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Mick Jaguar

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  • Obama's brother is Jewish?

    After Obama's dad deserted the family he married a Jewish woman. Obama met his half-brother briefly and he has written a book on their father who was cruel and beat them frequently. Obama said he knew his father was an alcoholic, but doesn't remember abuse. He was under two years old when his father lived with them, he wouldn't remember anything. I am not saying this could have happened, because I don't know. But Obama must be hugely shamed by the acts of his father which soon will become public. Since the Muslim father was so abusive, I wonder if Obama's brother is of the Jewish faith. That would be amazing, but I don't really know. I think his name is Mark David something or other because his mother must have remarried.

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What do you think about people who use the words logic and intelligence in the questions?

    I think they sound like children pretending they are knowledgeable. I feel for them and I wish they would rethink using those words all the time. Hide your philosophy school books.

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Obama is close to making a decision about the troop additions?

    But will he say, no? He has to do more consulting and then have another trip to Asia. Yes, it just says Asia. Maybe he needs a vacation in Thailand to relieve his brain.

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What is freedom of religion?

    We are free to worship as we choose, but not to act our our hatred of another sect. Can a religion really be criminal in nature if that's one of the tenet's of their faith? I don't think if the Mayan or Aztec religions were brought back, they would be allowed to capture enemies and cut their hearts out or have human sacrifices. Worship is a private affair, and not a war.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • U.S. Muslims fear a backlash after the shooting?

    I don' think too many Muslims were lynched after the World Trade Center went down, so I think this is a cry for pity and total denial of their refusal to admit the Muslim terrorists are bad. They will not condemn the acts perpetrated against non-muslims because it gives every reasonable person the idea that they think the teachings of the Koran say it's proper, This is the typical response world-wide, if a Muslim commits a crime against a non-muslim, it's "Oh, now these crazy Christians and Jews are going to kill us. The killing of Muslims in this country so far had been done by the parents against their own children. I don't doubt at all if some Muslims have been worked over by some losers, that to me would be beyond doubt, but I don't foresee mosques going down in flames like Christian churches and Jewish Temples would be if the shoe were on the other foot. When I see a horrid crime committed by a blond or an African American, I don't hear them yell out for pity for they will get picked on, and the African American has had more hatred done to him that anyone, but they don't act like babies when a crime is committed by one of their own is reported.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Nidal Malik Hasan joined the military about a couple of years before Desert Shield, did he not?

    So don't you think he could have done his three or four years and that gotten out of the military if he was so against wars against Muslim? But he went in to get his Doctor's degree, so that was more important to him the muslims killing muslims, like they don't do it every day themselves. I heard he was trying to indoctrinate his patients in the military to convert of Islam. If this is true, he violated his Hippocratic oath, or was did he take the hypocritic oath instead?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you think the spinning will be so rampant tomorrow?

    That the liberal pundits will get so dizzy they may toss their cookie. I think no ride on any roller coaster would even come close. I bet they will be up half the night making lemonade out of lemons. It will be amusing to watch.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Didn't Palin make some phone calls?

    And weren't the Democrats laughing about it saying she is their best friend because they have decided everything she touches turns to poo? How wrong could they be.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • So Abudullah is backing out of the presidential runoff in Afghanistan?

    Because he has said the talks have broken down? Obama is waiting to see who gets elected to help formulate a plan in Afghanistan, and if this clown holds the election up even further, the more peril the troops will be in. I hope Obama has the courage to forget about these two and go ahead with sending more troops, or at least working with the Northern Alliance, the biggest Taliban haters in the country. I'm not an Obama fan, but anyone can see the dilemma he is in. Or our president could just be pretending to care. The original reason I gave why Obama is waiting because of the presidential runoff, I heard on Fox News, yes, they stuck up for Obama and gave him an out.

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Smoke Screen, have you read the book?

    Here are some quotes not taken out of context, but I can't copy the whole book here---"To Republicans I recall Abraham Lincoln's words, The principles of Jefferson are the definitions and axioms of a free society. To Democrats, of whom I have been one for a lifetime, I recall Jefferson's admonition, What has destroyed liberty and the rights of man in every government which had existed under the sun? The generalizing and concentrating all powers into one body.

    The thin line wavering line between liberty and despotism is surely crossed when--

    the government ceases to regulate and begins to manage .When government through spending and debt levies a tax tribute on private business, when it attempts to bring the free press of the nation into public contempt--A bill is pending to socialize the practice of medicine and thus destroy a great profession while lowering our health standards ---In the presidents own words, "We have built up new instruments of public power, which in other hands would provide schackels to the liberties of the people. ---- A congressman for eight years, Samuel B. Pettengill, South Bend Indiana.

    He was a democrat that saw the New Deal was heading toward socialist Marxism. The book is called Smoke Screen and written in 1940. I came across it in a pile of books discarded after a yard sale in the rain. I took me four days to dry them out, and out of about 40 romance and murder novels, which I discarded, I came across this. I just opened the book now, and the first few phrase are so telling of what is happening now, but the liberals will say some smart aleck remarks, or say, Proof! I have the proof in my hands how things were going under FDR and only the war stopped it. Thank you for reading this. I expect more thumbs down than at a Spanish bullfight or the arena of the Coliseum, but someone will hear this words that ring true Please forgive the typos,I have a keyboard that is just awful..

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • Yahoo has ruined it's email for me, why?

    Does anyone else have any complaints, the ridiculous loading time and the inability to go back one or two pages, I ended up with some stuff form 1994. Are you as angry as I am?

    1 AnswerNotices and Errors1 decade ago
  • I have heard that the Department of Justice is targeting Right Wing Bloggers, is this a hoax or what?

    Perpetrated by disgruntled Neo Cons who just enjoy whining?

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Did the national news media help Obama from a violation of the Constitution.?

    As Obama set up a press pool event to interview one of his advisers, or czars, he excluded Fox New from the pool. I sure he was surprised when ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN refused to show up unless Fox was invited. Did they save him from a direct violation of the Constitution, I have heard lawyers say yes. I think they did it less in support of Fox, but either to protect themselves from his vengeful hand or to protect him from breaking the law. This is how community organizers handle things, will this person ever realize what being president means?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you think that attempting to silence the free press is a crime?

    Against America? I read up some, and here is a quote-----"High crimes and misdemeanors" entered the text of the Constitution due to George Mason and James Madison. Mason had argued that the reasons given for impeachment -- treason and bribery -- were not enough. He worried that other "great and dangerous offenses" might not be covered, and suggested adding the word "maladministration." Madison argued that term was too vague, so Mason then proposed "high crimes and misdemeanors," a phrase well-known in English common law. In 18th century language, a "misdemeanor" meant "misdemeanor,"or bad behavior (neglect of duty and corruption were given as examples), while "high crimes" was roughly equivalent to "great offenses." --Since the interperatation is left for Congress to decide, doesn't it smack of unfairness because whoever holds the majority at any given time will prevail in the attempts to or refusal to impeach? I prefer Mason's term " maladministration". Do you think that a president trying to impede the freedom of the press is a high crime or maladminisration?

    22 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Has anyone heard about the red phone Glenn Beck has?

    Yesterday on his program he explained how it was hooked up only to someone at the White House, and asked someone from there to call if something he said was in error. I used this as an answer to a question, and I got reported. Here was my answer,,,,,,,, I like Glenn Becks red phone linked up only to the White House and they ask them to call and dispute a remark Beck has made in error, and Beck says they will correct in on air. No calls. I thinks this links directly with one woman there who holds some position, and the line cannot be accessed by anyone but her.

    I just told the truth, if they want to report Glenn Beck, that's fine with me, but I insulted nobody, wasn't rude or cruel, I did nothing but tell the truth, what is going on here. Are facts against the rules? I bet he even mentions it on his website. I am totally confused.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Have any of you seen the commercial with the Potato Heads?

    Where Mrs. Potato head is complaining about Mr. Potato Heads driving, and then he brakes quickly for a herd of sheep, and her mouth falls off tumbling down and embankment. Of course, now she only sports and tiny hole where her mouth was, so she is speechless, but then replaces her normal eyes with bloodshot evil one, but Mr. Potato Head is happy he doesn't have to here her complained anymore. Do you think that if Obama's limousine braked suddenly and his mouth went rolling down a cliff, we would be spared anymore campaign speeches? I don't care what pair of evil eyes he dons, he would be quiet, and that's what we need.

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is this on amazing , I could hardly believe it?

    It' an article in Time saying that the world has been better with nuclear weapons, but having fewer is better and all not having them is better too. He thinks the Nobel Prize should be given for nuclear weapons. It is not as bad as it sounds, but the rationale is accurate.

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • When the Whites are a minority in a few years?

    Will all who came here for it's opportunities flee to Canada as this nation will be run by the very same people who couldn't run their own nations. Mexican politics will replace the politics of El Estados Unidos, and you will have nowhere to run, except to Canada and then revel that someday Canadians won't be White, I think all posts that are racists, like cheering the demise of any race should be reported, and I will do it.

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Would you believe these numbers?

    My sister in Fort Worth just took her dog to the vet, and they were discussing the 9/12 project and my sister said she went to the one in Dallas the the vet said she went to Washington, and the estimates were at least a million people came. She said it was never mentioned on the news that how many streets had to be shut down and busload after busload of people kept coming and everyone was polite and even put down their signs. It was a massive affair that was ignored and under rated by the press, but she said the masses of citizens were unbelievable. She ended by saying she felt hopeless though because if you do something and the media pretends it didn't happen, like they do in China, then there is no hope for change. Washington pretended it didn't happen, Obama left town, and the whole thing went down in the annals of history as nothing. How can we get the government's attention when the media is it's lapdog. If ten Bush protesters showed up for something or another, it was considered a major event and a portent of the demise of the Conservative movement. I know I am going to get lots of responses with insults from leftists who think their cleverness rules the planet, but the truth needed to be told. I know I will hear reports from the New York Times that may have said a few dozen miscreants showed up that were probably Nazis, so I expect tons of thumbs down. a

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • In this world of political intrigues, what do you think of this statement?

    "Truth does not become more true if the whole world were to accept it;

    nor does it become less true if the whole world were to reject it."

    --- Maimonides

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago