Does anyone know about the Chinese Zodiac?

how compatible are the Rooster and Dog?


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Chinese Zodiac Compatibility?

The Chinese Compatibility Wheel says that most compatible are

Rooster, Ox and Snake;
Dog, Tiger and Horse;
Pig, Rabbit and Ram;
Rat, Dragon and Monkey.

However, in my experience, many other factors play a role and contribute to harmony or disharmony.

There are also four types of each animal, with distinct different characteristics. I found much truth in the descriptions of the personalities, yet, there are also issues that do not apply. It would be strange, if all people born in one year would be of exactly the same personality.

There is also a Chinese animal for your month of birth, date of birth, hour of birth - which all may change the compatibility picture.

If you like pleasant entertainment, you may want to get the delightful and artistic books on

The Chinese Horoscopes Library, Dog (or any of the other animals), by Kwok Man-Ho. You can get them second hand at Amazon or at Barnes and Noble (Internet). They range from $1.99 to high prices. You may look often and buy when the price is right.

Have fun with the Chinese Zodiac.
Cordially, India.Magica


Very compatible may? Go to Yahoo astrology and they have a whole bunch of info about this stuff as well as other really interesting things in the use of different people with the zodiac.


Not very compatible...but those zodiac things aren't always accurate anyway.

Professor K2006-05-13T02:03:35Z
Here's a great site to find the answer at.

The Hit Man2006-05-13T02:11:33Z

I'm a snake, thats supposed to be very admired.

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