, formal dress is expected, the array of foodstuffs is unmatched, people are popping campaign gazing on at beautiful artworks, it's ultra modern & totally fashionable. Virgo rocks up in a limo, as she steps out the party guests gaze on at her perfectly fitted space age dress of her own design looking like some space age supermodel. Absolutely everything is perfect, quaint & classy, nothing out of order.

    Libra being the social butterfly has arranged a house party, only problem is the house is too small to fit everyone on Libra's contact list. People rearrange the house carrying out the living room out into the street where they shoot fireworks into the night sky, lovers cram onto the couches gazing on at the display of fireworks, people are hooking up everywhere on the lawn, on the street, on the roof, in the pool. The music is chill & everyone gets along charmingly.

    12 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • Capricorns are just plain badass, don't ya think?

    David Bowie is like the greatest f*cking musician ever, so eccentric wild & pure sexual f*cking powerful aura, it's just too much really. He's got some serious cool. Greatest f*cking revolutionary performer to ever have blessed the earth with his presence.

    Then there is none other than "the King" of rock & roll himself Elvis Presley. Nuff Said.

    Bob Dylan(Gemini) is Capricorn dominant with a Capricorn ascendant, words can not pin him down, he's just too badass. He changed generations with his music. An icon.

    It just seems like everyone with Capricorn in either sun, moon, or rising signs seems to be a badass.

    Johnny Depp & Brad Pitt both with a strong Capricorn moons.

    12 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • Are you the bee's knees?

    How can you tell?

    19 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago