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Hi and I am chilling 25 job, engineer stupid house, that needs fixin and two wild dogs like cheese and movies sometimes together

  • I saw a shooting star last night and wished I had a nice girlfriend. Will it work?

    I have been single for a very long time. I need a partner, someone to talk with, and a sexual healing. Where can a meet a lady? I need someone special. Online dating just does not work, not sure what is going on with those ladies, my game is weak, chat a lot, but don't dates.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Where is good spot to be racsist?

    Like, I just be Forget white people, forget black people, forget Latinos, forget those god awful green motherfuckers? Where can I just be racsist as hell and enjoy myself?

    Sociology5 years ago
  • Quit vaping a few days ago, is it a good idea?

    I quit vaping, but is it worth. I am going to gain weight without nicotine, I never stop eating without it.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • Can I have my dogs put down?

    They are getting on my nerves! Can have them put down even if they are healthy?

    14 AnswersDogs5 years ago
  • What are the negative aspects of dropsets?

    I have been doing dropsets for my biceps for months and seen great results. Can I just start doing all dropsets all the time? Typically I start with 2-3 compound exercise for around 5x5, then two dropsets of three-four drops. Then do lots more dropsets on isolation exercises. I am thinking of just going absolutely bonkers with dropsets for awhile, any thing to be weary of?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • The age old question: Should I do deadlifts?

    Straight leg are out of the question, way to many back issues for that. I usually regret deadlifts for a couple weeks afterwards. I tried them again after watching some form videos, I definitely arched my back to much before. I did them yesterday, my lower back is very sore but hopefully just regular muscle soreness, the next few days will tell. In your experience, should keep doing deadlifts with good form, strengthening the back or give up if you have much pain?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • How do I know when my mail is delivered?

    I need to know when the mail arrives?

    Abuse and Spam5 years ago
  • What are the dangers of eating too many onions?

    I have been eating a onion a day at least, plus spring onions. Is this okay? I like onions on my eggs, soup, chili, and spaghetti, it is lots of onions. Mainly yellow, I am going to try a red tomorrow!

    11 AnswersCooking & Recipes5 years ago
  • Simultaneous events in special relativity?.?

    It makes sense but then again it doesn't? would the difference in time between observed events on the train be equal to the speed of the train times the time it takes light to reach the signal of approaching signal times two divided by the speed of light? It makes sense a little, I mean speed of light is constant, but the train is moving in regards to a inertial reference, but it still kinda hard to grasp. It keeos me up all night trying to understand this theory!!! okay, someone answer this, would the first signal be seen at the same time as on the train and the second delayed, or the first one slighty before and second one sligly after? Someone who understands this thought exercise please provide some insight.

    1 AnswerPhysics5 years ago
  • Has this happened to you to? Escrow refund lost in the mail?

    I find awfully suspicious that my escrow refund check is lost in the mail!! My bill is certainly never lost in the mail... I am sure it is bullshit, they just want to collect interest on the funds as long as possible, this is not right. I have read lots of similar stories online. Is any one interested in forming a coalition??

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate5 years ago
  • How to stay sober and act right?

    I have been sober for two weeks, and now it is getting tough. I don't have anyone to hang out with and I am very depressed and thinking about getting drunk? I stay busy with exercise as much as I can, but my mood is terrible. Being single and alone makes me want to drink, but when I am sober I am angry and enjoy nothing. I could got out and not drink, but I would be miserable....I feel like I am going to drink again soon, but I hope to escape this..

    2 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits5 years ago
  • Can we all agree to be racist?

    It does not bother me that people are racist against me as long as they are nice to me. I don't understand why we all cannot be racist and treat each other nicely. Isn't It all right to be racist if you treat everyone fairly and kind to everyone? Being a racist doesn't mean you should hurt peoples feelings, I like racist, but not assholes?

    5 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups5 years ago
  • What do you think of my immigration and deficit plan?

    What if we told the millions of illegals that they could stay and obtain full citizenship for $5,000 and passing the citizenship test? They would have two years to pay the Money, and could even have it deducted from tax returns. It would increase tax revenues from those being paid under table and with illegal documents. It seems like a good deal for everyone. Because that would pay for a lot of schools, roads, and everyone could be happy right?

    Their kids are already in the schools and they use roads to make income, so at least this way it gets paid for. Illegal immigrants do lots of good work and I think they should stay if they pay there share, but there would be a deadline and no new illegal to legal citizens after two years, and still no illegal border crossing. Could this work? Is it fair?

    2 AnswersImmigration5 years ago
  • Cannot remember movie?

    So I think the guy goes to like a futuristic debt prison to free a girl or something. He works there, but also had to live there like in a prison in a small tiny closet coffin like bedroom that had a small computer in it that he uses to hack the place and get out with his girlfriend or something. Please help, driving me nuts. The place paid so little is like life in prison, could never pay off the debt, and he did only to free this freedom fighting girl, and prove himself to these rebels or something.

    2 AnswersMovies5 years ago
  • Is any one else wondering why all the presidential candidates are so crummy?

    Is someone cool going to join later and just are waiting for everyone else to look silly first?

    10 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Where and what could the earliest super massive black holes be up to now?

    I am curious, since we have detected blackholes 10,000 times more massive than Sagittarius ten billion or so years old. I wonder what they are up to now? Do you think they are just like our galaxy just bigger? I bet the people living there think they are better than us with their gaint black hole....

    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space5 years ago
  • Paying Bank of America money?

    Bank of America charged me off two years ago, but the other day I decided to pay it off. I walked in the bank, they looked up my account and I gave them two thousand dollars. It was weird because before they said I could only talk to collections company, but this time they said they would take the money. This was paid in full. Do you think it will help my credit? I have like a 620, but I need a 640. Or did I just waste 2000 paying those buttheads. Of course technically I did owe it to them ...whatever!! I have also paid off all my delinquent accounts that were closed but not charged off. I am so freaking close to the score I need, but it seems like nothing will get it there. Yea, I kinda suck at saving money and crap

    6 AnswersCredit7 years ago
  • The movie some kind of wonderful?

    Doesn't any one find it unrealistic he was not falling for Mary Stuart masterson from the beginning. I mean good God, she was so sexy in that movie!!!

    1 AnswerMovies7 years ago
  • How many days a week do you stay up longer than 24 hrs?

    Are there lots you that stay up 24-30 hrs and slept for six, that seems how it is for me. Is that cool? I often will go to the gym lift weights, try to sleep that night but cannot and end up doing yoga and training again, the I still cannot sleep and just have to take melotonin. Which I hate. I do not mind doing 24 for and 6, but it conflicts with work Sometimes.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago