i have a pblm with my yahoo messenger..?

i am unable to see the text of the other user, whenever i chat..the other window is blank..similarly my message is also not visible in the other window.. what will be the pblm


Favorite Answer

You may behind firewall or using LAN connection. It may there is firewall in your server.


its purly a worm try to use an best antivirus like norton or someother and clean up the system make sure not to delete the system infected file file try to clean up tht restart the system reinstall the yahoo messenger


Check your settings and if there is a setting that shows that you the user is invisible that is probably your problem. the other user may have there settings set at invisible also.


i have always found that with yahoo messengar.
u shud uninstall it. If ths doesnt work then delete it all together use msn messanger instead


download msn web messenger its the best you wont have any problems with it

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