Yahoo Guru
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I think you mean: what is the general view of people in the islamic Middle East of the USA (America for me is the continent from Alaska to Chile). I haven't been in the Middle East myself, but if you look at the news, I think this is the picture they give:
Medias are very hostile towards Israel, like many governments. And as Israels strongest supporter, the USA will be identified with a negative position. But I also see that the protests are directed against the government of the USA, not the people as such. And that even Bush was elected twice.
Many Middle East government are corrupt, tyrannic, despotic, and those regimes normally got to have an outer enemy to keep people down.
But many some Middle East expert can teach you better.
i think of they forgot concerning to the Muslims that stay interior the Ghetto with Blacks and Latinos. it relatively is a racist article and deems Muslims as in straight forward terms the individuals who come at the instant from Arab international places as though it replaced into of a race and not faith. The survey replaced into attracted to racial over tones of exceedingly Afro individuals who stay particularly in inner cities and not center type neighborhoods who're Muslim.
What's the basic Christian view of Brazil or Brazilians?
Does your question seem a little broad when viewed in another context?
From what we hear all the time they seem to think Americans are all like George Bush. They misunderstand us as much as we do them.
I've got quite a lot of Muslim friends. Their thinking varies from "America is the SATAN, and Americans are two-faced, decadent people of smut, crime and immorality", to "The American government is pushy, hypocritical and very negative to the Muslim world in general."
Most of them don't exactly approve of the American government's policy, because to them, there's one law for the Americans, one law for the rest of the world, which pretty much spells out "hypocrite" to them.
And most of them don't approve of this "democracy" thing America has been pushing around bossily. They tell me alot, how Arab tribes from gulf and KSA countries are ruthless, uneducated and very dog-eat-dog. The whole idea of having dictators and Monarchies is to keep them at bay and in control. It's like a give and take, the Saudi Monarch stirs up alot of dissent and unhappiness with their superbly corrupt and discriminating system, but everyone feels its the only system that will work with the various Arab tribes forever tearing at each other's throats.
They tell me, the whites can never understand, Arabs have been around for thousands of years, their fights are a continuation of tribal fights fought thousands of years ago.
The reason why everyone tolerates dictatorships and monarchies is because it keeps the Islamic extremists at bay. No Muslim in their right mind in the Middle east would dare to go against a man of religion, because they respect these people, but at the same time, they might disagree with these people. These corrupt regimes are tolerated because it's the only form of modernization and freedom they'd ever get, rather than be dictated and sent straight back to the stone ages by the extremist factions that will never go away because Muslims just don't go against men of religon! There has never been such a thing as a separation of state and religion, and nor will there ever be.
Democracy will never work for them, they say, because everyone will take advantage of democracy, and they'll just plunge back into the stone ages with the barbaric tribal wars continuing - but this time, without the dictator/absolute monarchy to control these people using less-than-civilised means, which could include murder. But it works. And what works for America might not work for them. Democracy isn't a one size fits all. They cry.
And in a way, I sort of agree too, but not in the extreme sense of the word.
They feel Americans are generally ill-disciplined, intolerant of other cultures (through the numerous wars supported by America that didn't do much good for the rest of the world, nor the Arab world), decadent, wasteful, frivolous and the most incriminating thing against normal Americans is the whole idea of morality.
They think Americans see prostitution as normal and acceptable, marriage as a farce, divorce as a cheap, easily available way out (thus fuelling the whole idea of Americans being frivolous), and religiously barren.
While most of them don't hate Americans, they sure all agree that the current Administration is a real pain. They think that Bush is a two-faced hypocrite.
They dislike America's stance against Isreal and Palestine, and the whole "war against terror" just sounds and feels more like a "war against islam" to them.
I know one, a Saudi, who feels that American women avail themselves to men too easily, making them seem extremely cheap. He believes women should be "protected". Before you say he's a wife-beating woman hater, he's one of the liberal Saudis who believes that women shouldn't be beaten, (He intreprets the whole wife-beating passage in the Qu'ran as just a light, reprimanding tap as a last resort) nor should a man prevent female members of the family to work (his sister works as a Physics teacher after deciding not to study alongside men and get 'exposed' to them studying medicine), nor should they be prevented to drive.
He thinks a woman should preferably cover themselves if they are Muslim, but if they are not, it would be so much more dignified and respectable if they didn't 'drop their clothes so easily' at the prospect of sex with a guy.
He believes greatly in the institute of marriage, and treating your wife and daughters well, as he claims, his father does.
That's basically the general idea, that most Muslims don't believe in terrorism outright, but to many of them it's the only way that the Muslim world can do being oppressed by a country superior in military arms.
Most of them actually think that killing innocent people is wrong.