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How come people think that I can go to jail for threatening to shoot my former therapist at the grocery store?

So I told people on the suicide hotline that I'm think about going and shooting my former therapist at the grocery store. I was so mad and furious that I lost control and said it. They told me that they're gonna report this to the FBI. I told them to go ahead because they're just bluffing and won't really do it. I told andy about it and he said that I'm gonna go to jail if I keep this up. I don't get how can I go to jail for saying all of these things. I really never did anything and these are just thoughts. I don't think you can arrest somebody for having thoughts of shooting someone else as it is not probable cause. Thoughts are not probable cause to get an arrest warrant. How come people think that I can go to jail for threatening about thinking of shooting my former therapist ??????????

6 Answers

  • 10 mins ago

    Thoughts are not words.  They are two separate things.  If you think to yourself "I'm going to drive my car into a tree" it's a thought that is in your head.

    If you call someone and say to them "I'm going to drive my car into a tree" now the thought that was in your head, has now turned into words that other people know about, and are no longer just a thought.

    So when you told people on a suicide hotline that you were thinking about shooting someone, that's not a thought, that is now considered a threat.

    You can't arrest someone for a thought, if the thought stays in your head.  When you make vocal threats about someone to other people, they can get the FBI involved and have you arrested legally.

  • RICK
    Lv 7
    4 hours ago

    Because you can go to jail for making threats

    However you have never made any of the threats you have posted about

  • 6 hours ago

    Blah, blah, blah.

    Whine, whine, whine.

    With all the various "threats" you've claimed to have made over the years you have to be a special kind of stupid to not be able to understand why the police can and do arrest people for making threats of harm and death.

    That you also claim to possess guns and have repeatedly threatened to kill other therapists along with friends, your family and the husband of the singer you are obsessed makes for plenty of probable cause.   The only thing that has kept  you from being arrested is that 99.9% of the sh*t you post is total fabrication on your part to make you appear to be some sort of "bad azz, vigilante".   You've been posting these fantasies for years and left a internet trail so wide and long that it will be a runway visible from space when law enforcement decides to go after you.

    I hope you do end up in jail, for a very long time, you are long over due to learn what life is like in the real world, to take responsibility for yourself and that you are not some "tough guy" but rather an immature brat that will quickly become the entire cell block's *****.

    Being autistic is not a free pass and being an inept troll and liar is not a disability, jacob.

    Source(s): 8 days and counting till YA will stop providing a platform. Your world is narrowing by the hour
  • 12 hours ago

    You can't go to jail for your thoughts. But you might be thrown in the nut house. It happened to me.

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  • Anonymous
    19 hours ago

    Haha. This idiot seriously thought that making that tiktok video would make people gain sympathy for him.

  • Anonymous
    19 hours ago

    KV has in fact made specific threats on here....

    what is this video people are talking about..PD has been sent posts/videos, etc...they don't do a darn thing....

    its Richland County Sheriff South Carolina.  They should know who it is (Kenneth V of N Springs Rd, Columbia).  Has a history of pranking suicide hotlines, a charge for a bomb threat.....and brags about a lengthy crime spree all because he is having a temper tantrum because he can't get what he wants..

    unless this is interstate, it would be reported to local you are the one bluffing with this story

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