How stupid are the French?

"At least 17 of France's 84 universities are on strike to protest a new work contract designed to encourage employers to hire the young, but allowing the new hires to be fired at any moment in the first two years."
I mean really, they are rioting because, if they actually get a job, they might have to actually work to keep it (but only for two years). Boo-hoo!! I don't understand why they would prefer to deal with unemployment rates that hover around 50%. I guess they have better social programs than the US.
What do you say to that?


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France has a real problem with unemployment still over ten per cent as compared to countries such as US and Australia with more sensible policies. Worse still, some 23 per cent of people aged under 26 are unemployed. This has led to the development of an underclass as shown by the riots last year. The rioters are members of a privileged elite who are working to deny others of their generation the opportunity to get a job.


The human race is both stupid and smart. Go figure.


As stupid as all Humans


The french arent any different than you are for saying this. SO MAYBE WE ARE ALL STUPID.


what makes the french dumb. is it the way that they talk or the way that they dress? also that is to harsh!!!!!

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