Iran has indicated that it will defend its country agains a usa attack but first will retaliate agains israel

It seems Israel has no allies besides the usa perhaps. israel should work on mending some fences in the west and the usa should mind the wars it has going presently. whats your thoughts?


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Israel has been trying to "mend fences" (no relation to the current security fence being built between Israel and the disputed territories) for many years but unfortunately does not have a partner for peace with the Palestinians. The USA is Israel's only ally because like Israel, the US is:
- a democratic state.
- a state that has been attacked by terrorism.
- a leader in medical and scientific research.
- a state where the people value freedom, capitalism and equal rights for women.

Iran's comment are nothing more that propaganda. If there is any justice in this world (and the UN) then the world will never allow Iran (a rogue state) to acquire weapons of mass destruction.


Iran is a rogue state with a radical president. If it gets the bomb, it will not hesitate to use it on either Israel or some other unsuspecting, European nation. We have no choice but to stop this from happening. My only fear is that it will lead to all out nuclear war, since China and Russia seem to be on the side of the Iranians. I think all this will come to a head in a few short years. We will then know the outcome.


Is anybody foolish enough to believe that Iran will not attack Israel if it had the chance? And if you pay attention to Israel's enemies the only way Israel can 'mend fences' is for every Jew to die.

BTW - exactly what has Israel done to Iran?


I think it is time that iran gets wiped "off the map". The US should not get to involved to quickly until the situation in iraq has some resolution... But Israel has overcome stronger enemies than the rag-heads threatening them now, so it would be interesting to see what happens... Who knows, maybe this is the beginning of the end... Have a nice day!


It works for me. Iran puts one nuke in Israel and we put three to four hundred on Iran.

Like I say, it works for me.

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