Do you think that Elves are sick of being stereotyped?

I mean, think about it. It's either the short, cutesy, helpful Keebler elf or Harry Potter house elf stereotype, or it's the long, slender, sexy Legolas elf stereotype. Is there no room for medium-height, averagely looking, mildly overweight elves?


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Bah. Elves. -2 constitution makes the free weapon proficiencies useless. No point at all unless you plan on dexterity exploits.
Wait, are we talking D&D?


I don't know but those pointy ears sure are sexy!

But, it's funny you should mention that, my fantasy book that I'm working on has elves, but they are basically just people with pointy ears. I did get sick of the stereotype.


Yes next year elves will be protected by the EEOC

Radio Filibuster Help Desk2006-04-10T16:39:07Z

Ernie is pure concentrated evil. This definitely breaks the stereotype.

Just Gone2006-04-10T17:09:19Z

Who cares about the elves. What about the fairies?
They don't grant wishes you know! They don't ALL care about the ecosystem, and they sure don't all look like tinkerbell.

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