Do you think America wouldn't have as many sexual problems as we do if people are more open about it?

In places like France, or other parts of the world where they are open about talking about sex it isn't a taboo subject. And it seems there are less sexual related crimes because of it. I'm not part of the norm because I can talk about it openly. If America as a whole were the same way. do you think we would have the problems that we do?


Just to clear things up, I was using France as an example. Remember I said it seemed that way, not they were that way.


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Oh, I typed this whole long thing but it got lost... :(

I said basically that I agreed with Becky, however there is so much more. Because we treat people who have problems as criminals we shun them creating feelings that might generate more problems. Sometimes these problems could even be helped, but because our society isn't more tolerant, open, or sensitive, they feel unsafe about speaking out or asking for help though they may want it.

Good question.


Sometimes things are un-fixable, but what we really need are more support groups or at least people who are more supportive. But then again how can we know if it helps... I don't know if this answered anything or if this were the open you were speaking of, but hope I answered something. :)


Rape abnd sex related crimes are more about power than anything else. These people are really really wrong and having an open society that is free to talk about sex will not help. I actually live in the UK so can't comment really if america is like that. However, it seems that younger generations are now talking openly about it, which is great. I've always discussed everything and not been embarrassed. I do think if irt was more open less people would get pregnant etc as people could discuss it more.


First I wondered what you meant by sexual problems! I see you mean sexual crimes. Sexual crimes againist children are often commited by people who were themselves abbused, so opening up talk about sex may get kids to talk about this, and then we could catch them before they spread this further. But they just had that horrible thing in france with the the huge group, so who knows where is better, and if no one talks about it that gives your country great statistics, cos few crimes by known people are recorded, so who knows? And then if you start talking then statistics are going to get worse, just cos more prosecutions will follow if more victims talk, which is likely if you open up the attitude to sex.


No, the problems would definetly decline after the topic has been brought down from it's current taboo listing. There's no point showing more interest in what is open and is not forbidden and off limits.


There's a lot wrong with this country, you just hit the tip of the iceberg.

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