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How come my family is demanding me to pay rent once again when my money is my money and I don't want to pay?

So I'm getting sick of it because they are demanding me to pay rent again. They've been doing this for the past few months, demanding me money. I don't have a lot of money and the money that I have is mine and I got it from selling stuff that I don't want to say. I'm getting sick of them demanding it. Why are they continuing to demands me to pay rent ????

5 Answers

  • Ann
    Lv 7
    4 days ago

    You got your money "from selling stuff you don't want to say"???  Does that mean you're selling drugs?  I thought you had a job at Kroger; what happened to that?  If you live with your parents (which it looks as if you'll be doing for the rest of your miserable, pathetic little life), you need to be contributing to the upkeep of the family.  Food, clothing, utilities, taxes, maintenance, and everything about daily living takes money.  Your family is no different.  You're also not 18 years old.  Most young people leave home at that age.  Since you claim to be disabled, your family has allowed you to continue to live with them until you're now in your 30's.  You show no gratitude whatsoever, and you're a menace to society with your felonious terroristic threats.  Would you rather live with your family, or be committed to a psychiatric facility? If your choice is to live with your family, then grow up and pitch in by helping your family.

  • 5 days ago

    You’re nothing but a spoiled brat, Jacob. Whinging and whining because you have to pay rent to your parents at 30 is just childish and pathetic. I hope you actually get into some kind of legal trouble for all the threats you’ve made!

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    If you want a roof over your head and you want food on your plate and you want warmth in their house then you will be expected to help with the costs of those things. That's life and your money might be your money but it's there for you to use to pay your way in life - not to scrounge off other people.  If you haven't got a paid job it's time to get one, fast.

    Your family did not get their money by plucking it from a tree in the garden, they got it by working hard for it and you'll be expected to do the same and then use some of that money to pay for your room, warmth, laundry and food.  Start growing up and taking responsibility for yourself before some family member gets tough with you and says "Shape up or ship out".

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    Are you implying that your selling drugs and narcotics ? I'll be sure to notify richland county sheriff so that they could investigate.

    You need to learn that saying such things can land you in hot water.

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  • 6 days ago

    Other than most minor children still dependent on their parents, the rest of the world pays for housing.  I began paying rent out of respect for my parents when I began working at age 15.

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