what should i do if this coversation keeps comming up between my mother and i?

yeah the conversation is about me being over weight which i know i am but she is not nice about it at all. and i would prefer her to stop and i have told her it is annoying and rude but she just won't stop or be detrered.


Favorite Answer

Maybe she is genuinely concerned for your health, but she doesn't really know the proper way to convey that to you. Try and calmly explain to her that you wish to loose weight, but need her help and not her sarcasm. Or if you're truly happy with yourself then explain that to her. Let her know, kindly, that you are happy in your life and not really looking to change anything.


You have to ignore her let it go in one ear and out the other and answer yes mom I know and I am gonna do something about it. And tell her if she doesnt stop being negative towards you its not gonna help. If you decide to lose the weight go Curves for women only its a great place you work out 30 min and your done the people are very nice there. Its cardio and strengthing some also offer a weight loss class which is very helpful if you do both you will lose the weight. I joined 5 months ago and lost 25 pounds.Good luck


OK so there is no excuse for her being rude about it, but she's your mom, maybe she is worried about your weight. Do some exercise and try to loose a few lbs then you can answer her back and explain you are doing your best to loose some weight but would appreciate some positive encouragement rather than negative rude comments.


I would say just walk away and do something when she starts talking about this. Hence she would come to know that if she wants to talk to you, she cannot raise this topic.

But ultimately the only way to stop this permanently is to let her know that you are on a routine e.g. gym, jogging, diet to watch your weight, then she will stop nagging you forever. At least you tried doing something.


Your mother has a divine right to voice an opinion, in only the way that mothers have.
However, she has no right to abuse you verbally!
Tell her to get on with her own life. Or, pick on one of her own faults every time she brings up your weight issue.
She should soon get the message!

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