Should we sleep in complete darkness ?

I have heard that sleeping in complete darkness is much more healthy for you. In working nightshift it is important for one when sleeping during the day to block out all light for healthier sleep I have heard.

Libby Loves to Write2006-03-08T22:03:43Z

Favorite Answer

Sleeping in complete darkness is important for our health. If there is even the tiniest bit of light in the room it can disrupt our circadian rhythms and our pineal gland's production of melatonin and seratonin. There also should be as little light in the bathroom as possible if you get up in the middle of the night. Keeping the light off when you go to the bathroom at night will also help you return to a sound, healthy sleep.


Yes it's true. Sleeping in total darkness is the best way to get healthy complete rest. Even though our eyes are closed, we can still detect light, and the slightest light signals to our optical neurons, which in turn signals to our nerves to remain somewhat alert. Therefore we will not experience deep sleep. I studies this a long time ago so it might not be totally accurate but that's the idea.


sure i won't have the ability to stand it the two. What annoys me the main is while i'm attempting to sleep and somebody is staring at T.V. i ought to truly pay attention it from upstairs and for some reason i won't sleep with easy on or somebody speaking on the T.V.


Yes, it helps you reach a deep sleep easier.

Me again2006-03-08T21:54:37Z

I can't sleep if there's any light in the room.

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