Does Yahoo! have any scholarship programs?


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Probably not that they would advertise here.

Think about it ... millions of users across the globe ... all seeking a quick fix ...

How many questions have you seen posted that asked things like, "I am stydng Engich at university. Iam ameirca bourne and razed. send me 2000 iowa dolars and so i can schol to go.?"

If your company was the #2 (or whatever) search engine in the world, would you specifically make that known or quietly look and listen and seek out (through back channels) those institutions and/or students who really needed the help ?

Something tells me that Yahoo does quite a bit for the community, maybe not enough ... it's subjective. I can certainly understand why they don't make that kind of thing too well known though.

What might be a good tactic ... look around not at Yahoo, but at the colleges and universities that do well in the subjects such as IT, Communications, etc. in and around the region where Yahoo has it's headquarters. People live there, they work there and support their schools. They have somewhat of a common interest.

You might very well find something "related to" Yahoo, but it probably won't become clear until you're in the final running for it ! ;-)


Good you ask, if they look at that suggestion, i will try to get one!


well, i sure hope so!!!! i've become a total point whore hoping i can send my kids to college for free!!!!