anyone else thinks we should change the whole congress in 2008 all that are up for re-election?
We need to get rid of the whole corrupt group that are presently in washington if you are republican vote for a new republican and if you are democrat vote for a new democrat. These represenatives have failed the citizens of the usa miserably and they deserve the boot. lets get rid of them and give someone else a chance.
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There is absolutely time for a change! There needs to be another party that will do the will of the people. Instead of them spending us into bankruptcy. This goes for both sides of the isle. They need to get rid of the perks they have voted for themselves.It is a part time job! We need to secure our borders and protect domestically first. We are not the saviors of the rest of the world when it come to money or our military. We The People must stand up and get only the best for our nation. We must get rid of the cancers that are infesting our nation today! Just my opinion --aught to be yours!
So...what have they done to make you think they're corrupt? What guarantee do you have that the new ones won't be equally as corrupt or even more corrupt than the present bunch. What if I'm republican and I vote for a new democrat? How exactly have they failed the citizens of the USA miserably?
Your "question" is long on rhetoric and short on details.
Most politicians are about the same. The new people that you choose to elect really aren't going to be that much different from the incumbents. It sounds good in theory, but in practice, they're still be people that just go for the vote and leave the welfare of the people at a distant second.
Personally I think everyone that voted for the Iraq war should go. I knew then we had no business there and now most of us do-after how many lives taken? Curuption is rampant in almost all of congress. It is all about GREED. Clean house!