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  • How can I force a period if I might be pregnant?

    For the past few days I've been dizzy, nauseous, grumpy, very tired, headaches and heavy boobs but my period is about a week away. I took a test and it was negative.

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive7 years ago
  • How can I tell if my divorce is finalized?

    the judge issued a memo of opinion, outlining division of property and support but we never had to come back and sign anything. It said 10 days after that the memo is to be filed as an order. This was a few months ago. How can I find out if I was supposed to do something else? Thanks, from Maryland.

  • will i go to jail for fraud? I didn't know I had to report my wages to unemployment before I got paid?

    I'm really scared and tried to call but never got to a person. They sent me a letter in the mail for an appt but I don't know what to expect. Please no mean responses, I just want to make things alright so I can get a decent job and support my family.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Am I overreacting? I took an HIV test.?

    I got strep throat & folliculotis and there was a bump on my palm that spread when I popped it. Antibiotics cleared everything up, but I got a yeast infection. Otc meds cleared that up. I took a test on wed at my doctor but he hasn't called. Now I'm irritable, these all seem like the symptoms of HIV. I'm so scared that my chest hurts & I cant concentrate on anything.

    2 AnswersSTDs9 years ago
  • Do I have an STD or am I freaking out for no reason?

    About a month ago I had pus in my throat and a rash on one hand and pimple like bumps all over. The doctor said it was strep and mrsa. Then, I got a yeast infection from the antibiotics. I just got my yearly and the doctor said everything looked good. I got bloodwork but it's not back yet and I'm scared to death that it might be HIV. What are the odds that this is a coincidence? It was strep by the way because a few other people had it. Besides that & being so nervous I feel healthy.

    2 AnswersSTDs9 years ago
  • How fast can I get pregnant after getting Mirena removed?

    I got it out on Feb 7th. I had one day of spotting and nothing since. I've had pms/early pregnancy symptoms for about a week. My doctor says I should take birth control once my period starts or on Sunday (today) but I think I might be pregnant. I took a hpt on Friday and there was a very very faint + but all others since are -. Thanks!

    5 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • What are the odds that my husband will get full custody of our kids if he left and hasn't seen them in a year?

    He left and wants to marry his gf so got a lawyer and filed for divorce. We live in the house that he wants back so he is asking for EVERYTHING in a divorce. I couldn't afford an attorney and now we have a settlement hearing on the 29th. I'm worried and they have always been with me. I have a job, we go to church and they are all happy and healthy. Any advice would be such a comfort. Thank you!

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • has anyone had a worse day than this?

    i went to work yesterday against my better judgment. just when i decided that i really should do my best, i rear ended some old people who were driving a rented minivan. we didn't have a pen so we reported it to my insurance on the scene. then, as i'm leaving to go back to work and fill out a report, i spin out and total my car on a guardrail. had to call my mom to get me because i was 30 miles from the office and my hubby is on deployment. she says she is on her way but took like an hour. i was stuck in my car because the door wouldn't open and the cop said stay there til a tow came. well, it came and i climbed out my window and waited in the rain for my mother who was eating a burger. i get home and pick up the kids from the bus. made franks and beans for dinner. well, the dogs were frozen and i tried to pry it apart with a knife but the knife tip broke off. so, i tried to find it but couldn't. i decide to put those aside and cook the other half of the pack. found the knife tip! i had a mouth full of blood and the kids were grossed out. after they went to bed i had a shot of vodka and it burned my gums where the knife tip sliced. could it have been any worse short of me dying?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Who needs to pay for this?

    My daughter is in first grade. She has very long thick curly hair and today a little boy cut an entire spiral. I never received so much as a call from the teacher about this. When I asked my daughter what happened to the boy, she says he got some of his playtime taken away. I was pretty mad, but we went through with the rest of our evening. Then, at dinner she burst into tears. I feel awful and can't even sleep because I'm so upset. I plan on going to the head of school first thing in the morning, demanding he apologize and have his parents pay for my daughter to get her hair blended. I don't really know if I'm overreacting or what, my voice of reason is off fighting in a war right now. I'm sure under other circumstances I'd be able to see this in another light, but all I know is that bad little boy lacks common sense and is a hazard to my daughter; the teacher wasn't supervising the class; and my daughter has a wicked cowlick that she did not have yesterday; and I want to take all my kids out of public school now. What do you all think is too much?

    (I have a mommy pass, my youngest is 5 months and will be marching into school with me so I will look crazy, I know)

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How far should I take this?

    My daughter is in first grade. She has very long thick curly hair and today a little boy cut an entire spiral. I never received so much as a call from the teacher about this. When I asked my daughter what happened to the boy, she says he got some of his playtime taken away. I was pretty mad, but we went through with the rest of our evening. Then, at dinner she burst into tears. I feel awful and can't even sleep because I'm so upset. I plan on going to the head of school first thing in the morning, demanding he apologize and have his parents pay for my daughter to get her hair blended. I don't really know if I'm overreacting or what, my voice of reason is off fighting in a war right now. I'm sure under other circumstances I'd be able to see this in another light, but all I know is that bad little boy lacks common sense and is a hazard to my daughter; the teacher wasn't supervising the class; and my daughter has a wicked cowlick that she did not have yesterday; and I want to take all my kids out of public school now. What do you all think is too much?

    13 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • should i expect kids to show if the parents don't rsvp?

    i'm throwing a pretty elaborate party for my two girls, 6 & 7. it's at an ice rink that i will have to rent out and need an exact headcount for food, lessons and other little extras. it's expected to run about $25 per kid. i sent out the invites an put my email and phone number with an rsvp date of today. some out of the 20 kids invited, i got one regret and about 6 confirmed. what the heck? i'd feel bad to give in numbers too low and have some kids left out, but i don't want to pay for a bunch of kids who aren't coming. i really just don't know how to handle this as i was expecting the parents to rsvp, not to hear from my daughters which kids said they would come. anywho, should i tell the venue the number that confirmed or tell them to expect 20 kids? this is so frustrating!

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • my 1 month old is still having trouble nursing and my milk supply is decreasing. should i give up trying?

    i've used a nipple shield since birth because he couldn't latch on at the hospital. his doctor said he didn't gain weight fast enough ( was 9.6 at birth and only 8.10 by 2 weeks) so i had to give him formula. i want to switch back to bf because he's always gassy and drowsy after bottle feedings which are becoming his preference. i feel so defeated like i let my baby down. i'm even sad when i give him expressed milk.

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What are the best shoes to wear for swollen feet?

    I'm pregnant and my feet are swollen. What besides flip flops did you all find most comfortable? I'm only 20 weeks and my shoes are getting tight!

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago