What do you think is the greatest difference between boys and girls.?

I am taking a developmental class and my proffessor talks alot about the differences between boys and girls and i was wondering what you guys thought was the greatest difference.


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there are the obvious physical differences, but I once heard our school psycololgist describe how males and females interact. Males have a pecking order of dominance. We are less likely to make eye contact. Women make eye contact and they maintain a closer physical presence. In short, women are more open with their feelings, and less defensive.


This one is pretty difficult, because now a days we have girls dressing and pretending to be boys and vice-a-versa. So I wouldn't say our style in clothes or our personalities are different. Niether would I say that our gender is a big difference, because both girls and boys are doing sex change, and dathing the gender which they were born as. They are so much alike that if you see both standing together it might be difficult to tell them apart.
I Really think the closest things we have different from each other, that we never confuse with the other is the spelling of the words BOY & GIRL. You can spell BOY & GIRL without wondering which is which. It is sometimes difficult to tell between a girl and a boy at times, hey even our names can sometimes fool people. Girls have boy name and boys have girl names .


there are physical differences, like the obvious, and then there is the fact that girls tend to listen to their heart, and their feelings and such, more than guys! fellas tend to be more straight forward in terms of thinking, and would rarely listen to their heart, and their feelings about anything! in the way that girls and guys get dressed for any occassion! yes it is said that girls take longer, but that is not always true, however, we might look at ourselves in the mirror, and think whether or not we look good for the world! and often times, we might think so, or even depend on others to tell us that we do! but for most guys, they would look at themselves in the mirror, and ask themselves if they look good, and 9 times out of 10 their conclusion is yeah!...some girls can be more open minded than guys....girls might tend to be more observant, and detailed oriented, as guys might overlook certain things!....(now that is not to say ALL GUYS or ALL GIRLS OK!! just to give some idea)....Girls can even be a bit more trusting, and tend to let their guard down a bit faster than guys might!.....



Most men forget anniversaries, birthdays and the such every year no matter how many times they are reminded!!

... a woman can remember that her man forgot her birthday for 40 years ago!


The Y chromosome

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