how to map dowse using a pendulem?
if i use gold or silver will that help find that metal
if i use gold or silver will that help find that metal
Favorite Answer
You've heard from the skeptic, now try the believer. My husband was a pretty accurate dowser in his time, and has been tested by some tough skeptics.
Here are some good suggestions on how to do it right.
American Society of Dowsers:
Info on purchasing Map Dowsing Handbood:
How to Dowse:
Great Dowsers of the Past:
Save your cash - it doesn't work.
When ever any test has been done, one where the dowser has to search for something pre-arranged before the test and which the dowser doesn't know where it is, the results are the same as chance.
In other cases dowsers "find" water, but someone who understand hydrology can look at normal land and estimate where wells will be anyway. So this is the skill the dowsers are using. (Although the hydrologist has a better idea of how deep the water is.)
The dowsing phenomena is based on what is called the "ideomotor effect." This basically means that small muscular movements can happen without conscious thought. The dowsing rods (or whatever the dowser is using) magnify these small movements.
Dowsing is a curious phenomena though, in that most people who do it are sincerely convinced of their ability, even when they fail double-blind tests. So unlike, say, people who claim to speak for the dead know they are frauds (they are use a well known technique called cold rading), the vast majority of dowsers are likely sincere.