Driving Etiquette?

Does it tick you off when you are stopped in traffic, and you wave someone in, then they don't even wave? Not a word of thanks....Wouldn't you love to turn back the clock 10 seconds and keep them outta line?


Well, of course people that do dangerous things tick me off much more, and that is on a totally different level. But my point was this. People in society are no longer POLITE! I was raised to be polite, but it seems many have not learned that.


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Yes I totally agree. My husband laughs at me as I go into a tirade when I am waiting for their return wave.


People are in too much of a hurry these days to be polite..... ok well at least they think they are. I would have to say that a lot of the problems is due to chit chatting on cell phones though. Everytime i'm out i notice that the person cutting us off is on the phone, or the person who is sitting at the corner not paying any attention to the fact that they are holding others up is on the phone. Next time look when they don't wave back and just take for granted that you let them in the lane I betcha they are on the phone. I'm not saying that the ones that aren't on thier cell phones are any more polite but I have noticed that driving and talking seems to contribute very well to this.
Well i'm going to leave this as my answer as cell phone use is a whole other topic to which i could vent for a very long time on. But if nothing else i do get exactly where you are comming from.


I'm going to have to go with wrathpuppet on this. Y'day there was a lot of snow. I had maybe 100 feet in front of me before traffic was at a dead stop. The guy behind me started riding my tail trying to get me to go faster. To what end? We are all going to have to stop in less than 45 seconds. So why ride my rear? Things like that tend to urk me...the courtesy wave...I can let that slide.


Thinking maybe you should study psychology, because your question is good. Driving and traffic is a part of society. Go figure. Not the same as munching on popcorn in your living room with a good movie. Don't you wish.


Of all of the things that irritate me about driving, the lack of a courtesy wave after I let someone merge is way down the list.

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