What do you think about the show "Gilmore Girls"?


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This is my favorite show! I am totally obsessed with it!
Why do I love it? The witty banter, the pop culture references, hilarious jokes and one-liners are just to name a few reasons. I must say, I started watching late...very late. I saw one episode of it in season 4 (the one where Lorelai, Sookie, and Michel go up in front of the town meeting and propose the idea of the new Dragonfly Inn...) and loved it, but I didn't know what the name of it was. When it was syndicated to ABCFamily in October 2004, I got into it by the credits of the pilot. I have been obsessed ever since! I have all 5 seasons on DVD, all 4 books, the Soundtrack CD, and a Luke's Diner sign (no joke). I can't get enough of this show! Lane and Zach's weddings were great and the seating shortage was hilarious! I can't wait until tonight's episode....less than 2 hours! Super Cool Party People. I was sorry to hear of the Palladinos' departure. I wore black for 2 days and dark colored shirts after that. (I was told I could no longer mourn by wearing black, people started thinking I was goth and my sister flipped! She can't have a goth sister...). So, in short, I am addicted to this show! :)



I watch it EVERY single week, and if I cannot watch it then I TiVo it. I was disappointed a little bit with the path that they chose to send Rory on, but I understand why they did it now. They are trying to break her away from her "do good" attitude. I do not understand Logan though because one minute he's the perfect guy for her and then he does something stupid (like jumping off of a cliff drunk...). I have watched the show since the beginning though and I completely love the dialogue in the show. I usually watch it twice just to catch some of the quotes. I found a cool website a few months ago with Gilmore Quotes: http://homepage.eircom.net/~odyssey/Quotes/Popular/TV/TheGilmoreGirls.html


I am a HUGE fan! It has drama, comedy and everything to do with real life. If you get into it...you are totally consumed and can't wait for the next episode. I have been DVR'ing the first 5 seasons of episodes for months and seen them all. By the way, ABC family is starting the episodes over on Monday at 2:00pm pacific time. Enjoy...I did an still do.


Oh my goodness, I love the show! I got into later on, at about the third or fourth season. For awhile it seemed like it was going downhill with the whole Rory dropping out of college bit, but it definitely redeemed itself. I can't wait to see what's going to happen with Lorelai and Luke! Also, the episode with Lane and Zack's wedding was hilarious!


I love the show, I think that Rory should get back with Jess. I didn't like him at first, but I like him better than her new boyfriend, Logan. I can't stand him. I love Dean and Tristan, but I knew that he wasn't coming back after One Tree Hill came on. Dean is who I want her to end up with at the end of the series. I also want Lorealai and Luke to still get married. I think Christopher keeps trying to get in the picture again, they look good together, but when she wanted him, he had moved on, now that his wife has left him, he wants her back, he needs to go and sit down. I thought it was messed up that Paris put Rory out of the apartment, I would never have forgave her for that. I love the show, one of the best on tv.

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