Isn't it true that whomever controls the position of the toilet seat wears the pants in the relationship?

Your thoughts?


Apparently some people don't have a sense of humor.... or quite possibly, don't think too much.


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How the toilet seat is positioned has no relevance on who wears the pants, or who is in control in a relationship. If you really want to know who controls the the relationship. Tonight when you are turning off the bedroom light, look over your left shoulder at the bed, and the person laying there has the control in the relationship.


The toilet seat belongs DOWN! I don't wanna get up in the middle of the night to pee in the dark and fall in (okay, so my butt is probably too big for that...but that's not the point).

Carrie, I must wear the pants...although he leaves the seat up every now and then (I always give him hell for it!) if this is true. Actually, I like to think that we share the pants. :)

And by the way - my husband is right - some people don't have a sense of humor! (Just in case ya didn't know, Iceman's my hubby and I found this funny.)


your question, ironic and fun as it is, can be answered with an ironic answer like, well, guess the cleaning lady will be wearing pants soon, or, boy, are you messed up.
People don't get irony, do is very subtle, and most people aren't. I am, and being a woman, I'm even harder to understand. Keep it up! The toilet seat that is!


Well, I guess that means I wear the pants in our family, because I control what position the toilet seat is in....So who wears the pants in your household?


If the toilet seat position is a control issue in your relationship, I'm sorry for you.

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