6 weeks pregnant & experience pain after intercourse.?
I experience pain after intercourse and this freaks me out. sometimes when urinating i feel pain from inside the lower abdomen only after sex for a day or two. Twice i had a white discharge a day after sex.
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Having some pain and cramps is normal after having sex while pregnant. But considering you having a discharge and hurting for 2 days, you need to tell the doctor. You could have placenta preva and you're not suppose to have sex if you have it. I have pains sometimes after sex, (I'm almost 8 months) but it stops within the next hour. It does hurt when I first pee after having it too. But mine are normal, yours need to be checked out by a doctor.
First off, the first poster is incorrect. Intercourse in almost always safe throughout your entire pregnancy, unless you are a high risk patient put on strict bedrest. If anything, sex while pregnant is healthy because it keeps your pubococcygeal muscles fit for when it comes time to push. Secondly, as someone else mentioned, the expanding uterus may be putting pressure on your cervix or bladder. The additional force of an erect penis may be furthering the discomfort. Try voiding your bladder before intercourse or changing positions. Maybe if you position yourself on top you will have more control over the depth of penetration. However, if the pain persists, is sharp, intense or accompanied by bleeding or fever, go see your doctor right away. You could be ectopically pregnant (a tubal pregnancy... very dangerous), in early miscarriage, or have an infection. Best, Aimee.
As your pregnancy progresses, changing positions may become necessary for your comfort. This may also be true after your baby is born.
A water-based lubricant may be used during intercourse if necessary.
During intercourse, you should not feel pain. During orgasm, your uterus will contract. If you have any contractions that are painful or regular, please contact your health care provider. Also, discontinue intercourse and call your health care provider immediately if you have heavy vaginal bleeding or if your water breaks (nothing should enter the vagina after your water breaks!).
Talk to your partner: tell your partner how you feel, especially if you have mixed feelings about sex during pregnancy. Encourage your partner to communicate with you, especially if you notice changes in your partner's responsiveness. Communicating with your partner can help you both better understand your feelings and desires.
You should really ask your midwife or Dr. When I was pregnant I couldn't have sex at all because of the pain, it could be nothing but have a word with your Dr anyways, if only to put your mind at ease.
You need to go tell your doctor and after it could be because you are sewed up and tight again. However if you are still sore after six weeks you really need to see the dr cause it could be an infection or something not right.