Any tips on polishing combat boots?
I'm trying to figure out what's the best way to get my combat boots for AF ROTC to be realllly shiny. Any useful tips are welcomed!
I'm trying to figure out what's the best way to get my combat boots for AF ROTC to be realllly shiny. Any useful tips are welcomed!
Favorite Answer
Yes! Lots of tips.
First of all, use parade gloss rather than regular black polish.
Second, heat the polish (be careful - it's flammable!) with a match or lighter to soften it slightly before applying.
Third, use VERY soft cloth to apply the polish - an old T-shirt is your best bet.
Apply the polish generously, working it over the entire boot.
Then, get a fresh rag and a cup of water (you can also use your spit - that's why it's called a spit-shine! but I prefer to use water). Wet the rag slighly, wrap it so that it forms a flat surface over your index and middle fingers, and then work the flat section of cloth over the boot in small circles, using as little pressure as possible.
Concentrate on shining the toe and heel of the boot - what most people can see while you're standing.
When you're done polishing, use old nylons (panty hose) for a final buff.
Good luck!
If you light up the polish and let it melt a little it. then Blow it out and apply to your boots as its melted. It might be hot so be careful. Once you smear it around on your boot start using water or just spit shine it.. The reason for melting the polish is for all the cracks and little scrafs and holes to get filled in and to make one smooth surface. THE SMOOTHER THE SURFACE the better it is to shine up your combat boots.
Use Kiwi Edge dressing to shine the whole thing, and use about 3 coats. It stays mirror glossy for weeks!
I find it funny that the Air Force even calls them "combat" boots. Good one.
Believe it's called spitshine. Check out site below.