Since the U.S. team lost in the World Series of Baseball competition, I seem to have lost interest in watching

Did baseball lose fans because of our team not medaling ?


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nope. in fact, im pretty sure it agined fans. Ad it gained players from different countries. The MLB is so different from the WBC, it couldnt change the way i look at the MLB. Ive been a Knicks, Jets, Mets and Rangers fan since im on this earth. And besides for 94 ( rangers) and 86( mets) it has been a sort of hell-hole to be a fan of those teams. But even thugh they lose, i stay strong. Stay strong for the Americans and soon enough youll get rewarded with good play.

Mr. Knowledgeable VI2006-03-24T08:00:51Z

No, I think that baseball fans are still interested in baseball in the United States despite the fact that the USA did not win the World Baseball Classic this year. Maybe the USA will perform better in the WBC in 2009.


I didn't care if the USA was in the final or not. I mean, it would have been nice, but I will be a lifelong baseball fan regardless. Hopefully this will get our guys a little more pumped up to play next time. I hate when American "Dream Teams" walk all over everyone in international competition.


no true baseball fans knew going into this tournament that the us team was not the likely choice to win
also it is good for the tournament in the fact that the us didnt go in and dominate neither did dominican so other teams actually do have a shot at winning


No it showed that we are not as good as we thought and that the Asian teams play a cleaner mistake free style that made me envious. Baseball is in good shape and will continue to grow.