How do you get people to stop bugging you about being married? Or if you don't want to have kids?

I am single, and enjoy being that way at this time in my life, but am constantly getting the "Are you married? Why not?" line of questioning. It drives me completely nuts and even when I try to explain myself, people continue to nag me about when I'm going to get married or get a boyfriend.

Similarly my best friend is married but has no intention of having kids, and people give her a hard time about that. Personally, I think people should respect both of our decisions because they aren't the one's having to live our lives & take on the responsibilities that they are so eager to push off on us (i.e. raise kids for her, etc.), but how do we make them leave us alone??? I don't want to be rude and tell them to bug off, but I can't figure out a polite way that works.

Thanks for your ideas!


Favorite Answer

Ok I hear your frustration! I have been guilty of expressing the wonderful benefits of having children. :)

You might try... "I am very happy with my decision." Then smile. If the asker doesn't get it and they persist, you might give a smile and ( in a light-hearted way ) say "Well it works for me." I think the more explaining you do the weaker your resolve seems to other people so they might go away feeling that you actually REALLY do want to get married ... or have children.

It really is none of our business of your personal choices but sometimes we find ourselves caught up in chit chat repeating what our mothers might have said and cringing as we hear ourselves sound so judgemental when we don't mean to be. OOPS! :)


I agree with you. There is so much pressure put on the single ppl and the married ppl who have no children.

There are many reasons ppl put this kind of pressure onto others. I am sure you have a list full of them.

Just tell them you would appreciate it if you could talk about anything else. Or...
Change the subject.Or....
Just sigh and say, "look at the time, I got to go".Or....
Just tell them that is not a topic you are willing to discuss at this time.:)

Desert Sunset2006-05-14T22:26:37Z

If it's a friend or relative try to sit them down and explain your viewpoint to for the other people you just meet casually, tell them it's because you want to. It shouldn't matter anyway. If they can't accept that then you probably don't need to acquaintance yourself with them. Good Luck!!


some are jealous, and wish they were single again. and want to be back in the party side of life and they have to go thru you. ignore them.

trial and error2006-05-14T22:29:44Z

walk around with a (I am a satanist) sign on your back
I don't actually think your a satanist but it would keep them from asking the question