If a man who cannot count finds a four-leaf clover, is he lucky?

First asked by Stanislaw J. Lec.


Favorite Answer

I'd find it difficult to call anyone lucky who could not count.


Let’s assume that it’s true that finding a four leaf clover is actually “lucky.” Then let’s also assume that luck is something that can be arbitrarily acquired as apposed to being a product of design. The answer would then have to be yes simply because it has nothing to do with whether or not the man who finds the four leaf clover has counted the number of petals but the fact that the luck is in finding the thing in the first place.


What I want to know is if he cannot count why was he looking in the first place?
Tradition says that you must pick and keep the four-leaf clover with you to obtain the luck and since he cannot count he would waste his day looking at all the clovers and leaving them where they grow. Thus never attaining any of the luck associated with the clover.
UNLESS, he was smart enough to realize that this clover was different and therefore must be a four-leaf and pick it. Then yes he would get the luck.


Yeah He's lucky because He'll just finish off his efforts if he'll get one and would depend on it

Can of Corn2006-01-06T19:44:56Z

Confucious says that is funny. Paris says that is hot.