Why haven't we been warned about this?

Short story is that Iran is about to kill us economically...but here is the full report and my blog opinion.

Just the original report is here

I spent the greater part of two days double-checking all the facts in the report from 3rd party sources, and it is rock-solid from what I can see. What I am asking for is:

Opinions on this from a Republican perspective?

Opinions on why this is being kept quiet?

I'll reprint and append any intelligable answers to my blog entry just so I can't be accused of partisanism.


Eric V

I never said anything about the Treasury department "lying", just "refusing to report the M3". Here is the official government line on the matter...its not my accusation, it is fact.



Next up...

You don't have to print money like mad to dump hard currency on the market, you just make it look like you did when you run out of paper...there's only a few ways to liquidize an economy, printing money is the easiest and most obvious. Check out the M1, M2, and M3 charts for how much extra currency was dumped on the public in recent years.



Favorite Answer

We haven't been warned of this for the same reason we weren't warned of all the other theories regarding global collapse over the last several....centuries. Basic science.

Theory of relativity. An object at rest will stay at rest till an outside force acts on it. An object in motion will stay in motion until an outside force acts on it. Now, lets apply that to the world theatre.

This theory just uses new "climactic events" in place of the old, but what its saying is that the world is going to go to hell based on these 'events'. No it wont. It would take way to much effort on the parts of way to many people for them to care enough for things to change.

No one really wants change anymore. The last major chage in the world was World War II. Russia giving up communism and going democratic? Gee, China stepped into that spot, didn't they. Now the US and China are playing the same game with other countries that the US and the USSR did. Just another cold war. Just more status quo. No one's going anywhere. Too many people fear change for change to actually occur on a drastic or global scale. It has to be slow, insideous, and sneak up on people, or it's resisted so completely that it will never happen.

I'm really not worried. And if I'm wrong, then its all about surviving the chaos, and our debate doesn't matter. But I'm not stockpiling guns and canned foods either... :)

Eric V2006-02-24T08:45:02Z

I am the first person to get in line behind a 'blame it on Bush' chant but your argument sounds pretty weak to me.

First of all, the idea that the Foreign currency exchange will see any major impact by such a shift is absurd. It is the supply of Dollars from international trade that makes the impact.

Secondly the claim that the Bushies are overprinting money is simply in error. If fact, the inflation rate has been held quite steady since the early eighties.

The accusation that the Treasury dept. is lying about currency quantities is stupid. The market sets the price of money so it wouldn't really matter, and more pointedly, any neo-con or liberal economist would agree that a stable candid money policy is the backbone of business so the Bushies would have nothing to gain by manipulating this.

On a side note, you may want to acknowledge that even if Iran's alleged currency market policy adjustments had some influence, it wouldn't be Iran "doing" anything, it would just be a market phenomenon.

But hey, if you are convinced by this moronic claim you should convert all your liquid assets to Euros and enjoy your anticipated price spike.

I'll hang on to my portfolio for now.


The break up of the Soviat Union should be lesson that a country can be brought down economicaly. So I would guess we have intelligence about this and maybe they just don't want to alarm us. It could cause a run on the banks, and panic


Yea .. ask Bush & his neocon Mafiooooooos


Maybe you should ask the president dude.