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Lv 43,564 points

Eric B

Favorite Answers34%
  • Which annoys you more?

    For the science minded people here, which do you find to be more annoying, right wing woo like creationism or left wing woo like homeopathy?

    1 AnswerOther - Science1 decade ago
  • What is my orientation?

    I am male and involved in a poly relationship with two people. One of them is a male to female, pre-operative, transsexual and the other is a female to, um, something transsexual. Zie (gender neutral pronoun) can only really be described as female to hermaphrodite and wants aspects of both sexes. But, zie is also currently physically female. I have been mostly attracted to women in the past, and have yet to find a cisgender male I'm attracted towards. As far as I can tell, a person needs some degree of femininity for me to feel an attraction, but doesn't have to be 100% feminine. That last part has been determined by experience, both on a physical and emotional level.