is it possible to get out of a time-share contract, or are we stuck until we sell it or die?
We were talked into buying into a trade-around time share, and can't really use it. We tried to end the contract, but the company refuses, and we keep getting bills and collection threat letters. I feel like I'm a prisoner of this company. Does anyone know of a legal way out, other than selling this off? (Don't think anyone else would be as gullible as we were, and don't want to pay someone to sell it, UNLESS they work on pure commission.) Thanks
Favorite Answer
Unfortunately this is a sitution a lot of people find themselves in after purchasing a time share. I'm sorry to hear you are having this problem. I have found a few websites online that may be able to provide you some information. However, I don't know how they work, so I cannot give you any more advice on this. The only other thing I can suggest is to contact your lawyer to get advice/information on what you can do to get out.
Again, I have never used these companies, so I cannot tell you how reliable they are or how well they work, but one was from Century 21, they would probably be your best option. But I know several people that have tried to sell their time share and not had any success. But some people have been sucessful in selling theirs, so it is hard to tell how this will work.
You may have to invest a little money in order to sell your time share. But, it may be worth it to get out of the yearly expenses.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help to you. Good luck!
I think for the only way for you to get rid of it will be selling, I dunno what kind of agreement you have and all the policies involved. If you go to century 21 for what I have heard from customers where i Used to work, they usually charge a high commision but you can try selling it youself´, or get into IA or RCI while you are able to sell it at least there you´ll be able to xchange it for a timeshare that might be closer and accesible for you to travel to there are costs to do so indeed but it is better than paying the timeshare bills and not using it at all.
Ask a person who works for that company to sell your time share for you. Knock off a few thousand dollars and tell the salesperson that they can keep what ever they can make over your asking price. The salesperson would almost always go for this and will usually try to sell it first.
Does your timeshare resort have an owners' organization? You might find someone who is actually LOOKING for another week. Offer it at bargain prices and you may sell it. I have owned several timeshares. For my money, they aren't worth it, but...some people love them. If you haven't joined RCI and your resort is qualified, do it! Then deposit your time and make trades, even if it is some place close to home. At least you can use your investment. Good luck!