Is it lost cause trying to use "answers" as a forum to defend truth, justice and the American Way?
I have tried to respond insightfully to many issues in attempt to open the eyes of those of you that are not so entrenched on the right or the left as to be utterly hopeless? I 've also been sarcastic occasionally, answered some practical questions etc.
Read through some of my answers on religion & politics etc. and tell me if you think there's a chance that maybe I have influenced any one to open their eyes, or is this a lost cause? Am I just addicted to the sake of answering for its own sake?
It's certainly not for the points :-)
Favorite Answer
Every drop contributes to make an ocean. Its not a lost cause. People will take u seriously, atleast the ones who asked, even if they dont show. You have impacted their minds n thinking in a way. Even I'm not crazy 4 points. Will get there answering only what I know n whats required. Lets do it.
No. I read a few of your answers and see your dilemma.
Some people can't accept that someone with your views can actually love their country. I'm in the same boat. They have totally bought into our new culture of fear and are willing to give up their precious freedoms for a sense of security.
They refuse to realize that the true patriot cannot support such a course of action.
You also seem to embrace reason, which many people see as a threat to faith.
Although this is very noble of you, keep in mind that your opinions are just that. If there is a truth on politics & religion, we are far from finding it. This place might provide some insights for people but many are closed minded.
I poured out my heart on one answer here, providing examples from my own life and experience. It was totally a waste of time. I guess you also need to look at who is asking and their reason for asking. Some people don't really want to change their views or gain knowledge, they just want to make their own point heard.
Edit: I just reviewed some of your posts on religion and I do think you make some good points that I agree with. I think however that you are answering loaded questions which you shouldn't waste your time on. There is no way that you are going to influence people that ask these questions, to think at all. They already have lifelong formed beliefs (possibly instilled from their parents) that aren't going to change for anything. They just want to post so they can pick an answer that matches their beliefs, so they can feel that they are right. This might suggest that they are insecure in their beliefs but even coming from insecurity, they are likely to just be defensive to anyone disagreeing with their so-called questions. If you do decide to answer more of these types of questions, then I suggest not to use CAPS. Best to use cool logic and present it that way.
Do a search for "What reason do secularists have to say that Christians force their beliefs on them?" and you might see my point about loaded questions. Richard's answer was really excellent and well supported with historical examples but was wasted on a person who really didn't want to listen to anything the best answer won by vote is questionable as it has many thumbs down.
This site is still very new, so I'm guessing that you haven't been posting here very long. So I would have to say that it's still too early to tell whether people like you (and myself, I might add) are having the desired impact on others who use the site. I do think that we accomplish far more by doing this than we could by, say, not doing this. I think, therefore, we should keep doing what we're doing until something better comes along.
I'm doing this all for the points and no one can easily check them but me. Still, you filled up some space and I am eager to dish out what I received.
You are not going to change the world. You only have yourself to save. If you can write something smooth and flowing, people will read it for that reason alone. I don't know if you make any sense or not and I am not going to review your past essays as I tend to live "here and now."
Hey, if this is a fun thing for you to do, that is all that matters. Are you laughing when you click the submit button?