My girlfriend has recommended that I steam my face to treat blackheads. How exactly do I do this?

Please be thorough. Thanks.


Favorite Answer

You could buy a facial steamer OR boil a hot pot of water, put a towel over your head to capture as much steam as possible..then with a clean face, lean over the boiling pot of water for 2 to 5 minutes. It will open your pores and release all the blackheads. Follow up with a good oil free toner.


If there is a local health club with a steam room, see if you can get a day pass, and then sit in there as long as you can, and, after you're done, either jump into a cool swimming pool, or cool your face off with a shower or at the sink. Repeat the process about two or three times. The steam room opens the pores to get the oil and tokens out of them, and by cooling off the skin quickly, it closes the pores, to prevent the toxins and oils from reentering.

If you do not have this option, then get water as warm as your skin can take it, and then pour it on a washcloth, and then hold the cloth up against your face for as long as you can. Then cool your face off with water, and repeat the process about four or five times.

I had the simliar problem when I was a a young teenager, so I can feel for what you are going through. No matter what, do not let anyone talk you into letting them pop them, because, not only is it painful, but it also leaves marks, as well as spreading the infection.

Beautiful Insanity2006-05-29T02:53:06Z

You can do that with hot water, even in the shower, but while you are doing that, buy any facial product with exfoliating beads. They scrub away all that dead skin and take out some of the bad oils that leads to blackheads. Oh and whatever you do, try to limit touching you face and squeezing blackheads, it just transfers oil from your hand to your face which is bad.


All of these answers are great, but I find it easier to use a blanket rather than a towel. Boil a pot of water, make a tent of sorts with a blanket, and sit under it for about 10 minutes, or until it's done steaming


the easiest way to do this is to get rag and put hot water on it and then lay it on your face or feel a bowl with steaming water and put your face about 5 centimeters close to the water and then put a towel over your head but dont stay there to long you could lose your breath

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