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Lv 5
Cory asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 2 days ago

Why is America so scared of black people?

there are more rules and laws in America specifically built for black people not to succeed. 

50 Answers

  • 1 hour ago

    here in los angeles area there are alot of jobs we don't qualify for because they want bilingual speakers (cause de illegals no ingles). 

  • Anonymous
    9 hours ago

    Racism figures in there someplace. I've seen hundreds of racist violations in the YA forums over the yrs.

  • 16 hours ago

    Look at the crime and murder and mayhem. period.

    Why are you such a racist?

    black racism against 100% of white people is as wrong as white racism against 100% of black people.

    That's something ALL racists seem to not want to know.

    Next time a black man ambushes and kills a cop, I think I will burn down a black owned business.  But not until I steal everything that is in it.

  • SW-6
    Lv 6
    17 hours ago

    I think a lot of it goes to an "ignorance" and all that most people know of black people or any other race.  For instance:  I don't mingle with middle eastern people, native american people, people from Iceland, etc.  I am ignorant to an extent on these people and their backgrounds.  All I know of these people is what i see on TV for the most part.  IF all I see is centered around these people shooting others, stealing, arguing and yelling at others, finghting, etc.  this is what I equate to the majority of these people's behavior and mentality.  Therefore, yes, I would be scared to death of all Middle Eastern, Native American, and Icelandic people.  Now if I see the majority of these people smiling, laughing, holding conversations with others, minding their business, etc. I have an image in my mind of all these people being nice, pleasant, law obiding, respectful folks.  You see where Im going here?  I dont want to blame the media exclusively because a lot of what you see is true and you can absolutely blame those guilty.  I just wish there was more coverage of the good people out there as opposed to the constant stream of disrespectful, criminal, fighting, angry black folks that seem to get more attention.  Not all of any group of people is bad, and the majority of any group just wants to live their life and be happy.  Don't buy into this quick to judge anyone.  Good luck to you.  :)

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  • 18 hours ago

    America is not scared of black people at all,they just want to drive away them. 

  • What rules and laws?  The ones that all colors break, but some colors more than others?  Those rules and laws?  Blacks just happen to excel at breaking them.

  • 1 day ago

    No special rules and laws against blacks except those against white people (affirmative action for example)

    About the fear - most blacks act like viscous animals. They are tribal and territorial.

    They destroy most things they touch.

    They are filled with hate, even for their own race.

  • KTJoe
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    Interesting white people can be pretty scary too. Anyway based on fear a small few like making victims out of black people. Got a "news flash" black and white people are equal. So stop the pity party, it ain't needed. 

  • 2 days ago

    Poor 0bumma...din git nuffin.

  • 2 days ago

    We're scared of Dixie, not black people.

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