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Emile Leveska
Happily married Christian conservative woman and mother. Born and raised in the Ukraine to a Ukrainian mother and a American father. I am a very happy person and I love religion, history, and happiness. I am 24 years old. I was born in Kiev, Ukraine when it was still the Soviet Union. .
I am sure my friends new boyfriend is married but she cant see it? What are the signs?
My friend Tammy who lives in the apartment next to me recently started dating again. Shes 23 and her new boyfriend says hes 25 which I can believe. I like him. Me and my husband met him and hes a good guy talks to us and is friendly. But he always seem nervous and hes constantly looking at his cell phone and always walks outside to make calls. He works at a local grocery store and usually work 12-8 and from 8 to 10 hes at Tammys house. He always leaves right at 10. He says that's when he has to go because he has a sleep schedule. Tammy tells me he watches the clock careful and always leaves right at 10. Her only number for him is a cell, he says he don't have a landline. No one has ever been to his place he says he lives and Tammy says shes asked to see it and he says his landlady is a strict elderly lady who says he cant have overnight vistors and he never offers to take her there in the day. On his days off from work he never comes over to Tammys at all she says he normally stays home to help the landlady do work at her house.
These clues all point to him being married is what my husband says. I personally see it too but Tammy says she asked him and he said no hes not married. I made a visit to the grocery store today and asked some of his co-workers and they all said he never discusses his personal life. Does the signs sound like hes married? Me and Tammy have been friends for years since middle school and I don't want to see her hurt. Is my husband maybe wrong?
6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years agoDoes lamb stink or was my piece really bad? I got shoulder chops that made us sick the smell was so bad?
Me and my husband bought a leg of lamb for Easter my husband wanted to try it for the first time and I love lamb I used to eat it as a child in the Ukraine. It was really good and the leg we bought really didnt have a bad odor just a unique smell.
Well we bought two shoulder chops a week later and Sunday opened them and the smell was horrible. I honestly at first thought it was sewer leaking under the house but I thought maybe they will improve once we cook it. After we cooked it it stank so bad my husband got sick and threw up and my stomach curled. We only got a few bites before the odor got so ad we took it and just threw it into the creek. And we RARELY waste food so it was BAD. I looked up whether it was a normal smell thats just bad or not and online some say lamb sticks and others say the lamb may have been bad.
From your experiance does lamb shoulder chops stink? The leg of lamb we bought for Easter didnt stink at all just had an unique smell. So what was up? Was the shoulder chops bad? Was the odor normal? We just dont understand being unfamiliar with lamb!
4 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years agoI need to convince my husband to let me get a job? I get bored being a housewife but I don't want to disobey?
My husband and I are going on our eight year wedding anniversary. I have been a housewife pretty much our entire marriage and a stay at home mother. I cook the meals, clean the house, and take care of him when he gets home from work just like my mother and grandmother told me to do for my husband. I love him and he loves me dearly. He still brings me home flowers and cards from time to time. I am now 23, will be 24 in May. Hes almost 27. Hes a hard working man and but he makes pretty good money and we have no real worries about money at the moment.
But our daughter is now five years old and in school during the day and no longer needs me at home. I have asked him three or four times for permission to get a day job just to get out some. My only social life is our church friends, the people I see at the grocery store, and some neighbors. Mostly older people too, 2/3 of my husbands friends are over 50 years old and thus my husband is really conservative, old school, and old fashioned. He refuses to grant permission for me to get a job. He wont talk about it and orders me to drop the subject. He says he don't want a wife who works and I knew that when I married him. My mother and grandmother says to respect and serve my husbands wishes and be thankful I have a man who has a good job and is willing to provide and let me stay at home. I just want out and to have my own money (he usually does give me money but I still would like to work for my money). I have this desire to have a small job even if its three days a week at say McDonalds. But he puts his foot down and I don't want to disrespect him or disobey his wishes.
What should I do? Drop it? Please don't lecture me on being a disobedient and disrespectful because I hear that from my mother and grandmother enough when I bring this up. Should I let it go or approach it a differnet way? Like suddenly start spending a lot and then he will let me so I can have my own money?
14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years agoWhat cut of lamb or mutton is best? First time we are trying lamb meat and need some advice? Tenderst part?
My husband and I want to try to bake lamb for a dinner. I used to eat it as a child in the Ukraine but since coming the United States I have rarely ever seen lamb for sale. I need some ideas. What cut of lamb or mutton is the tender est part (my husbands teeth get sore in the winter and he cant chew tougher meats)? What is the best cut and best way to prepare it? Ideas and recipes accepted?
3 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years agoA friend and his wife separated in January 2014. He was married all of 2013. What do you do about filing taxes?
My friend and his wife were married all of last year and as such his workplace has him listed as married on his taxes for work. Well him and his wife separated in Janaury 2014 and are divorcing. This week when he goes to file taxes, does he file them as a married man or divorced? Will there be any penalties if he files single even thought he tax papers from 2013 say married? Will he owe or his money be taken from him? What do you do? I know nothing of this issue.
10 AnswersUnited States7 years agoMy husband wants to sale out and move to Arizona on a whim due to medical problems. Not sure I am ready?
My husband has a medical issue called Seasonal Affective Disorder. Normally its tolerable during the winter but his mood and personality changes so much during the winter. In the summer, hes jolly, happy, and really energetic. During the winter he claims the cold drains him, the lack of sunshine hurts him physically, and other than to go to work he don't move at all. He lays in the bed and rarely ever smiles other than when playing with our daughter. He never has energy during the winter at all and we have several sun ray lamps going to keep it bright inside, we have dozens of plants and keep the heat up to 80-85 degrees to try and duplicate the summer but that is so expensive and it don't help enough.
Today he was talking to his step grandmother who is staying at one of their condos in Phoenix, Arizona and they were swimming in the pool and it was in the 70s today. He instantly asked if they could swap properties (my husband inherited an apartment in New York) and she agreed with him paying the difference and he has informed me today we are moving in three weeks.
I am supportive. Warmer weather and rare snow sounds attractive to me too. I don't like winter and snow either but I don't have a mental passionate hate for it like he does. This winter for us in West Virginia has been three times colder than normal, its snowed more than normal and we have five inches on the ground now and three more expected this weekend. We have constantly been shove ling snow and keeping the road clear. The ice has trapped us twice this year and it was so cold and snowy my store closed early and sent the workers home loosing pay. So it has been a miserable winter for me and terrible horrible miserable for him.
I am mixed and confused. I love living here, but most of my family lives in Alaska, they moved after I married him. So its just an attachment of living here for so long that don't make me want to leave other than my sister who lives about 40 minutes from here. I don't know just yet what to do? I cant say no because he is my husband and I am bond to obey. I really would like a fresh start and maybe its good. Just have this inward attachment to here and this unknowing feeling.
What is your advice? What would you do fellow wives?
NOTE: Me and my husband do not believe in therapy. We are Christians and do not believe in it. So please don't suggest it for my husbands condition. Such advice will be ignored. But I do appreciate the thought.
8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years agoDoes your divorce become final on the day of the hearing or is there multiple hearings?
My friends filed for divorce on October 26 in West Virginia. They already agreed on everything and how it was to be split. The hearing is on January 8. Will the divorce be final that day? Or will it take a few days after to be final or is there another hearing? I am asking for her as she has no idea and I have never been divorced or known anyone who is divorced?
7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago